Trump Georgia Case: Cellphone Data Allegedly Contradicts Wade’s Testimony About Visiting Willis’s Home Before 2022
According to the data, Wade made “at least 35 visits to the Hapeville neighborhood where Fani Willis was living before the district attorney hired him.”

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that cellphone data might show that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade started their relationship before 2022.
According to the data, Wade made “at least 35 visits to the Hapeville neighborhood where Fani Willis was living before the district attorney hired him.”
This information is important for one main reason. It conflicts with Wade’s testimony:
Trump’s lawyers relied on data collected from Wade’s cellphone and cellphone tower transmissions to track his movements. It seems to contradict Wade’s testimony last week in which he said he had visited Willis at her condo in Hapeville no more than 10 times before he was hired in November 2021. It also indicates Wade twice arrived late at night at the condo and left early the next morning in the months before Willis and Wade said their relationship became romantic early in 2022.
Both Wade and Willis testified last week that they did not spend the night together at the Hapeville condo.
Charles Mittelstadt, a board-certified criminal defense investigator, used the CellHawk program to analyze phone records. The address and phone numbers are blacked out in the affidavit:
1) Generating a report, attached as Exhibit A, isolating all interactions (this includes voice calls and text messages) between Mr. Wade and Ms. Willis during the period of available records in 2021: The dates, timing, frequency and duration of these interactions are included as part of the report. That report revealed over 2000 voice calls and just under 12,000 text messages exchanged over the 11-month period in 2021. A heat map, attached as Exhibit B, highlights the interaction patterns which demonstrate a prevalence of calls made in the evening hours.
2) Focusing on geolocation near [Willis address blackedout], which was testified to by Ms. Yearti as the address of her condominium, and generating a report to reflect such activity, attached as Exhibit C: Given the urgency associated with the need to analyze this newly acquired data against the relevant testimony, |constructed a very conservative geofence which isolated the two cell towers in closest proximity to this address (one roughly 3000″ and the other 2000″ away). The purpose of this geofence was to conduct an inital assessment of whether Mr. Wade’s phone ever connected to these towers. Additionally, this modality was used to eliminate the possibility that his could be associated with routine travel on ether 1-75 or 185 or visits to nearby attractions or the airport. Following that initial conservative sweep limited to those 2 towers, I further constrained those findings to hits on [blacked out number] or [blacked out number] which pointed directly at the [blacked out address]. Additionally, the report was limited to those occasions when the phone was connected for an extended period.
The third video in the below tweet is crucial. On February 15, The attorney asked Wade if he went to Willis’s condo before November 1, 2021, no more than ten times.
Wade: “No, sir.”
The attorney then asks if it was fewer than ten times.
Wade: “Yes, sir.”
The attorney asked Wade if he would consider any phone records that clashed with his testimony wrong.
Wade: “Yes, sir.” and “They’d be wrong.”
In the fourth video, Willis contradicted Wade. She said, “I’d say more than 10, but I’m not sure that is even accurate.”
Here’s 3 instances of Nathan Wade admitting he committed perjury and the 4th being Nathan Wade saying he had been at the home of Fani Willis LESS than 10 times but Fani contradicting his testimony by saying it had been MORE than 10 times.
Perjury is still illegal right ??
— CannaKingCA (@CannaKingCA20) February 16, 2024
I see others, including AJC, framing the story as the data called into question when Wade and Willis started their relationship, which is totally valid:
The filing, by attorneys for Donald Trump, raises fresh questions about the relationship between the two prosecutors, which the former president and other defendants argue has tainted the case against them and should result in Willis and her office being disqualified.
Trump’s lawyers relied on data collected from Wade’s cellphone and cellphone tower transmissions to track his movements. It seems to contradict Wade’s testimony last week in which he said he had visited Willis at her condo in Hapeville no more than 10 times before he was hired in November 2021. It also indicates Wade twice arrived late at night at the condo and left early the next morning in the months before Willis and Wade said their relationship became romantic early in 2022.
