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Students for Justice in Palestine at Swarthmore Projected Numerous Antisemitic Phrases on Campus Building

Students for Justice in Palestine at Swarthmore Projected Numerous Antisemitic Phrases on Campus Building

“The anti-Israel statements were projected on Clothier Hall on the college campus in Pennsylvania.”

Is this why people sacrifice to send their kids to college? So that they can do this? What a waste.

Campus Reform reports:

Swarthmore SJP chapter projects ‘globalize the intifada’ on campus building

The Swarthmore College Students for Justice in Palestine chapter projected several anti-Semitic phrases on a campus building, including “Globalize the Intifada.”

In an Instagram post on Saturday, Swarthmore Students for Justice in Palestine showcased several anti-Israel statements it projected onto a campus building.

”Israel Bombs, Swarthmore Pays,” one projected statement read.

”Swarthmore funds Genocide, “ read another.

The anti-Israel statements were projected on Clothier Hall on the college campus in Pennsylvania.


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First offense rusticate them from campus, online courses only. Second offense trespass them and expel them.

destroycommunism | February 27, 2024 at 10:38 am

so lefty calling for violence is acceptable


then someone is going to end up giving it to them which will then lead to more curtailment of americas freedoms

lefty wins again


where art thou gop!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I always knew that women’s colleges were losers. Now I have confirmation.