Anti-Israel Protest Shuts Down San Francisco Airport
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Anti-Israel Protest Shuts Down San Francisco Airport

Anti-Israel Protest Shuts Down San Francisco Airport

They completely blocked the international terminal.

A bunch of anti-Israel dumbs from a group called Critical Resistance caused a commotion at the San Francisco International Airport for 153 minutes, “blocking Gate G at Terminal 1.”

Over 200 people attended. They’re always in masks. Cowards.

It lasted 153 minutes, “one minute for each day the Israel-Hamas war has lasted.


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JohnSmith100 | March 13, 2024 at 5:12 pm

Israel should step up Hamas attitude adjustment, bigger and more bombs, to bring an end to the and give those who deserve peace sooner.

These people do not care about human life. They would lynch an Israeli at the drop of a hat. Then move on to the next protest. Drooling for a new George Floyd. Their goal is destruction. If Trump wins, it will come out in force. They are trying to save the world, after all,

MoeHowardwasright | March 13, 2024 at 5:15 pm

They have impeded interstate transportation. That is a class 1 felony. Another failure of the Xiden administration. FJB

I’m a generally pacifist person. Since in a suit, all of my social media posts will be examined, I would like to say for the record that there is no way I would ever trample a peaceful protester like this on the way to my flight unless they provoked me with their words or actions, and that any broken bones or other injuries are all their fault. In fact, I heard the violent thug who attacked me on the way to my flight say something about all judges being weenies.

“They completely blocked the international terminal”

Why don’t they go protest at the border and hinder the flow of illegal aliens?

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Peabody. | March 13, 2024 at 6:01 pm

    Because the border-jumpers are not a bunch of evil rich people freshly-arrived from their vacation on the French Riviera, having gotten there on a carbon-spewing evil jetliner.

    wendybar in reply to Peabody. | March 14, 2024 at 4:51 am

    Because they want illegals because their TV told them they should.

Obstructing air traffic operations. Drag them all out to the green space around the airport and fix them to the ground.

Subotai Bahadur | March 13, 2024 at 5:55 pm

Just curious, but what would have been the reaction if the local “law enforcement” reacted the way that HAMAS would have if someone was breaking their laws?

Subotai Bahadur

The Gentle Grizzly | March 13, 2024 at 5:59 pm

I see no mention of police or TSA. I wonder where they can be…

I’ve no idea where TSA was but I’m guessing the police were writing parkers for those daring to take too long dropping off passengers in front of terminal, or writing movers for one over the limit on the access roads.

Travel Advisory: SF too dangerous to visit, travelers should avoid.

Mauiobserver | March 13, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Stop the war now!

Immediate unconditional surrender of Hamas and return of all kidnap victims.

All decent politicians and world leaders should be calling for the surrender and release of the captives non stop.

Should be an easy call good vs evil.

thalesofmiletus | March 13, 2024 at 6:42 pm

Well, that’s changes my mind — ENSLAVE PATESTINE NOW

    Dimsdale in reply to thalesofmiletus. | March 14, 2024 at 7:57 am

    Israel just needs to finish the cleaning and take it back. Clearly, the “palestinians” are incapable of being good neighbors. (tongue in cheek)

      Gremlin1974 in reply to Dimsdale. | March 14, 2024 at 11:54 am

      Which is why none of the surrounding countries will take them, Egypt took them at one point and eventually literally drove all of them out of the country after a few years of putting up with their crap. Yet they decry Israel who has tolerated them for much longer.

These protestors need to be punished like the spoiled brats they are. Stocks at the end of the runway couple hours a day for a month and if you miss one time go to jail until next shift in the restraints.

YES! The woke protesters should shut down the woke city at every opportunity. The SF voters should embrace the fruits of their wokeness. C’mon man!

They live in dream world. Good luck to the gender non-conforming showing their solidarity on the streets of gaza.

stevewhitemd | March 13, 2024 at 9:06 pm

As I recall, Hamas had a ceasefire on 10/6…

BigRosieGreenbaum | March 13, 2024 at 11:29 pm

Wow, so I don’t think any of them were arrested. Contrast that with the punishment people received for not properly wearing a mask aboard a plane.

    Gremlin1974 in reply to BigRosieGreenbaum. | March 14, 2024 at 11:59 am

    No arrests. This is why I so enjoy the videos of civilians who have had enough and are dragging the idiots blocking roads off the road by their hair and if necessary using force. The same thing should happen here a group of travelers should just walk up and start tossing morons out of the way. By the time the airport police get off their arses they could be boarding their plane.

      thalesofmiletus in reply to Gremlin1974. | March 14, 2024 at 12:23 pm

      Of course no one’s arrested. In the Progressive religion, they are holier than thou, every cop and every onlooker.

San Francisco?
Oh no.
So how about them Gators?

“Over 200 people attended. They’re always in masks.”

Anywhere but woke world this is easily solved.

Arrest them, Transport them to jail. Print them. Take mug shots. Publish names and mug shots. Feed them dry bologna sandwiches.

Take as much time as needed for them to savor the experience of waiting to get in front of a Magistrate as they obviously don’t think delaying people is a problem. Overnight or two would be fine.

    WTPuck in reply to Gosport. | March 14, 2024 at 11:27 am

    No. They should be behind J6 hostages in terms of “speedy trials.” And held in custody in the same conditions.

    Obie1 in reply to Gosport. | March 14, 2024 at 4:52 pm

    That’s one way. I know more than a few people who would take another tack and ensure that these people spend a good portion of their futures eating through straws.

I was joking the other day about how many of these idiots wear masks, and a friend said “Maybe they’re trying to keep their identities hidden.” I pointed out to him that they make no other attempt to hide who they are. No, they’re wearing masks because they’re a hive mind. Once a few of them who are terrified of getting sick start wearing them then the rest comply for fear of being seen as an outsider and socially ostracized.

    Gosport in reply to Evil Otto. | March 14, 2024 at 2:00 pm

    The masks serve three purposes. First, they hide identity. Second they are a recognition signal, like a uniform. Finally, they provide a tremendous phycological benefit.

    They allow a person to do things their social anxieties, or sense of right and wrong, would otherwise prevent them from doing, They provide a feeling of security, of invulnerability, a defense from being held responsible for their actions.

    Covid made mask wearing widespread and more acceptable despite laws specifically against doing so to hide identity when committing crimes. It’s time we start enforcing those laws again.

      Evil Otto in reply to Gosport. | March 15, 2024 at 8:17 am

      The masks don’t really hide identity. But they are a uniform, true, and certainly a psychological crutch. And I agree that we need to start enforcing mask laws again.

      It’s just fascinating to look at leftist behavior. They really are conformist sheep.

Well, rotten eggs and fruit might suffice for now.

Of course, it is the egg/fruit throwers that would be arrested.

Welcome to San Francisco!!

Mind the feces on your way out….

michaelharris99 | March 14, 2024 at 8:19 am

I have two comments.
1. The media needs to post a daily total of the number of rockets shot into Israel.
2. Arrest the protesters who block commerce.

How do people without boarding passes make their way to the gate?

At what point does their right to protest, begin to infringe on my right to travel freely?