But relying on the data to prove that point is questionable. I know someone who was best friends with her now-husband before they dated. She visited his apartment many times to hang out before they dated.
The key is the testimony.

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Ace of Spade Hq blog is having a field day with this. Such a lovely couple….
“Snizzedence”…omg, I can’t stop laughing.
I had a good laugh at that as well.
TLDR. What is this about zizzidence?
Never mind. Found it at AofSHQ. And yes: it’s very funny.
What happened to Schizzidence? I am so far behind on my appropriated slang.
They are well suited for each other.
Now that there is documented proof positive of the corruption, collusion, and perjury of both Willis and Wade, we can expect the sanctioning of both of these government actors, including disbarrment, in 3…2…1
Oh, never mind. They’re melanin-plentiful, have pursued the correct narrative, and have “D’s” after their names, so they’re on the uppermost tier of the non-prosecutable.
This might actually start to move outside the margin of acceptable and concealable corruption soon.
I know it doesn’t exist in NYC … am I too optimistic in hoping for justice in Georgia?
Probably. The judge worked for Willis.
Fulton county. if they administer the law like they count votes, don’t hold your breath for justice.
You are right and after all, didn’t Willis’ father tell the judge, “Excuse me because I ain’t racist but this is just how black folks talk and think.”
Meaning, please don’t charge black folks in Fulton County with perjury
The jury came back with all 16 voting for acquittal.
Wade: My cellphone was stolen. And it was hacked. So I bought a new cell phone and didn’t tell anyone. I don’t know who the guy was who stole my cellphone and was having an affair with Fanny.
Judge McAfee: I’m sorry to hear that. That sounds terribly traumatic. Do you need a recess to gather yourself from the mean defense counsel bringing up this awful period of your life?
Facts: Atlanta metro area 6.6 million people … Hapeville, GA 6,500 people … 35 visits … well that’s quite a coincidence.
“So why all the trips? Just doing business there? No receipts? All cash?”
“Oh ok, just buying drugs then?”
He’s understandably confused. Since all black women look alike, he thought he was having an affair with somebody else during that time.
He gave her a good schlonging, she lost her mind and started throwing money at him. When caught she was “don’t worry, baby. Ill throw the black women melanin shield up. We be ok”
What a surprise that the corrupt azzholes that are weaponizing the so-called justice system would lie while giving testimony…
Well, I think this hearing is starting reveal evidence outside the margin of tolerable and concealable corruption.
Let’s see all the Fani puff pieces start to spin this away.
I am actually getting cautiously optimistic that the judge isn’t going to mortgage his credibility for these two. He’s not in New York or California after all.
Also glad to see Trump working with some quality legal counsel. Always surround yourself with talented people.
If the standard is the appearance of a conflict the case is closed. There appears to be nothing but conflict.
Expect Wade to say he had another baby momma in the hood near the Fani crib.
For this to have been written by the AJC is breathtaking. My only guess is the publisher and editor have made the decision that it’s best to help get Willis off the case now and replaced with a competent prosecutor…hoping that anyone who’s remotely competent isn’t just going to dismiss the case because they don’t want to be even tangentially involved in this hugely unethical prosecution.
What happened here is now self-evident to anyone remotely intelligent: Fanni & her lover concocted an insane RICO case against Trump knowing that it would enrich them both…and it almost worked.
Oh she is rich. $8 million in net worth, up a couple million recently from what I have read, if accurate.
I bet this isn’t the only angle she’s been playing. If you find a trail that leads to a corrupt action by a public official, the trail doesn’t usually have a single stop.
The Dem problem with replacing her at this point in the fiasco is that any competent prosecutor who isn’t about to retire and go fishing is going to declare ‘no case here’, because there isn’t.
Who would want their name associated with that?
I would love to see them standing on a street corner with “Work for food” signs.
