Biden Admin, Like Obama Before It, Has Found An Enemy It’s Willing To Fight: Bibi Netanyahu
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Biden Admin, Like Obama Before It, Has Found An Enemy It’s Willing To Fight: Bibi Netanyahu

Biden Admin, Like Obama Before It, Has Found An Enemy It’s Willing To Fight: Bibi Netanyahu

The attacks on Netanyahu are escalating from the White House: Biden says capturing Hamas’ last stronghold in Rafah is “a red line” while Harris says: “It’s important to distinguish and to not conflate the Israeli government with the Israeli people.”

The Obama administration hated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the fire of a thousand Suns, because Bibi would not bow to the Obama “grand bargain” to hand the region to Iran. What infuriated Obama more than anything is that a large percentage of Americans supported Bibi’s position and saw in him something Obama and his VP Joe Biden lacked: A strong leader willing to fight against the enemies of Israel, and America.

Team Obama runs the Biden administration’s foreign policy, so the hate remains. Team Biden wants to force a ceasefire on Israel, leaving Hamas in control of Gaza, and Netanyahu will not capitulate.

The Biden administration has been all but openly threatening Israel if it captures Rafah, where Hamas’ last four battalians are based presumably protecting the remaining senior leaders and holding most of the hostages. Netanyahu recognizes that to leave Hamas in Rafah is to lose the war.

Biden calls capturing Rafah a “red line” – no explicit threat to cut off ties, but a clear warning you usually give enemies – in this case, Netanyahu:

Note the red line will not stop the flow of defensive weapons, an implicit threat to cut off “offensive” weapons.

Why it matters: This was the first time since the Hamas attack on October 7 that Biden said he has a “red line” for the Israeli military operation in Gaza.

  • Biden’s remarks in the interview are another sign that the President’s patience about the Netanyahu government is growing thin.
  • The president gave the “red line” remark in response to a question about a possible military operation in Rafah — something the administration has expressed serious concerns about.

Yes, but: Biden emphasized that he will not abandon Israel and will not stop the supply of weapons like Iron Dome in a way that Israel won’t be able to defend itself.

Both Biden and Harris have been upping the anti-Netanyahu rhetoric, with Biden stating that he warned Bibi that they would have a “come to Jesus” moment over Gaza. I don’t believe for a second that was a ‘hot mic’ accident, and even if it were, it’s still upping the rhetoric.

The administration is increasing the chance to portray Netanyahu as the problem, with Harris stating in an interview today that we need to “not to conflate” the people of Israel from the current government of Israel:

US Vice President Kamala Harris stated that there must be a clear differentiation between the Israeli government and the Israeli people during an interview with CBS on Saturday….

As the Biden administration and Netanyahu’s right-wing government have been at odds in recent weeks, in some of her most outspoken remarks about Netanyahu, Harris stated that there must be a clear differentiation between the Israeli government and the Israeli people.

“It’s important to distinguish and to not conflate the Israeli government with the Israeli people. The Israeli people are entitled to security, as are the Palestinians, in equal measure. Our work as the United States is to do what we must, and what we always have, is stand for the security of Israel and its people, and also to do what we have done behind closed doors as in public, forcing a better path forward in terms of what is happening now in Gaza.”

When discussing the future of the region with CBS, she said, “We need a two-state solution, and frankly, we’ve been working every day since October 8 towards that end.”

Harris expanded on Biden’s remarks during the State of the Union, with rising concerns about the developing humanitarian crisis, stating that “Far too many Palestinian civilians, innocent people have been killed. Israel has to do better on that issue and needs to allow more aid to get in. We need a ceasefire over the course of six weeks to be able to facilitate support getting in for these innocent civilians who so desperately need it. It is a humanitarian catastrophe, as I have said, and it must be addressed.”

On cue, the color revolution in Israel against Netanyahu has heated up dramatically, recalling the weeks and months leading up to October 7 when Israel was paralyzed by the expertly organized hysteria over judicial reform. The Biden administration was closely aligned with those protests, leading to Israeli objections, Report: Israel Accuses Biden White House of “Inappropriately Meddling” Over Country’s Judicial Reform Plan:

The fact that President Joe Biden has kept up his attacks on Prime Minister Netanyahu despite the freezing of judicial reforms shows that it has nothing to do with his concern for the Israeli judiciary and everything to do with the current Israeli leader.

