Biden White House Bans Religious Imagery In Easter Art Contest

In yet another casual insult to the vast majority of Americans, the Biden White House has banned all religious imagery and themes in its annual Easter art contest. [Note added: April 23, 2024 – this appears to have been the same policy of prior administrations]

Apparently, they are still calling Easter, Easter, but this move is just outrageous. Obviously, they are saying “religious,” but they mean Christian.

The Daily Caller reports: [Note added April 23, 2024 – This Daily Caller article has been RETRACTED]

The Biden administration banned children from submitting Easter eggs with religious themes for its 2024 “Celebrating National Guard Families” art contest.The competition, which is part of the White House’s annual Easter Egg Roll, explicitly stipulated that egg designs not feature any “religious symbols” on the Christian holiday.“The Submission must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes,” a flyer with instructions from the White House stated.. . . . Other restrictions include depictions promoting “bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual based on race, gender, religion, nationality disability, sexual orientation or age,” the White House stated. Child participants were also told not to depict “illegal drugs or firearms” or to include “material that is inappropriate, indecent, obscene, hateful, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libelous.”

Scenes from the popular Democrat kiddie porn library are probably fine, though.

As you can imagine, people had thoughts.

Apparently, every March 31st is trans day (or whatever), but the White House should have sit this one out given that it falls on Easter Sunday.

Tags: Biden Administration, Democrats, Religion