U. Chicago Climate Activists Say They Filed Legal Complaint Against School Investments
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U. Chicago Climate Activists Say They Filed Legal Complaint Against School Investments

U. Chicago Climate Activists Say They Filed Legal Complaint Against School Investments

“In the midst of the climate crisis, powerful institutions must take responsibility for their contributions to global warming”

It’s amazing when college students think this is any of their business.

The College Fix reports:

UChicago climate activists claim they filed legal complaint against school investments

A University of Chicago group that wants the university to divest from fossil fuels claims to have filed a legal complaint with the Illinois Attorney General’s Office, alleging the school has violated its legal obligation by investing its endowment in oil and gas companies.

The complaint occurred in conjunction with similar student groups from Pennsylvania State University, Pomona College, Tufts University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Washington University in St. Louis, who filed similar legal complaints in their respective states.

However, the Illinois Attorney General’s Office said it is “not aware” of having received the legal complaint, even though it’s been a full three months since the document was reportedly submitted by Divest UChicago.

“We are not aware of our office having received this complaint; however, we will review it if and when we do,” April McLaren, deputy press secretary for the attorney general’s office, told The College Fix via email.

It appears the office has still not received the complaint – McLaren did not respond to a Jan. 28 follow-up request for a status update.

The Fix asked Sanya Bhartiya, the contact listed by Divest UChicago, if the group had officially filed the complaint. “We have a case number and are working with the Illinois attorney general’s office to go forward with our case.”

The complaint alleges the university violated its “fiduciary duty to invest with consideration for the University’s charitable purposes.”

“In the midst of the climate crisis, powerful institutions must take responsibility for their contributions to global warming,” the complaint stated. “As concerned students, faculty, and civic groups, we ask that you investigate this conduct and use your enforcement powers to bring the Board’s investment practices into compliance with its fiduciary obligations.”


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So how do climate activists account for climate change millions of years ago, as per the geologic record, before human activity?

Biden green new deal is trillion dollar fraud. Won’t lower temps by one degree.

Like I have said before, my experience with non-profit boards indicates they always go with the path of least resistance and most money, and of course in line with their fiduciary duties. In that capacity, it seems to me that holding stocks such as oil companies and energy producers which hold their value well and pay a steady dividend would be meeting the fiduciary duties imposed upon institutional governance to provide the required funds necessary funds to keep the institution continuing its mission. Proving a violation of the “Prudent Man” rule would be quite difficult.

destroycommunism | February 5, 2024 at 5:26 pm

climate activists = manure heap


theres your brown new deal for ya