WSJ Op-Ed: Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan Celebrated the Events of October 7th
“Almost immediately after Oct. 7, and long before Israel began its ground offensive in Gaza, people were celebrating the horrific events of that day in pro-Hamas rallies and marches throughout Dearborn.”

This is disturbing. Maybe America should be paying closer attention to what’s happening here.
Steven Stalinsky writes at the Wall Street Journal:
Welcome to Dearborn, America’s Jihad Capital
Thousands march in support of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. Protesters, many with kaffiyehs covering their faces, shout “Intifada, intifada,” “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” and “America is a terrorist state.” Local imams give fiery antisemitic sermons. This isn’t the Middle East. It’s the Detroit suburb of Dearborn, Mich.
Almost immediately after Oct. 7, and long before Israel began its ground offensive in Gaza, people were celebrating the horrific events of that day in pro-Hamas rallies and marches throughout Dearborn. A local headline describing an Oct. 10 event at the Ford Performing Arts Center read “Michigan rally cheers Hamas attack.” Imam Imran Salha of Dearborn’s Islamic Center of Detroit told the crowd that Israel’s past actions have put “fire in our hearts that will burn that state”—Israel— “until its demise.” In May 2023, Mr. Salha had urged his congregation to say “amen” in agreement with his prayer that Allah “eradicate from existence” the “sick, disgusting Zionist regime.” In October 2022, according to the Washington Free Beacon, his organization received $150,000 in funding from the Homeland Security Department’s nonprofit security grants program.
At another rally, held Oct. 14 in front of the Henry Ford Centennial Library, Imam Usama Abdulghani also didn’t hide his support for Hamas’s terrorist actions. The American-born, Iranian-educated Shiite Islamic scholar called Oct. 7 “one of the days of God” and a “miracle come true.” He described the attackers as “honorable.” He said they were “lions” defending “the entire nation of Muhammad the messenger.”
Local enthusiasm for jihad against Israel and the West extends beyond celebration of Hamas. The Islamic Center of America, a leading Dearborn mosque, held a memorial service on Dec. 30 for a Hezbollah operative killed in an Israeli airstrike. The Hadi Institute, which runs an Islamic Montessori school and bills itself as a youth community center, held a “Commemoration of the Martyrs” on Jan. 5. This event honored Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, leader of the Iran-backed Popular Mobilization Forces in Iraq. Both men were on the U.S. list of designated terrorists when they were killed in a U.S. airstrike on Jan. 3, 2020. The commemoration included poetry and praise, along with claims about ISIS being operated by both the Central Intelligence Agency and the Mossad. Imam Abdulghani used his remarks to express his “warmest congratulations” to “our very special leader, Imam Khamenei”—essentially declaring allegiance to the Iranian ayatollah who regularly calls for the destruction of the U.S.

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Ship them all off to Gaza so they can directly support the brothers.
But close enough to the border to allow the IDF to eradicate the. As quickly as possible before they do any harm.
That would not be fair to Israel, they do not need anymore homicidal losers.
Their replacements, and them some, have already crossed what used to be our southern border.
Just like they celebrated after 9/11.
We’re at not for the license plates on the cars, you might think the picture at the top of the story was in fact Dearborn, Michigan
That’s what I thought. Or Minnesota.
It should be “Were it not for …” But you make an excellent point. That picture, in which the cars carry no American license plates, was not in the original article in the Journal. And even if it was taken in Israel or elsewhere in the Middle East, it seems devious of Legal Insurrection to have used it here, because it’s clearly intended to insinuate that it was a scene in Dearborn.
Relatives of the NJ candy givers on 9-11. Loving death, like heroin.
JR and Thad Jarvis will be here shortly, celebrating the fact that Islam is a peaceful religion, and anyone who makes any comment about Muslims committing or celebrating murder of Jews is a racist.
Then they will extol the virtue of themselves, and condemn the hateful acts of anyone against people from these peaceful countries. Followed by calling everyone keyboard warriors who want to start civil wars, but can’t because we all are fat, stupid Americans who enjoy food and TV too much.
I believe I captured the sentiment.
Be careful. “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam,” just something I heard a while ago from some guy who I believe had freakishly large ears.
I believe he was discussing the “Profit” of Islam.
It’s not possible to slander the child-raping jigolo.
You just saved us all a s*tload of time.
Why is it a “phobia,” their creed which we cravely admit as a religion for why I don’t know. I understand in a way. Nobody wants to say f*** them as heartily as I do. No decent person would allow it. But we’re fighting indecents
When these Imams talk we should realize they are espousing a culture or religion that has been violently and criminally persecuting Christians for 1600 yrs. And we let them stay.
Both of the imams quoted were born in the USA, so we don’t “let” them stay, this is their home and they have the same right to it as we do.
Traitors are not part of “we”. They have lost any rights to claim as Americans. That’s the thing about treason and traitors …
This ain’t rocket surgery.
Traitors do not forfeit their citizenship; and these imams are not traitors. So says the constitution, which you are not entitled to disagree with. The country belongs to them as much as to you, and they have the same right to stay here as you do. So your question, why do we “let” them stay here, is nonsensical and contrary to the constitution, which makes it by definition un-American.