When it comes to dealing with Prime Minister Netanyahu, the Biden White House is holding on to the legacy of hostility it inherited from President Barack Obama.

Just days ahead of Netanyahu’s expected return to office last December, the news website Politico revealed the Biden administration’s strategy to deal with him. “President Joe Biden and his aides have a plan for how to deal with the far-right, anti-Palestinian tilt of the incoming Israeli government: make it all about Benjamin Netanyahu,” Politico reported on December 20, nearly a week ahead of Netanyahu’s return to power.

“The Biden administration will hold the presumptive Israeli prime minister personally responsible for the actions of his more extreme cabinet members, especially if they lead to policies that endanger a future Palestinian state (…),” the news outlet noted.

The anti-Netanyahu fervor has been mostly kept under the surface since October 7, but now it’s bubbled up as the Biden administration is openly attacking Netanyahu. You think it’s a coincidence? I don’t.


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May GOD judge this admin.

I stand with Bibi

Now the hell do that many Israelites
Protest Bibi

I’m sure a fair number are the 25% Muslims

America is behind this clearly

If the principles of the West, grounded in human rights and equality, illustrated by Israel, are vanquished, history will write of Obama as provocateur in chief.

These people are not democrats by any stretch. Is there any election they will not try to effect in their own selfish interest?

stevewhitemd | March 9, 2024 at 9:31 pm

BIDEN: It is a red line. But I’m never going to leave Israel. The defense of Israel is still critical. So there’s no red line …But there’s red lines that if it crosses…

Good gawd: what is the man even saying? Gemini AI is more comprehensive than this.

henrybowman | March 9, 2024 at 9:43 pm

“…Harris stating in an interview today… “It’s important to distinguish and to not conflate the Israeli government with the Israeli people.”

Now do the USA.

Anyone in Israel who is against the survival of its’ people ia not fit to live there. Their citizenship should be revoked and the lot of those traitors should be thrown out of the country!

If Israel and Bibi gave in to this HATEFUL administration’s demands, they would forfeit this inhumane war that Hamas started on that fateful day that its’ citizens were murdered, raped, dehumanized and kidnapped. This was the lowest and most disgraceful attack of any war on planet Earth. Those vicious COWARDS not only deserve death but don’t belong in the human race.

Bibi wasn’t mincing words when he said that this war is for the survival of the country of Israel and anyone who doubts this is not only a complete fool, but hopelessly evil minded.

    jakebizlaw in reply to Jmaquis. | March 10, 2024 at 2:43 pm

    This will be Bibi’s last stand; he won’t succumb to Obiden. The Israeli public is behind him on Gaza.

I stand with Bibi and Israel
let GOD judge

Such lovely people, vibrant and filled with ancient hate.

    Dean Robinson in reply to scooterjay. | March 12, 2024 at 1:55 am

    Indeed, they are suffused with righteous fury, and truly hate evil, so I’d stay clear of them if I were you.

Steven Brizel | March 9, 2024 at 10:22 pm

Biden is clearly following the Obama playbook in rewarding and appeasing Hamas and Iran

Steven Brizel | March 9, 2024 at 10:28 pm

Israel should do whatever is necessary to eradicate Hamas There are no civilians in Gaza

Biden, Blinken and such are demented, ignorant pigs.

He has another enemy he’s willing to fight – a conservative (i.e. principled) court.

The O’Biden administrations other enemy it fights everyday is the honest, hardworking American people they crap on each and every day to welcome terrorists and illegals

It’s quite clear that the outcome of the November election has some pretty damned serious consequences for Western civilisation.

If there is any hope for any kind of improvement then that rests solely on Biden being removed in January. And by removed I don’t mean replaced with the next Democrat sock puppet but by Trump.

It’s time America stopped protecting the borders of the Ukraine and fighting their ally in the Middle East and started doing shit actually in Americas interest (which strangely enough ends up being the better for every fucking one).

ol slo Joe IS gonna have a
come to Jesus meeting …
with Jesus … and he may not
like the outcome ….
he is messing with GOD’s people.

