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Teachers in Newton, MA End Strike After Keeping Schools Closed for Eleven Days

Teachers in Newton, MA End Strike After Keeping Schools Closed for Eleven Days

“The union was seeking a 20% hike in pay, but they negotiated 12% over four years — that will equal 13.5% ‘compounded’ over the life of the deal”

Teachers in the wealthy Boston suburb of Newton have finally ended a strike that kept kids out of school for eleven days. You would think that as communities across the country are coming to grips with how damaging school closures were during the pandemic, that no one would dare shut down a school right now but here we are.

NBC News in Boston reports:

Newton teacher strike ends as union and mayor announce agreement on new contract

The teacher strike that has kept schools closed for 11 days in Newton, Massachusetts, has come to an end.

The Newton Teachers Association announced Friday night that it had agreed to a new contract with the school committee.

“It took 16 months and 15 days of a strike that 98% of our members reluctantly voted for to force Mayor [Ruthanne] Fuller, Chris Brezski and their school committee to understand that Newton educator will not back down from doing what is right for our students, for our schools and for public education,” Ryan Normandin of the union’s negotiation team said in a press conference. “This evening, the Newton Teachers Association and the Newton School Committee’s bargaining teams agreed to a contract.”

Normandin said the deal that was reached “secures the key priorities of our membership,” including more access to mental health resources for students and increased parental leave, as well as increased salaries for staff.

“We have great news for the students, families, caregivers, residents and educators of Newton. We expect schools to be open Monday,” Fuller said in a statement. “We are thrilled to get students and teachers back in their classrooms.”

“We are also thrilled to settle a new four-year contract that honors the tremendous work our teachers do,” she continued. “A contract the city can afford — a contract that serves our students.”

Oh, this was all about the students? Really?

According to Indeed, teachers in Newton are paid fairly well:

Average Newton Public Schools Teacher yearly pay in Massachusetts is approximately $61,860, which is 30% above the national average.

And that was before the new contract. Now they’ll make even more.

The Boston Herald reports:

Newton teachers strike is finally over, 12% pay hike over 4 years

After 11 days of no school, the contentious Newton teachers’ strike is over.

The union had already said they were “extremely close” to coming to an end on Friday, while a judge threatened higher fines for the union if the two sides didn’t reach a deal by the end of the weekend.

Minutes before the deal was revealed, union members were singing and shouting, “When we fight, we win!”

The deal was announced just after 9 p.m. Friday with “concessions” for higher pay for aides, more parental and family leave, mental health counseling for students, and a cost-of-living raise for teachers.

The union was seeking a 20% hike in pay, but they negotiated 12% over four years — that will equal 13.5% “compounded” over the life of the deal, Talia Gallagher, of the Newton Teachers Association, told the Herald late Friday night.

Featured image via YouTube.


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How much do they make? 6 figures plus with salary and benefits? I bet some (the majority?) rake in over 100k in just straight salary. Plus it’s almost impossible to get rid of them. Public sector unions are one of the biggest problems in this country. Thanks again Democrats.

    Publius_2020 in reply to Concise. | February 3, 2024 at 2:02 pm

    Imagine if the article actually answered questions like this…

    >> “Average Newton Public Schools Teacher yearly pay in Massachusetts is approximately $61,860, which is 30% above the national average.”

The realm of Karen

Every one a Democrat. Hard to believe that Massachusetts was one of the Thirteen.

    henrybowman in reply to fscarn. | February 3, 2024 at 2:25 pm

    For decades, I have looked at it this way: Massachusetts was ahead of the curve in liberty; now it is ahead of the curve in socialism. It reprises the history of America, just about 50 years out of phase.

crappy performance and now for even more money–shameful indeed

I live in Newton. When the teachers came to my door I told them that I support the teachers but not the union and I noticed that they never protested to open the schools during the pandemic.
Newton is (was) known for having great schools, but since the pandemic the city has been working tirelessly to lower the standards and quality of education.

    henrybowman in reply to MiltonF. | February 3, 2024 at 2:29 pm

    “Average Newton Public Schools Teacher yearly pay in Massachusetts is approximately $61,860, which is 30% above the national average. And that was before the new contract. Now they’ll make even more.”

    But hey, this is Newton. You can’t even get a decent lunch at one of their Starbucks for under $60. And don’t get me started on VinoDivino.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to MiltonF. | February 3, 2024 at 3:28 pm

    More money, less education. Win-Win if you ask me!


    #FJB <-- Disco Stu_ in reply to MiltonF. | February 3, 2024 at 4:51 pm

    You have to keep in mind, though, all the proud WuFlu-closure declarations that “We’re all in this TOGETHER!”

    I don’t recall any full-salary concessions by any unionized govt. employees around here.

    Our local school-district Superintendent here didn’t really want to think about my suggestion that video-only “education” diminished actual learning by at least 40%. (Not true, sir, – I’m NOT actually a white-supremist right-wing extremist, if that’s what you’re thinking. )

The mayor will reluctantly accept 13% higher campaign contributions from the union. …. Not 20% as there must be some semblance of reality.

It’s for the children !!

I’ll believe that when I see children walking away from school with checks in hand

Who is more stupid- teachers, journalists or blog contributors (including present company) who mindlessly repeat innumerate nonsense? A real teacher or journalist would spend a few moments to see that the compounded rate of increase over the life of the deal is 3.22%; not 13.5%. I am NOT defending the teachers. I am despairing over how our once grand republic has degenerated into a mob of blithering idiots.

    ghost dog in reply to E Howard Hunt. | February 3, 2024 at 9:44 pm

    “Excuse me, ma’am. I didn’t ask for a math lesson. So why don’t you just tell me how much it’s gonna cost me? And don’t use numbers.”

At this point, it seems to me that sending your kid to a public school is tantamount to child abuse.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Paul. | February 3, 2024 at 3:31 pm

    Yeah, but how would teachers be able to indoctrinate, fornicate with, and interfere with parental privilege?

Teachers’ unions are the biggest impediment to improving education in the US. They use our children as pawns to get pay increases and to spread their social indoctrination.

    healthguyfsu in reply to OldProf2. | February 3, 2024 at 5:42 pm

    A few of their goals (like increased mental health support for students) were worthwhile to improve the learning environment, but it is a common union tactic to sprinkle these in as a shield for the money grab.

    These people would never strike JUST for a increase in mental health support.

I wonder, when do the layoffs happen, like at UPS this week, or, really, the fate of GM before they became Governemnt Motors.

The judge was on the side of the city, threatening fines for the union, and the city still surrendered? That mayor must have been in bed with the teachers’ union. If the judge is threatening higher fines (meaning they are already being fined) you drop your offer, even “offer” lower pay than they were getting to shake some sense into the opponent. You don’t hurry to agree with them! It could extend the strike but only a little. There must be many in that community who think the teachers are already overpaid with way too much job security.

The $61,680 salary makes no sense. Here is a link that compares Newton Teacher salaries. Entry level BA teachers made $55,406 in FY22. After 10 years, on the top step, they made $93,531. Mid-point those numbers and you get roughly $75K after 5 years. Then you get step ups for additional education and stipends for additional activities.
Teaching kids is not easy, but there are many, many harder jobs that are not nearly as well compensated.