Bad Michigan Poll Numbers Driving Biden and Schumer Attacks On Israel
“Michigan has the highest number of Arab Americans in the country and Muslim community leaders from several swing states, including Michigan, pledged to withdraw support for Biden during a conference in Detroit in December because of his refusal to call for a ceasefire in Gaza.”

In February, my colleague Stacey Matthews wrote about how the Biden team is turning against Israel to win Michigan. Last week, Professor Jacobson wrote about Chuck Schumer’s disgraceful speech about regime change in Israel.
This is all about Michigan. All of it. Biden cannot afford to lose Michigan in November, and he just might. Tom Bevan of Real Clear Politics recently posted the results of the latest CNN poll out of Michigan, and Trump is ahead.
This is why Biden and Schumer are suddenly lecturing Israel about defending itself. Plain and simple.
— Mike LaChance (@MikeLaChance33) March 22, 2024
Newsweek reported on this:
Donald Trump is Crushing Joe Biden in Michigan
Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden in Michigan in the U.S. presidential election race, according to a poll
The poll of 1,132 registered voters from CNN conducted from March 13 to 16 found that 50 percent of voters would support Trump in a two-way match-up, while 42 percent would vote for Biden. In a four-way match-up including Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West, Trump would receive 40 percent of the vote, while Biden would get 34 percent…
Michigan is a key swing state. Biden took the state from his Republican rival in 2020 after Trump flipped it by less than 0.3 percentage points in 2016. Along with Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, it is one of the so-called “blue wall” states that Biden returned to the Democrats in 2020, helping him win back the White House.
Evidence has suggested the seat could flip red again in November’s vote. Previous polling for Newsweek in December revealed that the president had a net approval rating of -14 percent in the state.
Michigan has the highest number of Arab Americans in the country and Muslim community leaders from several swing states, including Michigan, pledged to withdraw support for Biden during a conference in Detroit in December because of his refusal to call for a ceasefire in Gaza.
Media critic Joe Concha makes a good point about this as well.
New CNN poll out Friday morning.
Michigan: Trump 50, Biden 42.
If you're wondering why Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden suddenly support dictating Israel's election process.
Narrator: Biden loses Michigan, he's done. Plain and simple.
— Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) March 22, 2024
One could say this is driven by Muslim opposition to the war, but rank-and-file auto workers, not leadership, is also fueling this.
The EV push by the Biden administration is killing his chances in arguably the most crucial of states.
— Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) March 22, 2024
CNN is handling this about as well as you’d probably expect.
Is CNN aware that there are voters in Michigan outside of Dearborn? Dana Bash declares "Trump has an advantage and it's actually, if you look at the Israel-Gaza question, the fact that trump has a 20-point advantage in Michigan. I mean, the world is upside down."
— Alex Christy (@alexchristy17) March 22, 2024
Watch for Biden, Schumer, and other Democrats to double down on the ceasefire rhetoric. The worse Biden does in Michigan polls, the more extreme they will become.

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You would think that would be the one place where the numbers would be higher. Obama did pack that area with his kind at a huge cost to you.
Actions have consequences as Mr. Obama will learn.
The seem rather confident that where Muslim voters go, so goes Michigan. Let them so believe right up to the first Tuesday in November and skip extensive GOTGV (Get Out The Graveyard Vote) efforts.
Apparently Michigan has a backup plan. As reported by the Federalist: “Michigan’s secretary of state said she and other state election chiefs ‘spent 2022 working to build’ a ‘team’ to fight a ‘common adversary.’ ” So I suspect more late night counts with unexplained stops, excluding observers, maybe some water main breaks, etc.
In unrelated news, “After my election I have more flexibility.”
“In a four-way match-up including Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West, Trump would receive 40 percent of the vote, while Biden would get 34 percent…”
In a real election it would be unconstitutional and illegal to remove third parties, and having 40% in such a scenario is a little bit alarming to me. Granted nobody likes Biden either at 34% but the devil is in the details for that poll.
It’s called a poll, genius and the question has value for multiple hypothetical reasons.
40% is not a good number. Just like I said 34% is worst, but 40% is still bad.
Biden is doing a little worst, but like it or not the third parties will be there, and 40% is the definition of being vulnerable to undecided voters.
The head to head match up has some value, but the 40%, again the devil is in the details like it or not.
I was watching C-SPAN in 2020 when the vote counting was “temporarily” stopped in Michigan. At that point with only about 400,000 votes left to count Trump was up by 100,000 votes. C-SPAN called Michigan for Trump, and I went to bed figuring he’d have won the election by morning. Note that the vote at that point had basically been neck-and-neck in the entire state and it was anticipated that the last county to be “counted” would be about the same.
