Trump Georgia Case: DA Fani Willis Confirms Relationship With Special Prosecutor
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Trump Georgia Case: DA Fani Willis Confirms Relationship With Special Prosecutor

Trump Georgia Case: DA Fani Willis Confirms Relationship With Special Prosecutor

Willis said she would not recuse herself from the case.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis admitted she had a relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade, one of the prosecutors she appointed to former President Donald Trump’s case.

But Willis claimed she should not be removed from Trump’s case (emphasis mine):

Willis’ motion says the evidence and facts “unequivocally” demonstrate that: the DA has no financial conflict of interest that constitutes a basis for disqualification of herself or her office; the attacks on Willis are “factually inaccurate, unsupported and malicious; and that Willis has made no public statements that warrant disqualification or judicial inquiry.”

“(T)he motions attempt to cobble together entirely unremarkable circumstances of Special Prosecutor Wade’s appointment with completely irrelevant allegations about his personal family life into a manufactured conflict of interest on the part of the District Attorney,” the filing said. “The effort must fail.”

The document also states that Willis and Wade had been friends since 2019 but were not in a romantic relationship before or when he was hired to lead the Trump case in November 2021.

In 2022, District Attorney Willis and I developed a personal relationship in addition to our professional association and friendship,” Wade said in his affidavit.

Willis said she would not recuse herself from the case.

Lady. You have a relationship with the special prosecutor of your biggest case. Recuse yourself. Wade should recuse himself, too.

The relationship started while Wade was still married. He’s still technically married, but going through a divorce with his wife of 26 years.

After reading through the motion, it appears the relationship is insufficient for the state to remove either one or delay anything.

However! It still stinks. Wade is paid more than the other special prosecutors. Wade and Willis have spent a lot of money on trips. Therefore, Willis does benefit from the money Wade receives for his services.

Wade has no experience conducting a federal trial. He practiced family law:

He is a diligent and relentless advocate known for his candor with the Court, and a leader more than capable of managing the complexity of this case. In addition to having been appointed a municipal court judge in three jurisdictions and having been asked to present on topics relevant to the training of new judges within the Counsel of Municipal Court Judges, id., Special Prosecutor Wade has received accolades and recognition for his litigation skill, contribution to his community, and the legal profession generally, and no serious person could contest his legal qualifications.


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AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | February 2, 2024 at 3:12 pm

Please. This woman is not corrupt. She’s just a cheap whore.

E Howard Hunt | February 2, 2024 at 3:27 pm

How special is he?

    The guy must have a special ability to hide his revulsion when she signals that she is in the mood for some romance. In her eyes, that’s enough to regard him as very, very special.

Fat Fani Willis and her stud are really dumb, their jig is up.

SeiteiSouther | February 2, 2024 at 3:36 pm

And she’s giving them grounds for an appeal. They really don’t think things through, do they?

She didn’t seem to use any of the words or nicknames I’ve learned from Ace of Spades over the last week or so. I’m disappointed.

There are so many ethics questions from her boinking the gigolo ambulance chaser (who is no “legal superstar” despite what the tramp said in the church that fateful Sunday), that I can’t help believe but the case is too damaged beyond repair.. It’s no longer “her personal business”, but the business of the State of Georgia—a corrupt prosecutor with a gigolo, potentially colluding with the federales, and using public money for her own benefit (that’s called corruption). No matter what the state district court judge, this will go to a higher state court and the state legislature will be investigating. As usual, Fani’s fat, loud mouth will get her into even more trouble.

    Robert Barnes, Esq, on the Viva Frei podcast suggested that the whole point of the case was so she could get the money to hire her boyfriend

      DaveGinOly in reply to MarkS. | February 2, 2024 at 9:40 pm

      She’s actually enriching herself, by paying the BF more than he’s worth, and getting the balance back in a variety of perks, some of which are paid for by the BF with the money he’s earning from the work. It’s a form of kick-back.

      diver64 in reply to MarkS. | February 3, 2024 at 4:37 am

      I doubt that. I think it occurred to them both after she got famous. She sure isn’t the first as that ditz from MO. or the founder of BLM have shown us. Be the right color, political persuasion and say incendiary things that play to the left. You too can have money showered on you, get on TV and the Dems will cover for anything you do.

