Trans Activists Hold Funeral for Atheist Prostitute at St. Patrick’s Cathedral While Mocking Catholicism
“This whore. This great whore. St. Cecilia, Mother of all Whores!”

Trans activists somehow managed to book St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City for the funeral of a trans prostitute and used the event to mock Catholicism. The Archdiocese of New York is claiming it was caught flat-footed.
Do you think the left would allow one of their institutions to be mocked in this way? Not a chance.
The Daily Signal reports:
‘Mother of All Whores’: Transgender Activists Hold Irreverent Funeral for Atheist Prostitute at St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Transgender activists mocked Catholic saints and repeatedly celebrated “whores” during a funeral Thursday for a transgender-identifying prostitute and self-professed atheist who went by the name Cecilia Gentili.
The Archdiocese of New York did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Daily Signal as to why St. Patrick’s Cathedral hosted the funeral, “an event with no likely precedent in Catholic history,” as The New York Times described it. The cathedral referred The Daily Signal to the archdiocese.
After publication, the archdiocese released a statement condemning the funeral and announcing priests had performed a Mass of Reparation.
“That St. Patrick’s Cathedral would host the funeral for a high-profile transgender activist who was well known for her advocacy on behalf of sex workers, transgender people, and people living with HIV might come as a surprise to some,” The New York Times reported. The funeral appears to have been widely attended by media from top U.S. publications.
One of the organizers of the funeral said that St. Patrick’s Cathedral was not told that Gentili identified as a transgender woman. Gentili is also revered by those who identify as LGBTQ as a “transgender icon” and advocate.
“I kind of kept it under wraps,” organizer Ceyenne Doroshow, a man who identifies as a woman, told the Times, explaining that St. Patrick’s Cathedral is “an icon, just like her.”
The Rev. Fr. Edward Dougherty led the service, according to Time magazine, telling the funeral attendees: “Cecilia died with Christ.”
A livestream of the event depicts one of the funeral organizers, identified by Time as Oscar Diaz, describing Gentili in the following way: “This whore. This great whore. St. Cecilia, Mother of all Whores!”
Yesterday, St. Patrick's Cathedral hosted the funeral of Cecilia Gentili, a transgender, atheist prostitute. Funeral was attended by hundreds of trans activists in thongs/fishnet/halter tops/fur. They celebrated the dead prostitute by mocking St. Cecilia, saying: "This whore.…
— Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) February 16, 2024
Here's Fr. Edward Dougherty (according to TIME) officiating the funeral at St. Patrick's Cathedral for trans activist and prostitute Cecilia Gentili, joking, "Except on Easter Sunday, we don't really have a crowd that is this well turned out," to which the crowd of trans…
— Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) February 16, 2024
The Catholic News Agency has more on the fallout:
St. Patrick’s Cathedral offers reparation Mass after ‘scandalous’ funeral for trans activist
The pastor of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City said the church has offered a Mass of Reparation after a controversial irreverent funeral service was held there this week for a well-known transgender advocate.
The Manhattan cathedral hosted the Feb. 15 funeral service for Cecilia Gentili, an activist who helped to decriminalize sex work in New York, lobbied for “gender identity” to be added as a protected class to the state’s human rights laws, and was a major fundraiser for transgender causes. Gentili was a man who identified as a woman.
Throughout the liturgy, the presider, Father Edward Dougherty, referred to Gentili with feminine pronouns and described the trans-identifying man as “our sister.” Additionally, during the prayers of the faithful, the reader prayed for so-called gender-affirming health care, while attendees frequently and approvingly referred to Gentili as the “mother of whores.”
On Saturday, Father Enrique Salvo, the pastor of St. Patrick’s, said in a statement on the website of the Archdiocese of New York that Church officials shared in the “outrage over the scandalous behavior at a funeral here at St. Patrick’s Cathedral earlier this week.”
Featured image via Twitter video.

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Cecilia Gentili Is likely not laughing or cheering right now.
It’s a beautiful church, probably my favorite in the US. It’s a real shame that the diocese would be caught so flat footed on this, and that the presiding priest would indulge in such nonsense was ridiculous.
There needs to be procedures to terminate the service the second it descends into this heresy.
I doubt a NYC Diocese has the cojones to implement such a policy
I had to read the Pravda Times obituary of the deceased, entitled “Cecilia Gentili, Transgender Activist, Performer and Author, Dies at 52 –
Once an undocumented sex worker and addict, she was a powerful advocate for marginalized people, and an irresistible story teller.”
It was a nauseating bit of hyperbolic and fawning hagiography (as you can tell from the obit’s sub-heading) of an illegal alien who had led a manifestly troubled and unhealthy life of drug use and peddling himself as a homosexual “sex worker.” In other words, there was absolutely nothing in the decedent’s conduct of his life to merit praise and lionization, much less a write-up in any newspaper’s obituary section, as if he was a luminary figure of note.
