CAIR Angry That Girl Scouts Prohibited Missouri Troop From Fundraising For ‘Gaza Children’ In Violation of Rules
And of course CAIR has a list of “demands” for Girl Scouts Of America. The troop’s leader, Nawal Abuhamdeh, disbanded the Girl Scout troop rather than stop.

The Girl Scouts of America is the latest group to be infiltrated and attacked by anti-Israel / pro-Hamas sentiment and demands.
A troop in Missouri was fund-raising supposedly for the children of Gaza under the auspices of the Girl Scouts of America, a clear violation of Girl Scout rules, so the local GSA chapter sent a warning to stop or face legal action. So far, so good.
The troop’s leader, Nawal Abuhamdeh, disbanded the Girl Scout troop rather than stop raising money for Gaza. Also fine.
The national GSA issued a weak as water statement trying to smooth things over, so of course, the pro-Hamas crowd smelled blood in the water and pounced.
CAIR, CAIR-Missouri Welcome Girl Scouts of the USA Response to Ban on Troop Helping Palestinian Children as ‘Positive First Step’ –
— S. Jamal Mustafa (@sjmustafa) February 28, 2024
Nothing is ever enough for the radical left. Give them the whiff of an apology, and they will lay out a list of demands. This is why you never apologize.
“We appreciate the response from CEO of Girl Scouts National. However, we are still waiting to hear the reasons behind the stern response from Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri." @girlscouts
-CAIR-Missouri Board Chairman Yasir Ali— CAIR-Missouri (@CairMissouri) February 28, 2024
And it wasn’t enough for Abuhamdeh to just break off and do her own thing, so now she and a handful of Hamas-supporting Girl Scout troop leaders are actually demanding an apology from GSA and a change of the organization’s national policy that permits fundraising for “humanitarian aid.”
A group consisting of Girl Scout troop leaders and other advocates is pushing the Girl Scouts organization to issue a public apology to a St. Louis troop that disbanded last week and to take a stance in support of children in Gaza, among other demands.
The former troop’s adult leader, Nawal Abuhamdeh, says the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri warned her of legal action over a fundraiser plan to sell bracelets and donate money to a Palestinian children’s relief fund.
. . . . In previous emails with Nawal, the local branch cited concerns that the fundraiser was political, partisan, and against Girl Scout policies. Nawal’s troop has since disbanded from Girl Scouts.
The Girl Scouts of the USA organization offered a statement on Tuesday, noting that they “sincerely regret any hurt” caused by developments leading up to the warning. Officials described the situation as “a learning moment for our organization.”
The Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) Missouri branch considers the statement a “positive first step” in addressing the situation. Nawal feels it wasn’t good enough.
During a roundtable Zoom conference on Thursday, Nawal says the former troop’s girls, which included two of her daughters, “feel discouraged and unheard by Girl Scouts because no statements have been [directed] towards us, and our questions [about fundraising for causes in Gaza] were still unanswered.”
“Their silence is very loud to us,” said Nawal.
Tasneem Manjra, an adult leader for a northern California Girl Scouts troop also on the conference call, said, ‘To us, it looks like the Girl Scouts are backtracking because they got called out.”
. . . . “The Girl Scouts celebrate young women finding their voices on causes they care about. Our council recognizes Troop 149 for identifying the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and creating a fundraiser to help. Our troops have always had the ability to support causes they care about, within the guidelines published by Girl Scouts.
This has never been about the cause, but rather meeting Girl Scouts’ governing documents and maintaining our tax-exempt status. We were in communication with Ms. Abuhamdeh for several weeks and provided her with multiple options to find a way to continue the work, which are still available to this troop. We are sorry that Ms. Abuhamdeh chose to disband. We would welcome them back to the Girl Scout family.”
And of course they have a list of “demands.”
Fox2 continues:
The aforementioned group of troop leaders and advocates seeking a public apology consists of nearly 100 Girl Scout troop leaders nationwide who have signed a petition and people who have sent 5,000 letters to the CEO and president of the Girl Scouts of the USA.
Supporters and troop leaders under these classifications demand the following courses of action from the Girl Scouts organization:
- To issue a public apology to the St. Louis troop that was barred from fundraising in Gaza.
- To issue a clear public declaration of support for the children of Gaza, emphasizing the urgency of their plight in light of the recent findings from the United Nations.
- To issue a provision of resources and guidance for the Girl Scouts community on how to effectively support children in Gaza, particularly children, drawing upon the proactive stance previously taken by Ukraine as a model.
- To offer reassurance that no Girl Scout state or local chapters will hinder members from supporting humanitarian causes, thereby insuring adherence to the Girl Scout promise and the law in its truest form.