You can disagree with political positions, but pretty sure you aren’t supposed to advocate killing Jews (I could be wrong…) and some of the other crap they do. Constitution is not a suicide pact and all that.
You are wrong. The constitution protects all advocacy equally, whether you’re advocating adopting puppies or eating them. And yes, that does include advocating wiping out the Jews, overthrowing the government, and reintroducing slavery. This is settled, black-letter law.
The constitution is the supreme law of the land. It is not optional. And it’s only because of the first amendment that you can say things like “not a suicide pact” and not get arrested.
you need to read up on scotus rulings that cause a major dent into your claims
And I am not saying they shouldnt have the right to their hate speech
but again,,,court rulings will show you otherwise
heck obamabiden admin made it legal to “eliminate” usa citizens
You are a lying retard.
8 U.S. Code § 1481 – Loss of nationality by native-born or naturalized citizen; voluntary action; burden of proof; presumptions
(a)A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality—
(7)committing any act of treason against, or attempting by force to overthrow, or bearing arms against, the United States, violating or conspiring to violate any of the provisions of section 2383 of title 18, or willfully performing any act in violation of section 2385 of title 18, or violating section 2384 of title 18 by engaging in a conspiracy to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, if and when he is convicted thereof by a court martial or by a court of competent jurisdiction.
You lie and make stuff up and then accuse everyone else of lying. You are pathetic, really.
There are no such rulings. On the contrary, the court has been completely consistent for decades: All advocacy is at the very core of protected speech.
Primordial Liar:
You are such an idiot, you even forgot to delete the words that prove you’re a lying liar who lies:
That is what I have been saying all along: US citizenship, once validly obtained, can only be lost voluntarily. Treason does not forfeit your citizenship, unless you want and intend it to. Of course if you want to renounce your citizenship you don’t have to commit treason; a simple letter to the nearest US embassy will do it. You may have to pay a hefty fee, though.
Oh, and “obamabiden admin” did not “make it legal to ‘eliminate’ usa citizens”. If you take up arms against the USA you are a legitimate target for a military attack, and it has never mattered what passport you carry.
When has US Citizenship EVER stopped a Democratic president from killing them? But Biden and Obama aren’t available for comment.
Of course, I await breathlessly for you to expound in great detail the ins and outs of how US citizens (and innocent people worldwide) haven’t been murdered by drone strikes from these two murderous regimes.
OK buttercup. Your turn.
1. We are not talking about killing them, but about “why we let them stay”. And the answer is that we don’t “let” them stay, they have an inherent right to stay because it is their country.
2. US citizens (and innocent people worldwide) have NOT been murdered by drone strikes. Legitimate warfare is not murder. It is the president’s duty to conduct the USA’s wars against their enemies, and that is what all presidents have done. Drone strikes on enemy forces are legitimate acts of war. Surely you are not claiming that US citizenship exempts someone from being killed in war!!!
You never disappoint.
Thanks for proving my point.
And you’ve just proven mine. You’re an enemy of the constitution.
#2…you only need look back to the obamabiden admin to PROVE your statement wrong against american citizens being “eliminated”
#1 you are correct they do get to stay but their hate speech is no longer a given protection as new laws are being written up as
“Disorderly conduct” etc to stop hate speech
I’m talking about killing them. I am. The Construction isn’t a suicide pact. I swore an oath to the Constitution who the fu** are you?
Wrong. Dangerously wrong. There are no such “laws being written up”, whatever that means, because they would be unconstitutional.
If you swore an oath to the constitution then by advocating that people be killed for exercising their constitutional rights you are betraying that oath. Which you have a right to do, but don’t pretend that it isn’t what you’re doing.
Then it was a mistake to allow their parents to come to America.
I can and will show up whenever I feel like it. The Construction doesn’t allow a subset to deny human beings their rights
Our current political leaders, both democrats and republican, keep telling us that Islam is a peaceful religion.
This is a lie!
Islam has been at war with the USA since the Jefferson administration in the late 1700’s.
Ask any marine the origin of the lyric: “to the shores of Tripoli.”
I can and will show up whenever I feel like it. The Construction doesn’t allow a subset to deny human beings their rights
Do you believe the testimony of a woman is worth half that of a man?
It’s why we have a navy.
I remember when my steering assembly was “a proud product of Dearborn.”
Now their primary product is jabberwock steering committees.
Soon they will be reenacting the events.
Didn’t Ford recruit the Muslims specifically because he hated Jews
For his car plants
I misremembering this?
Henry did indeed employ many moslems who developed the first ottomanic transmission.
No, that is not true.
It’s true that he didn’t like Jews, but he recruited whomever he could get. Workers were hard to come by; he doubled the prevailing industry wage in order to attract them, and when he saw that Arab immigrants were good workers he asked them to tell their relatives back home that good jobs were available for them if they came here.
I had a meeting with historians at the Smithsonian when the issue came up of Ford and several expressed an opinion that the Nazi party depended on significant cash infusions from Henry Ford, other evidence of this was his acquisition of the Dearborn Independent, which he used to fan the flames of Jew hate.
