Morning Joe Crew Lose Their Minds Over Special Counsel Describing Biden as ‘Elderly Man With a Poor Memory’
“I will say that without — there’s no doubt in my mind that this special prosecutor could have written the same report without using these words: ‘Elderly man with a poor memory.'”

I’d say the meltdown is delicious, but if anything happens, we get Kamala Harris.
Still, though. It’s hilarious watching people spin Special Counsel Ben Hur’s report regarding President Joe Biden’s classified documents.
Hur described Biden as an “elderly man with a poor memory.”
The Morning Joe crew on MSNBC has gone ballistic this morning. I’m seriously trying to find the words but cannot stop laughing.
Also, I’m not shocked the crew went overboard because everyone knows Biden loves Morning Joe.
Joe Scarborough, who is buddies with Biden, couldn’t believe Hur would allow people to know the truth about the president:
SCARBOROUGH: “I gotta stop right here. I know we want to go on and finish this report, but I just have to start. Ken — Ken Dilanian, so bizarre. There were so many people who immediately heard these random conclusions, irrelevant conclusions, politically charged, Trump-like ramblings. First of all, I wondered why in the world he’d put that in the report, his neurological assessment of Joe Biden; and secondly, why Merrick Garland would release garbage like that in the Justice Department report. Can you give us any insight? Because it sure sounds like James Comey in 2016 who, July, couldn’t indict Hillary Clinton legally, so he decided to hold a press conference and indict her politically.”
MSNBC's @JoeNBC attacks the special counsel for discussing Biden's impaired mental faculties:
"A neurologist and a lawyer? … There were so many people who immediately heard these random conclusions, irrelevant conclusions, politically charged, Trump-like ramblings … "
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 9, 2024
NBC journalist John Heilemann admits on national TV that as a “simple journalist,” he could have found a way to say an “elderly man with a poor memory” without saying it.
You know, spin it in Biden’s favor. I’d love to read everything Heilemann has written and find out how much of the truth he has spun:
HEILEMANN: “Well, first, Joe, I’ll say that, literally, before we started the program, I was saying to Chuck Rosenberg sitting here, can you explain to me how this is different from what Jim Comey did in — what we think of 2016 as Comey I, his first intercession in the election, in the case you’re referring to in July, I think, of 2016, when he did what you just said. I, like you, am old enough to remember when prosecutors either charged someone and issued a charging document, or they issued a declension. And declension was one sentence, which is, ‘We decline to prosecute.’ Chuck will talk about something I don’t know much about, and the difference between back in those days when we had the independent counsel statute and what we have now, when we have the special counsels and what the regulations are and what they have to do. I will say that without — there’s no doubt in my mind that this special prosecutor could have written the same report without using these words: ‘Elderly man with a poor memory.’ Like you, I’m a simple country journalist. I can find a lot of different ways to say this without saying something like that.”
MSNBC's @jheil attacks the special counsel: "Can you explain to me how this is different from what Jim Comey did in … 2016?"
"There’s no doubt in my mind that this special prosecutor could have written the same report without using these words: ‘Elderly man with a poor…
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 9, 2024
Does anyone else have a hard time believing Rep. Goldman? I don’t:
GOLDMAN: “I have had a number of conversations with President Biden over the last couple years, including on October 7th, the day before this interview, when I was in Israel and he called me. His mastery and understanding of the geopolitical situation on the ground in Israel and in the surrounding region was remarkable. He was recounting to me all the various different things they had done in the first couple hours of the war. He was completely on top of everything that was going on. And his experience, because of his age and his wisdom, has been invaluable to this country as we have navigated through the Russia/Ukraine war and now the Middle East. So there is a flip side to the age thing, which Joe Biden has demonstrated very well over the last couple years.”
Goldman didn’t stop sucking up to Biden:
GOLDMAN: “No, I don’t have any concerns. That’s from personal interactions. He’s got a terrific team around him. He is very knowledgeable and experienced. And he has, even recently, completely dominated the Republicans. You look at the Fiscal Responsibility Act. He did a fabulous job. My understanding is that he was behind the scenes, and because of his experience negotiating over so many different years, he knew exactly where the negotiation was going to go and he took Kevin McCarthy’s shirt. I think President Biden is incredibly experienced, knowledgeable, wise, and I don’t have concerns about his age. Remember, the job of the president is to guide our country, it is not to be a cheerleader for the United States. It is to govern our country. And I think when you see the juxtaposition of how he handled this case, fully cooperating, respecting the rule of law, respecting the independence of the Department of Justice, and you juxtapose that with Donald Trump, what you see is someone who really cares about our country and cares about our democracy, juxtaposed and opposite to a criminal, to someone who is clearly out for himself, does not believe the law applies to him, and is a danger to this country. That’s the choice that the American people will have.”