“Unless these actions are undertaken, the supporters that sent the 5,000 letters have vowed to stop buying Girl Scout cookies,” said Manjra. “The troop leaders that sign the petition will pause our participation in cookie sales. Many have already sold off their existing stocks to other troops.”
She continued, “This decision does not come lightly. It’s born from a unified commitment to uphold justice, peace, and solidarity with all children and civilians affected by conflict. Notably, those in Gaza.”
Note that these discussions with Abuhamdeh about her involving her Girl Scout troop in political activism began in October of last year.
A public relations spokesperson, who spoke with FOX 2 on behalf of the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri and requested to remain anonymous, says the local branch wanted to work with Nawal to find a way to fundraise and support victims of Gaza within Girl Scout guidelines.
The spokesperson says conversations between Nawal and the local branch began in October after other adults informed the branch of troop activities that they weren’t quite sure followed Girl Scout policies. She adds that Nawal indicated to the local branch in December that her troop wanted to make friendship bracelets to support children victims of Gaza.
During these reported communications, the spokesperson says the Girl Scouts of the USA opened a special fundraising window to support victims in Gaza from Oct. 10, 2023, to Jan. 10, 2024.
She eventually launched the more formal, branded “fundraiser” on January 10th, despite being warned that this move would jeopardize GSA’s tax-exempt status.
Nawal’s troop launched the fundraiser sometime after the Jan. 10 window, according to the spokesperson. The Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri learned of her fundraiser through social media after the special fundraiser window and asked Nawal to remove any Girl Scouts branding associated with the bracelets.
The spokesperson says the Girl Scouts wanted the troop to hold a fundraiser, but within organization policies. “They were presenting a lot of different options of how it was possible to do this and stay within regulations,” the spokesperson said of the Girl Scouts organization.
After a series of emails, Nawal decided to disband the troop.
. . . . The group consists of former Girl Scout members from Palestinian and other backgrounds, many of whom are in the fifth or sixth grades.
When Hamas, a militant group that controls Gaza, launched attacks against Israel in October, Nawal says her former troop collectively felt something had to be done.
“Like many of our sister troops, our girls were not comfortable selling cookies when their brothers and sisters in Gaza were forced to starve,” said Nawal. “Instead, they dedicated their efforts to crafting and selling bracelets to benefit a nonprofit that provides medical aid for the children of Palestine.”
The Girl Scouts of America should answer this list of demands with one word: “No.”

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Dear God the Muslims destroy everything good about America
Proggies think Hamas is their ‘ally?’
Send a troop of tranny scouts over there and see what happens to them.
Its the progressive screaming meemies. Without the woketron hordes to hijack US Muslims are in about the same situation as any other religion here — per the compact.
“Dear God the Muslims destroy everything.” Full stop.
“CAIR angry” full stop!
HULKgrievance group MAD!HULKgrievance group SMASH!AIR rose from the ashes of IAP, which was banned for raising funds in America to support terrorism. As far as I can tell, all they did was change the name. CAIR should also be banned, and those running it jailed.
The problem is that the prosecution couldn’t prove CAIR was also guilty. If they could have proved it they would have done so and banned it too. But the evidence wasn’t available. So they unethically leaked the fact that it had been suspected.
Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists, and, their equally vile and evil Dhimmi-crat enablers and appeasers.
Muslims are angry at just about everything, including Islamic culture. This poster lays it out,
Nawal is wearing the Hamas SS scarf.
I want to see the list of “the aforementioned group of troop leaders and advocates.”
It’s 100% guaranteed every name is linked to hardcore middle eastern jihadi affiliates.
They could start their own troops. They can be called “Little Girls Who are Happy to Unalive Jews.”
They can switch from Green to Red.
I think I see the problem. All of the nearby oil producing export countries–Saudia Arabia, UAE, Iran, Kuwait–are too poor to help out, so they need girl scouts in America to raise money to buy food for starving Palestinian children.
My daughters were all Girl Scouts. My son was a Boy Scout. My wife actually helped lead two Girl Scout troops at once. I was a volunteer with my son’s Boy Scout troop, albeit not officially because my job schedule frequently meant I could not be there.
I admit to not being fond of the Girl Scouts anymore, because of the ongoing war and litigations between the two organizations. STILL,
If the Girl Scouts yield to Islam in this and become functionally supporters of HAMAS, I will consider them to be terrorist enablers.
Subotai Bahadur
“To issue a public apology to the St. Louis troop that was barred from fundraising in Gaza”
How come WE never get public apologies from anybody?
