Arizona State U. Suspends Latino Org ‘for Calling for the Death of Various Groups’

Craziness On Campus

Remember, according to the left it is conservatives who are dangerous and spread hate through vicious language.

The College Fix reports:

Arizona State U. Latino organization suspended for calling for the death of various groupsAn Arizona State University Latino student group has been suspended after it called for the deaths of “pilgrims,” “settlers,” and “Zionists.”Earlier this month, the ASU chapter of MEChA, the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán, not only advocated the deaths of those noted, but that of the “boer” (South African white settlers) as well on its Instagram account.The Instagram post also noted that MEChA doesn’t condemn Hamas, nor its surprise attack against Israel on October 7 which killed over 1,000 Israelis.According to The State News, MEChA has appealed the suspension. An ASU spokesperson said MEChA, like all student groups and individual students, is expected to follow the university’s Student Code of Conduct.In response to the suspension, other university MEChA chapters and “non-student political organizations in Arizona” such as the Communist Party USA Phoenix and Trans Queer Pueblo, signed on to a letter blasting the university, blaming Jewish groups, and demanding the ASU MEChA’s reinstatement.“We believe that this action taken by the university was the result of targeted pressure by Zionist groups from both on and off campus,” the statement reads. “MEChA de ASU has long been an active participant in the struggle for Palestine at ASU, and we believe they are being punished for that role.”With the suspension, ASU “continues their own long legacy of McCarthyite attacks on communist student groups,” the letter continues, and cites a U.S. Supreme Court case that says “state colleges and universities are not enclaves immune from the sweep of the First Amendment.”

Tags: Antisemitism, Arizona, College Insurrection