White Woman Hosting Illegal Immigrants Says ‘She Feels Like She has Her Own Personal Chef”
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White Woman Hosting Illegal Immigrants Says ‘She Feels Like She has Her Own Personal Chef”

White Woman Hosting Illegal Immigrants Says ‘She Feels Like She has Her Own Personal Chef”


Context: I don’t think the subject I’m writing about is as demeaning as it sounds, but…PHRASING!

NBC10 Boston interviewed Haitians (even thought I thought Haitians spoke French, not Spanish) Wildande Joseph and her husband, who now reside with Lisa Hillenbrand.

One part caught the eye of many (my emphasis): “Hillenbrand said she feels like she has her own personal chef as Wildande loves cooking.”

Wildande talked about wanting to open a restaurant and her love for cooking.

But still….phrasing.

Other people have called up the state to offer their homes.

But the state just literally drops off the illegal immigrants on their doorsteps.

What did they expect would happen. No one is taking any information from these people:

Colin and Jessica Stokes called the state and offered to host migrants in their personal home after the state put out a call for volunteers to take in homeless aliens, saying the local airport was filled to capacity and the state was running out of places to put people. In less than an hour, a Chilean family of four was dropped on their front porch.

The Stokes, on the other hand, said they weren’t given any information other than the fact that some migrants were on their way.

“I gotta get sheets on the beds! How many are coming? Where are they from? What are their ages? We knew nothing,” Jessica Stokes told a local news outlet.


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The whole open borders stupidity is about developing a new slave class. Dud no one else notice the drop-off in “human trafficking” (sex slavery) rings being broken up when Biden took office?

You have to be an insane moron to let unvetted illegal immigrants live in your house.
You are practically guaranteed that there will be theft, conflict, and rape involved

Subotai Bahadur | February 13, 2024 at 5:26 pm

EVERY group has members who are criminal, psychotic, or violent. It is not a matter of race or culture. It is the fact that as a species we are not either uniform or nice. About 3% of any statistically significant group is either sociopathic or psychopathic, or both. They are sometimes referred to as the lunatic fringe. There is no screening of the invaders.

So I want to know how long the government and the news media will be able to suppress the news when said antisocial foreign invaders start looting and pillaging their hosts and those nearby?

This is, I believe in Massachusetts. What do you want to bet that it is not in Cape Cod or Hyannisport?

Subotai Bahadur

Morning Sunshine | February 13, 2024 at 5:26 pm

yeah – that whole Spanish not French thing makes me wonder if these are NOT haitians at all. Maybe from the Domincan border region?

also, what happens in 3 months when the “honeymoon” wears off, and liberal do-gooder cannot kick out her houseguests?

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Morning Sunshine. | February 14, 2024 at 8:18 am

    My brother was moving from his home in one state after a divorce, coming back home. He asked me if he could stay with my family until he found a job and got an apartment.

    What was supposed to be a few days became four months. He took advantage of the hospitality and expected my wife to cook for and serve him, he sat in the same chair every day and didn’t go out to find a job. He’d eat and then walk away from the table “to have a smoke” and left us to clean up after him. Dropped his clothes on the floor and expected us to pick up after him, do his laundry, fold it and put it away. He’d get pissed if we didn’t respond to his wishes.

    I had a hard time getting him out of the house.

    I can’t imagine what it would be like to have someone I just met begin to live with us, language barrier, and no interview to see about compatibility.

    Hard pass.

    Fat_Freddys_Cat in reply to Morning Sunshine. | February 14, 2024 at 1:46 pm

    Yeah, I’m guessing that removing these “guests”–even in the event of criminal activity–will be legally impossible and any attempt to do so will be met with agonized shrieks of “racism” “privilege” and suchlike from the usual suspects (none of whom will have opened their home to such “guests”).

      It might even lead to the displacement of the owners, particularly if they have a second home, not an unlikely possibility in rich Brookline.

      Oh, to be a fly on the wall when that happens…

I live in the Berkshires and I know of anyone that wants to open their homes to illegal immigrants

NIMBY alive and well

    Dimsdale in reply to REDACTED. | February 14, 2024 at 11:41 am

    I am here too, and you will only get that in Amherst or Northampton and surrounds.

    The “Five Sisters” will get Five thousand illegals.

Send them to Elizabeth Warren’s house in Cambridge.

The Haitian cooks? I thought they had no food in Haiti.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | February 13, 2024 at 6:11 pm

I wouldn’t want to have any neighbors stupid enough to pull a stunt like this. These idiots might like having the third world in their homes but their neighbors don’t deserve it. And I’m sure everyone is going to be thrilled as these third-world illegals start filling up the local schools and causing tax-paying citizens’ kids to be shortchanged because of all the monies expended on the illegals – who have no right or justification to be here, in the first place.

The Hillenbrand neighbors had better start locking their doors and look into buying some firearms for their families and properties.

These people are aiding and abetting an invasion into our country.

NorthernNewYorker | February 13, 2024 at 7:06 pm

“She feels like she has her own personal chef”. Long Duk Dong rides again!

Limousine Libs in CA using illegal aliens to pick the crop in the central valley and clean the toilets in the mansions of movie stars beverly hills. The replacements for the slave economy.

ScottTheEngineer | February 13, 2024 at 10:08 pm

Are they gonna let her stay up in the big house?

Witless and elitist Dhimmi-crats are so happy that they obtained some illegal aliens to help Massa and the Missus enjoy an even more privileged and comfortable lifestyle.

“Good help is so hard to find, these days!”

According to a Google search Spanish is becoming increasingly popular in Haiti because of the border shared with Dominican Republic.

Democrats importing ……unpaid workers…. into the country.

Hmmm….that sounds familiar somehow.

Selective compassion definitely- why aren’t they taking in homeless families? Why isn’t the state offering them? Where’s the money coming from? These people are so stupid! There will be consequences- and maybe eventually the ‘host dupes’ will be red-pilled

How is this not slavery? Shouldn’t you be paying at least minimum wage to strangers who cook for you?

    Shouldn’t the Haitians be paying taxes for goods and services and any other compensation they receive as well?

    thalesofmiletus in reply to rebelgirl. | February 14, 2024 at 11:30 am

    This is (D)ifferent.

    The Laird of Hilltucky in reply to rebelgirl. | February 15, 2024 at 12:38 pm

    This was my thought, too. Providing a bed is not the same as minimum wage. The homeowners are opening themselves up to a lawsuit in the future for failing to pay just wages for labor. If the illegals are performing any tasks they are working for the family and not just guests. I think they could easily lose their home.

“We just need a little time to get the servants’ … er, migrants’ quarters ready.”

Fat_Freddys_Cat | February 14, 2024 at 1:41 pm

Typical AWFL: “I’m down with my little brown brothers and sisters! It’s so culturally enriching! I’m so enlightened!”

destroycommunism | February 14, 2024 at 4:34 pm

When asked who cleans the toilets

the white homeowners answered:

dont be silly

they love to do that too

destroycommunism | February 14, 2024 at 4:35 pm

NOWWWWW Obama will open his home to a few after seeing this