Lucifer Morningstar | March 10, 2024 at 7:37 am

And people were wondering how Hamas could walk away from the “cease fire for hostages” negotiations with Israel. This is how Hamas can walk away from it. Hamas leadership knows that the Biden regime will always have their back and provide anything they need or demand. Cease fire? Sure. Humanitarian aid? Sure? Two-state solution? Why not. The Biden regime will give them everything on a silver platter. Who needs to negotiate with Israel. Not Hamas.

Hamas Walks Away From Hostages-for-Ceasefire Talks, Threatens Attacks During Ramadan

Translation of Eran Etzion’s tweet:

==== Begin translation =======
Kamala Harris’s interview with CBS is interesting:

1. Her answers on the subject of Israel and Gaza are anxious, not fluent, it’s apparent that she’s not confident in herself on this subject, and is afraid to say what comes up in her head.

2. She is indeed creating a distinction between the Israeli people and the Netanyahu government, and this is something new. The Americans hinted at this direction, but this is the first time that the words were said explicitly, and by such a senior official. She hesitates whether to say it, stops herself, and then comes back a minute later and says “To distinguish, or at least not to conflate, between the government and the people”, it’s clear that she is aware of the implication of her words.

3. She determines that there is a “humanitarian disaster” in Gaza. To the best of my recollection, this too is something new, and this term has far-reaching implications in the area of international law. The Hague is listening. In order to prevent or to deal with a humanitarian disaster, international law and international custom permit dramatic external intervention in disputes. To all appearances, this is literally preparing the ground for deeper levels of involvement by the USA and its partners in the Israel-Palestinian dispute, which have not been seen in the past.

4. She uses the word “forcing”. The USA is working to impose a change in the situation. This too is a term that has not in the past been heard from an official American entity in relation to the dispute, and it hints at the world of imposed solutions to the dispute, alternatives that in the past the USA rejected out of hand.

There’s a link to the interview in the first comment.

===== End of translation ======

Unbelievable evil and stupidity from the vile Dhimmi-crats.

These Muslim supremacists/Islamofascist Hamas terrorist thugs murdered, raped and kidnapped American citizens (if Israeli nationality doesn’t suffice to cause outrage), and, Biden and the Dhimmi-crats are giving succor, sustenance and moral cover to these devils, while vilifying Israel’s leader for leading a righteous and morally just reprisal in defense of his people and country, and, seeking to recover the hostages.

    Indeed. When has FJB said word one about the dead American citizens? If we get some more dead from this dumb “dock” initiative, it will somehow have to be all Trump’s fault.

This is all about vile Biden’s and the Dhimmi-crats pandering to and kowtowing to Jew-hating, Muslim supremacists, Islamofascists and terrorism/genocide supporters in Michigan, and, elsewhere in the U.S.

Biden is doing what President Trump was falsely and slanderously accused of doing in Charlottesville — fecklessly and gleefully embracing Jew-hating domestic supremacists and extremists — except, these supremacists and extremists are Muslims who constitute a cherished Dhimmi-crat constituency that is undeservedly granted alleged “victim” status, and, therefore, they are deemed to be beyond criticism, scrutiny and censure.

There’s a long history of terrorist dominated countries, including Nazi Germany,. militaristic Japan, Stalinist Russia and Maoist China. In each case the result was extreme suffering by the country’s own people. Change is possible only when such people come to realize that they themselves, as a result of their own support for the terrorism, are responsible for their suffering.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to markhum. | March 10, 2024 at 3:19 pm

    Especially Pales. I saw an article this morning about malnourished pregnant Pales. They are carrying the next wave of terrorists Being malnourished is better than being butchered like those Israeli women.

      Milhouse in reply to JohnSmith100. | March 10, 2024 at 4:19 pm

      They are carrying the next wave of terrorists

      They are consciously and intentionally carrying the next wave of terrorists. They regard their pregnancy as their contribution to the Holocaust effort. They regard themselves as soldiers in Hamas, and Hamas itself publicly so regards them. That makes them not civilians.

Vile Biden’s talking out of both sides of his mouth is galling and infuriating. The mendacious and feckless dope proclaims in one breath that he’ll never abandon Israel, and, with his next breath, he makes obnoxious and stupid demands upon its armed forces’ operations that reflect the priorities of his Jew-hating, Muslim supremacist, Islamofascist, terrorism-supporting constituents.