They are taking the Bill Mahar approaching, by sensing a change in the wind and trying to stay one step ahead of the noose. I wonder which American city will be selected as our “Nuremburg?” Maybe Jane Fonda’s next big hit will be “They Hang Collaborators, Don’t They?” Yes Jane, we still remember.
be sure your sin will find you out.
Maybe this is all 4-D chess on Fani Willis’ part to eventually become POTUS. She’s just trying to show herself every bit the lying POS that Traitor Joe is.
Willis/Abrahms 2024
” Show us the money and the buffet”
Key takeaway; leave the cell phone at home before you go stepping out unless you want to be caught.
It is almost certain that both will be removed from the case.
The important issue remaining is whether the case is dismissed for protectional misconduct because:
Selective prosecution.
Inflaming the jury pool
I wonder how many days the hearing will last.
Wade will be sacrificed Fani has the judge on her side
I don’t see Wade going quietly. You do stupid stuff for a hot woman; not for her, just sayin.
might we see disbarment ….
for one or both ….
asking for a friend … 😀
Never happen!
Hehehe,Hehe he, hand caught in the nookie jar.
I still wonder if they will get away clean and their Trump case given to another prosecutor.
Did read a corrupt case gets tossed everything about gets tossed, no other case can use their so called evidence.
In the movie by Dinesh D’Souza about voter fraud here in GA, he also used cell phone data to establish the routes of the mules to determine the paths and times they visited the drop box and Democrat offices. They won in court after being accused by saying that the cell phone data did not prove anything specifically. They claimed they went by those boxes and DNC headquarters only by visiting places near them. After this win in court here in GA, I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t win again since the legal system in Fulton County is so corrupt.
And this is called springing a perjury trap.
I cannot resist. it looks like shit is hitting the Fani.
Now I will go stand in the corner.
“I know someone who was best friends with her now-husband before they dated. She visited his apartment many times to hang out before they dated.”
“It also indicates Wade twice arrived late at night at the condo and left early the next morning in the months before Willis and Wade said their relationship became romantic”
Clearly, they stayed up all night discussing utopian philosophy. Those kids!
and that was just in 2 nights
The crimes these two clowns committed are worse than what they accuse DJT of. The lying, misuse of funds, illegal appointment.,
I bet nothing happened as she did testify that Wade was…not able to perform manly actions at the time. As for the texts, wife and I talked it over and we figure that it took us over 10yrs to get to that total and we have not called each other that much in over 15yrs.
Both should be disbarred for perjury, the case reassigned outside of Fulton County as it is now damaged in that location beyond repair.
I will be very surprised if anything happens to either of them. I expect the judge to wave his hands, admonish the prosecution team, and permit everything to continue as before. There will be deemed to be no credible evidence that anything really illegal occurred.
This is all about getting Trump, and nothing will deter the course of what passes for justice in Fulton County.
I will be delighted to be wrong, but I would put cash money on this outcome.
Even if both these clowns are kicked to the curb off the case, what happens to the indictment that was brought, at the behest of Fonny Willis, from that grand jury led by that female loon chairperson?
Are all their findings tainted “fruit of the poisonous tree” and therefore dismissed? Or do the charges stand for some hapless successor to Fonny to rail about in court?
Would you guys stop all this racist stuff. Please. It is making my head hurt. You know Orange Man bad! Joey told you.
This evidence is simply the metadata showing geolocation and timestamps.
I think there is another shoe still to drop, the text messages themselves. There are nearly 10,000 text messages between Fani and Wade. All they need is one text message of a romantic nature, to be the coup de grâce.
I’m not sure you want to read those. Just saying
I think the focus of the “Discovery Channel” needs to be changed. Settlements in the future will be based not on what act was commited, but by how much the entity being sued has to lose when the books are opened. One can only imagine what CNN etc had to hide with regard to Nick Sandman. I guess at least one of their legal team looked at the Gibsons suit and went “uh-OH!”
What makes you think Sandmann got more than nuisance money?
Wade got laid.
Fani got paid.
Georgia voters got played.
Quote from judge Jeanine on the five Friday.