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Pilot Program at North Carolina Police Academy Would Teach Officers 68 Terms for Gender Identity

Pilot Program at North Carolina Police Academy Would Teach Officers 68 Terms for Gender Identity

“This hardly seems like a productive use of time for police trainees and their instructors”

Hasn’t the left already done enough damage to law enforcement in this country?

The College Fix reports:

NC police academy considers teaching 68 terms for ‘gender identity’

North Carolina soon could be teaching its future police officers about 68 terms for “gender identity and expression” as part of their law enforcement training, a new pilot program document reveals.

The proposed curriculum change to the state Justice Academy’s Basic Law Enforcement Training program comes from the North Carolina Department of Justice, The Carolina Journal reports.

The state agency is in the process of revising the officer training program, with the new curriculum slated to be implemented in 2025.

However, some of the potential changes revealed in a pilot program this spring have raised eyebrows.

For example, a “Course Management Guide” for instructors recommends the Healthline article “68 Terms That Describe Gender Identity and Expression” as a source of information for lessons about hate crimes, according to the document, first obtained by The Carolina Journal.

“This hardly seems like a productive use of time for police trainees and their instructors,” Jon Guze, a senior fellow in legal studies at the John Locke Foundation, told the news outlet in response to the article.

Guze said the guide also recommends two biased organizations, the Human Rights Campaign and the Anti-Defamation League, as sources for hate crimes information.

“Neither of those sources can be regarded as objective. On the contrary, both have been credibly accused of being biased,” he said.

The new curriculum has not been finalized yet; it will be part of an expanded police training program. Currently, North Carolina law enforcement training lasts 16 weeks, but, starting next year, it will expand to 21 weeks, according to the report.


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This is obvious legal trap. It opens up the accusation of “mis-gendering” by law enforcement, allowing queers to claim their civil rights were violated. Biological sex at birth should be adequate.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to smooth. | February 15, 2024 at 12:09 pm

    “Biological sex at birth should be adequate.”

    It should be the only thing. Enough of this nonsense.

And when those police start eliminating republican gatherings, infiltrate in order to try to incite crime in order to make arrests, and dramatically overcharging for jay walking of known Republicans will Republicans back the blue?

destroycommunism | February 15, 2024 at 11:04 am

and after the next uprising aka “peaceful protests” the coffin of america will be sealed

wellll only for a couple hundred years

destroycommunism | February 15, 2024 at 11:06 am

stopppp funding public schools now!!

“This hardly seems like a productive use of time for police trainees and their instructors”

Valuable time they could be using to memorize the meaning of 10-1 through 10-300.

Since “gender identity” is, to my understanding, defined by the individual’s state of mind and is fluid (can be changed at any time), the concept (gender) is inherently not objective and then should not used for law enforcement purposes. Perhaps someday this will dawn on the North Carolina Department of Justice. An individual or corpse can be subjected to DNA testing or anatomically inspected to determine the sex of the individual – that is objective. But I don’t think that one can objectively determine the fluid delusions of an individual or a corpse.

Progressive destruction of our democracy is happening faster than many thought possible, but they still don’t have enough enforcement resources in place to suppress counter revolution. They have corrupted Federal law enforcement and are busily spreading this out to degrade the military and local leadership, but that’s a slower process away from the urban rot accomplished thus far. Thus the harping on “insurrections” to justify the eventual creation of centralized counter insurgency forces loyal only to their political authority. It’s not quite to that stage yet, but we’re getting closer, given the unrest likely to be triggered by the upcoming election.

Antifundamentalist | February 17, 2024 at 10:49 am

Since the left claims “gender is fluid” no one can be expected to know another persons gender without being told. In a crisis situation, that is not always possible. Therefore, gender identity must take a back seat to biology – which cannot be arbitrarily ignored due to medical safety considerations. So, unless you need to go to the hospital or a cell, the police should be able to use their best guess as long as they are otherwise courteous and appropriate to the situation.