I don ‘t know, but the apologizing being done is apparently to see if it prevents attacks, doxxing, or other forms of violence that muslims are known for.
To the apologizers: stop apologizing and start meeting any violence with “disproportionate”. replies.
We do get public apologies.
But they are in the form of “I’m sorry I got caught!”
It is never an apology with an act of contrition or restitution.
So, they wanted to take other people’s stuff to do what they want, not what the people who gave the stuff to build the organization want. The stuff some people built over time isn’t a found resource to be shared around.
This is one result of children’s’ “activism” projects. Having an idea to make signs about with paint and sparkles you were given doesn’t solve any problem.
They’re trained up as fodder for this kind of thing. Apparently even the demand for useful idiots exceeds the supply.
The Girl Scouts are not even Christian anymore. They preach America hatred and abortion as their main theme. So now they are supposed to be slaves to Muslim men? Baby factories for little Muslim killers and terrorists?
I’m surprised Muslims want to be in a group that advocates for LGBT. They even give badges for going to a pride parade!!!
It is so they can eventually dominate GS and force them to adhere to Sharia Law.
The soft approach of inclusion is usually met with an ever increasing requirement to dominate.
The Girl Scouts of the USA has never been Christian. From its founding in 1912 it declared itself to be nonsectarian “in practice as well as theory”.
Nonsectarian does not mean it is not Christian. It means it does not favor one branch of Christianity over another.
Non sectarian means no particular religious sect is favored. It most definitely does not mean only ‘Christian’ sects. This sort of comment is what the d/prog are freaking out over when they use terms and labels like ‘Christian Nationalism’. Don’t give them the easy layup by becoming or expressing exactly what they falsely accuse us of.
I certainly don’t want to live in a place where we don’t accept religious freedom to worship how and if we choose or where the adherents of a particular sect are unwelcome solely based upon their beliefs. Freedom of conscience is not limited to a particular religion heck it isn’t limited to expression of religious beliefs.
Wait until Islam has a critical mass and see how “freedom to worship” plays out….such as Pakistan. Islam doesn’t play nice with “freedom to worship”.
Having served in multiple Nations with a Muslim majority I can assure you no one interfered with my religious choices. Of course I was armed in those Nations and with plenty of others also armed who didn’t want anyone telling them whether, what or how to worship. Come to think of it that sounds a lot like the USA and I doubt that will change too much so long as both hold true.
Whether some of these people like it or not, Muslims are free to practice their religion as long as they do so peacefully. Yes, they have freedom to worship within the confines of the law.
I can’t believe how far some of our own fellow “conservatives” have gone down the rabbit hole.
To Alaska on: the Muslims will take over because Christians will keep turning their other cheeks.
I’m going to quibble.
“Non-sectarian” meant (usually) Christian (or non-committed) to our Founders.
The meaning of it changed over the centuries as non-Christian immigration to America increased (and acceptance of Indian religions became mainstream).
While I agree with your concern about religious freedom, America can not work if it isn’t primarily, explicitly Christian. Because only Christianity truly holds to that freedom of conscience concept. Rejection of Christianity leads to Progressivism, which tends to destroy foundations and believe the house can still stand.
America from its beginning has been explicitly not Christian, and yet it has worked pretty well. The founders couldn’t have been any clearer about it. The USA was not to have any specific religious character, and Islam was explicitly stated to have the same status as Christianity.
“the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen.”
Milhouse – can you ask your mom to look up the meaning of
‘de facto’ for you?
I know perfectly well what a “de facto” is. It’s a nice word for someone you’re shacking up with.
Your linked document proves the exact opposite of what you seem to be claiming. It shows that the Girl Scouts is not a Christian organization, de facto or de jure. And that has been the case since its founding.
So, the Gaza / Hamas / Islam supporting crew are destroying the GSA from the inside, the same GSA that grrrrrrl power kneecapped the BSA?
What’s the new term for “fratricide?”
All of the sex*-separated youth groups were destroyed long ago.
YMCA and YWCA are now one big happy group sharing facilities.
BSA being feminized.
The Girls Clubs and the Boys Clubs were two separate clubs, now merged.
The common theme is these merged groups now must cater to the women over the needs or desires of the men. It is why in my experience, virtually all YMCA branches have daycare centers, children dashing about uncontrolled, while women stand around exercise benches and machines, chatting.
*I use the word “sex” because man and boys are of the male SEX, women and girls are of the female SEX. “Gender” is something involving language, and I refuse to knuckle under and use the speech the social justice warriors demand.
Through no fault of my own I’m near life-long friends with a group four Eagle Scouts / OA who went through scouting together.