Aka: a real loser
The trouble began when they started pronouncing c’s as soft c’s in Latin. Then it was the English mass, and now it’s failing to be sufficiently angry at people.
Wasn’t one of the many Mary’s a prostitute? Dim recollection, it wasn’t stressed in Sunday School.
I don’t know if you can trust the Biblical Google:
Mary Magdalene in which the most consequential note—that she was a repentant prostitute—is almost certainly untrue. On that false note hangs the dual use to which her legend has been put ever since: discrediting sexuality in general and disempowering women in particular.
Mossty of us are well aware of who Mary Magdalene was and how she was accepted by Jesus after her repentance. That is actually the point of the story. If the story was distorted in certain quarters in the centuries since, that does reflect on Mary Magalene herself.
That is a popular myth, but there’s no support for it in the text, and the Roman church officially dropped it in 1969. The sinful woman who anointed Jesus’s feet is not named, nor is her sin specified. She, Mary Magdalene, and Mary of Bethany would seem to be three separate people.
This was a circus! It had nothing to do with Christ – or any real God; it was a disgusting event to mock the Roman Catholic church.
I suspect that Pope Francis was secretly behind this. He is, after all, a closet Episcopalian.
I suspect that you’re a blithering idiot.
No such thing as transgender. There is only XX or XY (with rare exceptions).
But leftist institutions are mockeries, themselves, already.
I am confused as to the role of the reverend father. Was this an intentional shaming of the Lord’s holy name? Was the priest simply duped?
Not even in the Early 1970s did I imagine I’d read such a headline
This funeral was held on the first day of Lent following Ash Wednesday. Something is not right here. How do we know that the officiating priest isn’t in on this?
I am amused by this….Imagine what happens if God IS real, and he is not amused by the antics. Jesus is not going to be able to get the Old Testament God to chill about this. It’s off to Hell, with a personal note to the Devil suggesting 3 shows daily for the Gestapo. Oh, and no lube.
Keep your day job.
“an event with no likely precedent in Catholic history,”
To be fair, one day each year IS dedicated to blessing farm animals.
““an event with no likely precedent in Catholic history,”
To be fair, one day each year IS dedicated to blessing farm animals.”
We have far more to be thankful for farm animals, than for illegal men sex workers pretending to be women mocking Christianity. Was IT a member of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, that mockingly wear nun habits??
Hey, don’t get me wrong. Some of my best friends are farm animals.
So why don’t queers push their politics on muslims?? Why are christians called bigots, but not muslims??
Because the queers and trannies know full well that unlike with Christians if they push this stuff on the moslems or try to pull these stunts in a mosque they might get a violent pushback that they don’t like. Don’t like at all. So that’s why they don’t mess with moslems.
For presiding over this mock mass Edward Dougherty should be defrocked and excommunicated. He must be separated from all the sacraments and thrown into the outer darkness. He is damned to eternal hellfire to suffer endless pain and everlasting despair. No mass of reparation can save a church so defiled. Only fire can expunge the evil and sin that dwell within every pore and crevice of its structure. An edifice celebrating the whore of Babylon is beyond redemption.
Oh give it a rest, you sputtering jackass.
This smacks of a power play: “we can trash everything you care about or believe in and there’s nothing you can do to stop us”.
Oh there is a way to stop them. But most. Christians wouldn’t be willing to take those measures. You know, like the moslems do when they perceive islam, or their prophet has been insulted. They take measures to insure that such insults will never happen again. Severe measures in some cases. But nope, not Christians. They weakly protest when their houses of worship are defiled and the religion is insulted time and time again. And that’s it.
the church isssss left wing
the anti abortion stance goes against their VERY OWN DOCTRINE
of eschewing earthly goods etc and waiting for the real riches in the great beyond
What priest, deacon or staff member of St. Patrick’s talked with someone about arranging this funereal circus? Had this now dead body been a member of the Cathedral parish? or of any Roman Catholic parish? If so, someone would not have been caught “flat-footed” in view of what it takes to arrange any funeral Mass – especially in a Cathedral. If not, why would anyone have agreed to host such a circus? SHAME on whoever at St. Patrick’s is responsible for scheduling this Mass and becoming an object of ridicule.
Things have changed in a half century. Back then, an RC Church wouldn’t marry you, give you a funeral, or baptize your kid unless you were a member of their parish or had a note from the pastor of your own.
What the hell — sorry — good is a multi-millennia, world-spanning authoritarian bureaucracy if they can’t keep mockery out of their own temples?
You’d think the Church of Rome would be good at this. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
What is Fr. Edward Dougherty’s side of the story? Was this deliberate, and if so have defrocking procedures been set in motion?