There is plenty of evidence that Ford helped facilitate Nazi rise to power. He embraced Arabs because he hated Jews.
What has that got to do with the topic?
Gonzo’s claim is not true. And nothing you have written supports it. Nor does anything in the book you posted.
Oh, thank Allah for those “cheap chalupas”. What a bargain that was…
You are correct, read the chapter about Henry Ford. I posted this on the weekend but it and a bunch of other stuff disappeared.
There’s nothing in chapter 3 of that book to support gonzo’s claim.
if you hate america
you hate israel
if you hate israel
you hate america
so them screaming for genocide of israel is doing the same to americans
and the muslllims are not the only ones whose culture is not a mix for the western ideals
Assimilation into the wider civic norms of the USA remains important. Not just for immigrants but for successive generations of native born US Citizens. What we see here is an example of how that process off assimilation has failed. We see other examples on our University Campuses.
But the left has actively undermined it for decades. Fixing the problem would be very difficult at this stage without a massive purge of US institutions. Don’t see that happening anytime soon.
Well, we do have nukes.
Joe Biden is fond of commenting on the value and utility of F-16s…
How about the general public choosing to enforce basic societal norms? The problem with that route is we have effectively purged the concept of shame from our society. It wasn’t just ‘leftists’ who allowed or championed that.
The general public can still choose to withdraw support and patronage from businesses or individuals who act in an aberrant way. That same public could hold their own legislators accountable to do the same when Dearborn asks for State assistance.
The problem has expanded far beyond Dearborn, Inkster, Hamtramck and steadily spreading out from there.
All the more reason for the public to become far more involved and far more demanding of their political class and of themselves to use old fashioned shame,/shunning to restore norms.
“Harm or kill Jews, and the Jews will harm and kill you back” – seen on the internet
This should be the Jewish creed from Oct. 7 and onward.
From the river to the sea, Israel shall be free.
See this article Democrats lke Biden are so far left that theuy would stoop so low as to campaign here and not in strong Jewish communities or show up at a ,massive rally in DC
There were reports, at the time denied by the government, that said Muslim believers celebrated the 9-11 terror attacks. We have now seen a repeat of where some Muslim believers stand. It is also very concerning that there are no Muslim leaders speaking out against the atrocities committed by Hamas on 10/7 and the American Muslim demonstrations of support. The governments concern is largely that of mass riots between Muslims and non-muslim Americans and the loss of Muslim votes. This is another example that diversity is not a strength, it is a wedge issue and leads to the possibility that Dearborn, Minneapolis, and other enclaves will become mini Gaza’s.
Yes: Americans witnessed Muslims in America celebrating 9-11.
But if you oppose Muslim immigration you are a raacist and must be punished.
President Trump
Spoke to the Muslims celebrating in. NYC 9/11 a
D the left and media went full metal jacket
He said you could hear them celebrating on the rooftops, streets
I bet if we try hard enough, there is footage of it ,
Someone has it.
It was scrubbed very quickly by the state media.
Vile narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, and, the rest of the Dhimmi-crats have for decades engaged in obnoxious, dishonest and corrosive Islamophilia, ignoring the glaring and intrinsic supremacism, misogyny, hatred of non-Muslims, belligerence, totalitarianism and sundry other pathologies of the ideology of “Submission.”
Obama stated, in typically disingenuous and revisionist fashion, that “Islam has always been a part of America.”
The bullying, fascistic behavior of many Muslims living in the U.S. — I will not call them “Americans,” because in their Islamofascist, pro-terrorist beliefs, they are not — stands in direct contravention to secular, democratic norms and the values of the Enlightenment.
This is why Muslims shouldn’t be allowed into the USA. We excluded communists during the Cold War and should do the same for Muslims while we are fighting Muslim terrorists alongside Israel.
Diversity WASSS a strength when the diversed WANTED to mold into one
not to give up their own cultured traditions BUT TO BLEND IN WITH WESTERN IDEALS
Since the pols now insist that laws function AGAINST THAT EXACT POV
there is no need to enjoy western ideals
just western advancements like
air conditioning
food stores in every neighborhood ( but gone from places>>CULTURES that practice non western love of capitalism ideals)
etc etc
the left knows this is true which is WHY THEY CREATE AND LOVE SEC8 etc etc so that those racist white owned homes can change hands to non whites asap as the left ALSO pushes the
no more single family neighborhoods >>racist
having a differing of opinions is NOT WHATS AT ISSUE
the issue is the changing of the power structure to people that will and have in most every cases lived off the goods and services of others withOUT benefit of any positive contribution
so the claim that
“we built this country” is somewhat true ( you HELPPPED build this country)
and very bad VERY BAD people took away or didnt allow you to fully have a chance to participate
that was and is will ALWAYS be wrong
but now your “solutions” are to do it to people who are innocent YET IN THIS VERY SAME DAY/TIMEFRAME
your people loot and riot ( nope,,no justification will make it better..we gave them room to destroy etc)
and the muslimsblm faction do in fact work together as a common enemy of theirs is
westernism >>capitalism
all the while they hypocritically pursue the beauties that that very
capitalism brings AND HAS BROUGHT to the world
bad actions by some notwithstanding