Miraculously when morning came it was Biden who “won” the state by approximately 100,000 votes.
Do the addition, it’s not hard math, just ignore the rest of the already-“counted” state. To get Biden over the top with 100,000 he had to get a 3-to-1 ratio of votes (BIden – 300,000 vs. Trump – 100,000) in that last county unlike every other county in the state. Hmm, how could that have happened?
They’ll do the same thing in state after state this year, and the Rep-wing under the RNC did literally NOTHING to prevent it until Trump won the nomination. Now it’s going to be too little, too late for the Rep-wing “Generals” against the Dem-wing “Globetrotters”. The loyal opposition that always manages to lose.
>> The worse Biden does in Michigan polls, the more extreme they will become.
The worse Biden does in any poll the more extreme and strident he and the democrat party will become in their desperate attempt to win the upcoming 2024 presidential election. In other words, we ain’t seen nothing yet.
Let them become more extreme, do extreme they end up staying home during voting month.
It sure seems that cheating will be impossible with such bad numbers, and seeing how an attempt would be obvious I am putting my money on an unprecedented event that keeps us from voting.
Why? Was there any penalty the last time they did it?
Given Democrats control the media as well as all the important parts of the Government I suspect there is very little to them cheating again.
Apply the “The Five Whys” to politics: Joey Mumbles is on about what Israel gotta stop doing. Why?
Recall that vile Biden and the Dhimmi-crats (and, their media lapdogs/trained seals) made shamefully and brazenly dishonest political hay out President Trump’s innocuous “Very fine people” remarks.
What Biden is doing, here — pandering to and kowtowing to goose-stepping, Jew-hating supremacists and racists — is precisely what President Trump was falsely accused of doing, in Charlottesville. The distinction, here, is that the supremacists are Muslims who represent a prized Dhimmi-crat constituency, and thus are deemed to be beyond criticism or reproach; no matter how much bigoted and Islamofascist Jew-hatred and genocidal fervor they express.
Really? What war crimes, when IDF/IAF have been exercising extraordinary procedures to avoid civilian casualties – in spite of Hamas’ efforts to ensure those casualties happen? What about Hamas’ inflation of their own casualty numbers and outright lying about where Israeli artillery rounds and missiles land? What about storing munitions in hospitals, schools, and mosques haven’t you noticed? Doesn’t it seem that basing combatants in those places is just a little dishonest?
Speaking of dishonest, look in the mirror.
It was not deserving of a serious response. Good when antisemites show themselves.
Have an Israel fetish, too? Figures.
The laughable/sad part is if you start to dig into the Michigan polling, it quickly becomes clear that Biden’s problems in the state are much larger than “Israel.’ In may ways, he’s tilting at windmills as it’s his falling support among union workers – particularly UAW workers – that is really driving his gap to Trump. In spite of being endorsed by the UAW, the rank-in-file members are apparently smart enough to understand how much of Biden’s ‘green agenda’ is an existential threat to them. No one in the media will even discuss it, instead preferring to focus on the ‘Muslim vote’ in the state…which is a bit of a paper tiger, IMO.
Spoken as a true, goose-stepping, dim-witted fool and reprobate, in gleeful thrall to Islamofacism and genocidal Islamic “holy war. A useful idiot dhimmi, rationalizing evil totalitarianism.
War crimes? You’re siding with Hamas. The terrorist group that encouraged raping corpses. What does that say about you?
I would just like to know if there are any actual rules regarding banning troll accounts like BartE and JR as it gets very tiresome to wade through their constant troll posts disrupting the comment sections over and over again. Please ban them. I’m more than sure nobody would miss them if they weren’t around. Thanks
Let them speak. They are harming no one, which should be the criterion for banning.
Michigan’s losses are not entirely about the population of Muslims who are complete antisemitic losers, it’s also about his stupid Ev pushes destroying jobs there. Of course it’s easier to blame Israel and “get tough” on policies, as the ridiculous EU will do most of the screaming and threatening for him anyway. However, no matter what he does it will never be enough for this hateful group of people. They hold grudges big time, and Harris’ husband is a JINO; so short of Biden dropping a nuclear bomb on Israel they won’t be satisfied. What he should have done was continued how he handled it at first and finally make himself look a leader by letting Israel fight the great battle for humanity and him take all the credit. But this guy is too stupid and short sighted to see any of that. It’s all about today’s poll numbers and forget about the free world.
Perhaps the UAW workers are smart enough to keep quiet so the pedophile doesn’t know where he needs to cheat?