Fani willis is a documented racist who blames all her problems in life on white people. Woke trash.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to smooth. | February 3, 2024 at 7:47 am

    I would say that blaming all of their problems on white people is a trademark of perhaps 85% of blacks.

Who gives a fook who this goon was fooking!!

What I REALLY want to know is what this goon and her fook boy were meeting with the White House!! THATS where the money is!

I want to know if they were colluding with Biden and his regime to target their political enemy with never ending lawfare.

Then I want to know everyone else the Biden regime was meeting with to get the ball rolling on never ending targeting of their political enemy.

Fani’s opposition gives the reader that Trump is out to lunch with his attempt to disqualify Fani.

She has some explaining to do about financial disclosers.

As a public official, Fani filed a disclosure form.

The disclosure rules are here:

Fani is prohibited from receiving gifts from persons doing business with the county.

In addition, Fani is required to report the following on her disclosure forms:
“any gift(s) or favor(s) from a single prohibited source in the aggregate
value or amount of $100.00 or more; ”

(Her boyfriend is a prohibited source.)

Her disclosure forms did not list any gifts.

    stevewhitemd in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | February 2, 2024 at 4:58 pm

    Fair points. Financial disclosures are there so as to prevent these things from happening.

    As mailman points out, another important issue is the fact that she, and the PI/boyfriend, apparently met with White House officials. There’s no apparent reason why the local DA should have such a meeting; and if there is a reason, that should be disclosed.

    I’m not the lawyer here, but I do wonder how on earth the defendants (note the plural, it’s more than Mr. Trump) can receive a fair trial. And I wonder if a fair trial is the point…

    starride in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | February 2, 2024 at 8:29 pm

    I don’t know about Ga public officials. But I do a lot of work with military and civilian employees of the DOD and I can tell you I can’t even buy them dinner.

      DaveGinOly in reply to starride. | February 2, 2024 at 9:44 pm

      I’m a state gov employee. I took my agency’s ethics training (for the umpteenth time) just a few weeks ago. This could have been a scenario in the testing, and it would have been an obvious ethics violation. As I mention above, Fani is, in fact and in effect, receiving kick-backs in the form of the vacations and gifts from the BF. That may, in fact, be why she’s paying him more than he’s worth; he gets to keep what he’s worth, and a little more, the rest comes back to Fani, in some shape or form other than cash.

The two male senate pages who recorded themselves doing the backdoor nasty on the dias of the US Senate will not be prosecuted.

What this marxist meatpuppet did by comparison is tame. Nothing will happen to her, and she knows it.

    E Howard Hunt in reply to LB1901. | February 2, 2024 at 4:55 pm

    I wish they’d not be called pages. As an avid reader it makes me want to wear rubber gloves.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to LB1901. | February 3, 2024 at 12:43 am

    We should always remedy that Rep Bawnie Fwank was boinking male assistants the entire time he was in Congress. Butt bumping is not new to Congress.

      He had an actual male prostitute living in his basement for years.

      Let’s also not forget that, more than any other individual, Bawny Fwank relentlessly pushed the moronic idea that ‘every person DESERVES the American Dream of home ownership!’. He forced Fannie and Freddie into idiotic loose-money mortgage policies that eventually led to the 2008 real estate debacle.

      And then what did the Dims do? They named the legislation intended to ‘fix’ the problem after that moron. If you ever need a reminder of how much disdain these pols have for you, there it is right there.

It would be so easy to “honey pot’ about 90% of congress, cough cough Epstein cough cough.

I don’t care who Fanni is fucking (as long as it is not me — fat black women don’t excite me. I don’t think her fucking someone on the same side (as opposed to someone on the defense side) is grounds to disqualify Fanni or Wade.

If I fuck my co-counsel in a case, should we be disqualified?