Come on IDF..let’s get this done

    JohnSmith100 in reply to rebelgirl. | March 10, 2024 at 3:20 pm

    There is so much to be done, years worth.

    Milhouse in reply to rebelgirl. | March 10, 2024 at 4:25 pm

    It’s not up to the IDF, it’s up to the political echelon, i.e. your precious Bibi and his government that he doesn’t control, and his first priority is his own political survival. He knows he can’t openly surrender because the people will not accept that, but he can’t defy the USA and he can’t defy Gantz and Gallant and he can’t defy the Israeli judiciary, and he can’t risk the leftist political operators at the top of the IDF command chain refusing an order that they would regard as “blatantly illegal”.

    He’s always known how to talk tough, but his actions have always been anything but tough. This is the toughest he’s been in his entire career, and that’s only because he has had no choice.

If there’s one positive take-away from all of this, it’s that the vile Dhimmi-crats’ hostility towards Israel and Israeli Jews is unmasked, now, for all but the dimmest bulbs to witness and acknowledge. In a way, this type of stupid, heavy-handed and overt anti-Israel, anti-Netanyahu and underhanded pro-Hamas sentiment makes things easier for Netanyahu, He knows full-well that American support for Israel’s survival, as allegedly proffered by a Dhimmi-crat President, is utterly worthless hot air.

There is now way in hell that Netanyahu is going to dance to Biden’s tune, and, if that helps steer the votes of goose-stepping, Jew-hating Muslim supremacists, Islamofascists and terrorism sympathizers in the U.S. away from Biden’s ticket, so much the better.

    Milhouse in reply to guyjones. | March 10, 2024 at 4:27 pm

    vile Dhimmi-crats’ hostility towards Israel and Israeli Jews is unmasked, now

    I’m afraid not. They still have plausible deniability. The mask is still on, even if it’s only a stupid Wuhan mask that doesn’t do anything real.

    There is now way in hell that Netanyahu is going to dance to Biden’s tune,

    There is every way he will, if he can only figure out a way to do so without losing every scrap of political support he still has.

BierceAmbrose | March 10, 2024 at 11:53 pm

Well, it wouldn’t be the first time that administration has directly interfered in Israeli internal governance.

Wonder if they’ll do that to Hamas sometime?

BierceAmbrose | March 10, 2024 at 11:56 pm

“President Joe Biden and his aides have a plan for how to deal with the far-right, anti-Palestinian tilt of the incoming Israeli government: make it all about Benjamin Netanyahu,”

Inconvenient for them that Hamas drove themselves into Israel to murder a thousand+ people at Kibbutz and a desert Rave.

BierceAmbrose | March 11, 2024 at 12:06 am

Anybody else seeing this reporting? I don’t know how much to credit this: I’m seeing limited, intermittent reporting of Israeli opeations supporting the occupied parts of Gaza:

— direct distribution of food and medical supplies into family / clan administered “cantons”

— coordinating with family / neighborhood defense groups, organizing for supply distribution, and to hold off casual rioters and Hamas armed foragers.

William Downey | March 11, 2024 at 12:26 pm

Biden and Harris are pandering to the Muslim vote, particularly in Michigan.

Over the last several weeks, the administration has urged Israel to respond proportionally. Responding disproportionally is how wars are won.

You mean “Come to Moses” moment?

BierceAmbrose | March 11, 2024 at 9:22 pm

Making it all about Bibi. These people just can’t stop Alinskying.

“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

They forget this one, I suspect because they just enjoy being mean:

“A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”

Not that I think Joey Babbles was trained in this stuff like Obama and Herself. He’s an instinctive manipulative jerk; just comes natural.

If Obama were really running Biden’s foreign policy, he wouldn’t have helped Israel at all. It’s not as bad as that. But Obama is surely pulling what levers he has.

Another viewpoint is that Biden doesn’t want to lose Michigan (even though he will) and hopes to get a lot of votes from all those Muslims who live there, for example in Hamtramck. So he has to throw some bones to the Muslims. I’m not convinced he’s a bad guy on this, but I do think Trump would be better, largely because Itamar ben Gvir said so and I trust his calculation.

As for what Kamala Harris said, who cares? But if she were president I don’t think she would be a friend of Israel, which is one reason we must not impeach and remove Biden. Kamala really would be Obama’s next term.