I don’t know quite what the new version programs do, but it’s not what these guys gained.
*I use the word “sex” because…”
While we’re at it, let’s clear up the terms for the related activities: “Knocking Boots” for the pseudo-hip, and “Sweaty Snugglebunnies” for the more squeamish.
Those kids were born on the wrong patch of sand
The Girl Scouts have been woke for decades, so I really don’t understand why they’re raising a stink now.
Yes, it’s been sad to see. Quite different from when I was a child. I no longer support them and would recommend Heritage Girls instead.
Because fundraising for anything other than for GS taps into their wallet. Don’t get between the GS, their cookies, and their $$$$$.
Women scorned.
They would probably turn a blind eye to Hamas killing Jews if it didn’t include having a different demand for money to kill Jews.
A hundred kilometers, or more, of military tunnels were built under Gaza using money raised for ‘Gaza’s Children.’
Multi-hundred-thousand dollar salaries are paid to the heads of major charities here.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars raised by the Red Cross specifically earmarked for 9/11 needs were diverted to a new telephone system for headquarters and for diversity training.
I no longer support ANY major charity. I donate to LOCAL charities that help LOCAL people with their needs.
Am I the only one who sees the supreme irony in an American girl’s – female, women’s – centered organization being lectured by a Muslim woman and Muslim organization about its behavior? Muslims are notoriously the most regressive organization on the planet with respect to the way, sometimes barbaric, they treat women even today. But then, the women’s liberation movement in the United States has looked away from, ignored, the treatment of women in half the world for years.
They are terrified of them as all nations are
Fear is their weapon and it is working quite well
Which is why the Progressives imitate them so much.
The irony is there.
Funny, a women’s liberation training program snuggling up to a. Religion that demands FGM.
Do they have a merit badge for that?
The leader of the subversive GS troop, Nawal Abuhamdeh, pretends she cannot understand the GS are not political. She also does not understand that individual troops cannot take positions in opposition to the national mission. So go form your own group, lady. As for the CARE, who cares. The GS is an American institution, not a Muslim one.
“an American institution, not a Muslim one.”
Perhaps not for long…
Deep sigh.
She can’t understand how they aren’t political because she’s not seeing this as political.
She sees it as religious. And I mean Progressive, not Muslim.
My daughter was a Girl Scout for years. The way the money from cookie sales broke down was at the then price of $3 a box, the local troop got like $0.25. That probably is part of the reason they chose to make and sell bracelets.
Here’s a thought: Let’s do the math. 5000 people saying they are going to stop buying cookies at what? maybe four boxes of cookies per cookie drive? Means local troops lose a total of about $10,000.
A handful of folks who want to support the girls in Girl Scout could make that up easily.
Tell the petitioners to go pound sand. Same with the Girl Scout national organization.
You can buy cookies at Aldis that taste just like Girl Scout cookies for under $2 a box compared to $6 a box for the originals.
I bought 2 boxes of Tagalongs this year, because for the first time in many years, a girl scout came to the house. I can’t believe how they cut the cookie size in half…and you STILL only get 15 cookies at $6 a box. No thanks. Not worth it at all.
Keebler at least used to make a really good Samoa clone. And Goodie Girl makes an excellent gluten-free Thin Mint, 24 to a box for 5.50. Admittedly only 7 oz to the GS brand 9 oz, but they don’t make me sick.
The girl scouts should go door to door offering to not provide cookies in exchange for donations to fight the obesity epidemic.
CAIR are reprehensible terrorist supporters. On the other hand, many Girl Scout branches are entangled with Planned Parenthood so I frankly also avoid their cookies like the plague.
A real audit needs to be performed on Planned Parenthood. Never understood how they can receive federal funds & then give political support
Planned Parenthood does not endorse or oppose candidates. They have an Action Fund for that, which is a separate entity, receives no government funding, and donations to it are not tax deductible.
“Resistance to Islamic “holy war” and Islamofascism is not “oppression.”
“…genocidal Islamofascism…” — to be more precise
It’s bad enough that the cookie money goes for baby killing (look it up) but do we have to make our kids shill for every insane liberal cause?
“do we have to make our kids shill for every insane liberal cause?”
Not if you don’t participate.
Less than 2 million girls are registered as GS. 800,000 leaders.
0.57% of the population.
There are plenty of other groups and hobbies that girls can do.
They lost the support of my family when they started supporting murder.
the fundraiser was political, partisan, and against Girl Scout policies
And this “blowback” is exactly WHY they don’t allow political or partisan fundraisers.
And, btw, fundamentalist muslims have been Alinskyite long before Progressives ever thought of being so.