    Olinser in reply to Geologist. | February 2, 2024 at 6:05 pm

    If you arranged to get the co-counsel you were screwing paid hundreds of thousands of dollars of government money over far more qualified individuals who were charging far less, and they turned around and spent a bunch of that money on you, then yes, you would also be disqualified, and should be thrown in jail.

This woman definitely did illegal things.

The question is whether they give rise to a conflict of interest that requires her disqualification.

The argument, as I understood it, was that it did, because she was inappropriately funneling unwarranted amounts of public money to her lover, who then used it to take her on trips.

I skimmed her response, and didn’t really see her response to this argument.

This is what the defendants should be focusing on in their reply briefs.

    Accepting gifts of travel and accommodations from a subordinate is a firing offense.
    Offering gifts of travel and accommodations to a supervisor is a firing offense.
    Failing to report them on your disclosure form, likewise.

    Fire them both. Now.

      Wisewerds in reply to georgfelis. | February 2, 2024 at 9:08 pm

      I’d be happy to see it.

      But those are rights that belong to her employer, not to criminal defendants.

      DaveGinOly in reply to georgfelis. | February 2, 2024 at 9:51 pm

      Yup. It’s not that they should recuse themselves due to conflict of interest. They should be under arrest and investigation, and the bar association should be looking into their disbarment. Conflict of interest is the least of their problems that should remove them from the case. What they’re doing is unethical and illegal. (Most – all? – states criminalize unethical conduct of government employees, they can simply can you, or they can potentially prosecute you. Fani, I think, may easily qualify for the latter because of the transfer of government funds from her office to her BF, and back to her in the shape of gifts and vacations.)

    Ironclaw in reply to Wisewerds. | February 2, 2024 at 11:59 pm

    That is not the standard. The standard is that you avoid even the appearance of any sort of Ethics violation and she failed massively on that score.

For some reason I keep hearing the lyrics to Fat Bottom Girls while I’m reading all this stuff

“Willis’ motion says the evidence and facts “unequivocally” demonstrate that: the DA has no financial conflict of interest that constitutes a basis for disqualification of herself or her office”

The fact that the prosecutor’s sweetie-boo just happens to be the judge deciding the case is of course entirely of no consequence.

Is sharing a cabin on a cruise ship considered cohabitating ?

Aside from the jokes that wright themselves about the entire thing, there are a number of troubling things going on.

Someone got elected to a public office promising to target a single person and find any crime possible to prevent that person from holding elected office much like a couple of other DA’s and cheered on by the left, the opposing political party and the corporate press.

That person is using a novel and never before used legal theory to prosecute the target in an attempt to take away not only the right to run for elected office but their liberty.

The DA engaged in obvious corruption by appointing a paramour to prosecute the case despite his having no experience in such things and using taxpayer dollars to do so.

The DA paid the love interest far more than the other 2 prosecutors on the case, both of whom have vast experience arguing before the State Supreme Course despite his having none.

The DA allowed the boyfriend to then shower her with trips, vacations, gifts, an apartment for the fling, etc using taxpayer money she approved.

The DA committed adultery and fraud by approving fraudulent billing of taxpayer funds by her special friend then benefitted from it financially all of which is illegal.

The prosecutor mysteriously went to the White House on several occasions for unknown reasons which is strange considering up to that point he was an unknown entity.

The DA had several phone calls from the White House demanding she indict the target not on the merits of the case but for a political timeline.

Despite all this the Corporate Press and one political party have expressed no interest all the while screeching that “Democracy™” is in the balance”.

Like Trump or not, the targeting of a single individual for prosecution to bankrupt him and put him in prison while denying him the right to run for political office is everything wrong in a nutshell with our system of Justice and political process. Big Government and professional politicians run amok showing no-one is safe if they cross the powers that be.

Just a note to remind everyone that we live in a Right-Wing bubble, but there are other bubbles

Opening up Youtube today and saw this headline for a MSNBC news report regarding Fani Willis and the Trump prosecution.

Fani Willis unyielding amid Trump co-defendant’s misconduct accusations, GOP predation

What seems clear and obvious to us, may not look that way to others.

It was certainly a wake-up call for me not to get too confident.