Rep. @danielsgoldman attacks the special counsel: "It's completely gratuitous & completely unnecessary … & wrong" to discuss Biden's mental faculties.
"[Biden's] mastery & understanding of the geopolitical situation on the ground in Israel & in the surrounding region was…
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 9, 2024

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It’s all just a distraction from treason.
And it’s working.
It’s mostly just another pay-op, like insurrection and the Russian collusion etc
Joe Biden is a very experienced dissembler.
The first thing to go , as we age, is names. For him to bring up Kohl and Mitterrand by name makes zero sense.
“God save the queen” and most of his other apparent gaffes — these are just not things that anyone says or does in any dementia facility.
Philadelphia mob boss Gigante and others have used this ploy. Probably Comey, too, in front of congress played it up
The fact is Biden most of the time gives responses that are on point, that show he is fully aware what the topic is. For example, the border. For example, Gaza.
We are being played like a harp.
They’re getting set to install Harris/Whitmer
Not Comey.
I meant Robert Mueller.
Typically, when there’s any question of mental competency, prosecutors obtain a forensic psychologist and a forensic psychiatrist to do an evaluation — before the prosecutor decides how to proceed.
One of the best ways to know when The Fix Is In … is when (1) no formal mental health evaluation is requested, or (2) the prosecutor relied on the opinion of , for example, a local surgeon etc. (i.e., someone with no training or experience evaluating mentation, deception, etc. particularly in a civil or criminal setting)
Can you imagine the absolute (censored)storm that the SC would stir up by hiring a psych team to determine the competency of POTUS. There is no way they could maintain secrecy of their identities, and EITHER way they determined, their careers would be trash afterward. There would be no way to get an honest opinion out of them with that kind of pressure, so he did the best he could and is still catching heck for it. “Incompetent to stand trial but competent enough to be President” is one heck of a decision.
It seems that they rest of the Biden Syndicate can be prosecuted. Just wait until Hunter is tried, then we will see if Crooked 10% Joe reacts.
That proclamation of what everyone already knows — that Biden is a doddering, demented old fool — is his excuse for not being prosecuted. It’s like Comey’s “no prosecutor would charge this case” bullshit to cover HRC’s fat rump.
One shouldn’t be too surprised that the B-minus students in so-called-journalism are too stupid to figure it out and get with the program.
Someone should tell Squinty Scarborough the old line of LBJ’s, “You cant polish a turd”.
You can, but all you get is a shiny turd.
What you get is sh!t on your hands.
Only if you pick it up on the clean side.
But Mika is trying
“Elderly man with a poor memory” is a very generous description.
What about “despicably corrupt traitor with an absolute disregard for America”?
That sounds more accurate.
As evidence of a poor memory, Biden apparently has forgotten that we have borders
Oh no! The emperor’s clothes are missing!
Don’t say the emperor has no clothes, say “the stitching on his waistcoat is cleverly hidden.”
The stitching is cleverly hidden to conceal all the skin that was pulled back to make his face tighter during multiple plastic surgeries.
Indeed, Hur’s characterization is unduly deferential and charitable, to say the least.
Hur’s characterization is dishonest j,ust like the Biden’s.
It’s really hilarious to watch them turn on Merrick Garland. Once upon a time they thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Dan Goldman, the most loathesome man in Congress (and he has so much competition!).
Along with Bill Clinton and what’isname OBama agreeing to a campaign appearance with Joe, it sure looks like the Democrats are going to stick with the old fool and make him the Democratic candidate. At the same time, anti-Trump tactics seem to be, finally, failing.
There is only one thing that concerns me, and it concerns me greatly. The economy (and the crime situation, for that matter) is in such a mess that the next President is likely going to have an impossible job getting things fixed during his term. This means that the Democrats may be thinking strategically and WANT to lose the election. Their plan being that horrible economy, failure to fix the crime problem, a foreign war or two and constant attacks from the press on Trump may cause the Republicans to fall into disfavor in the long term
“ You know, spin it in Biden’s favor.”
And what if that is what Hur did, spin it in China Joe’s favor. 10 months of a Harris regency, where the surrounding officials don’t give her anything more than crayons and kindergarten scissors might not be the worse option.
The scary part is that, even in his diminished capacity, Joe Biden, not know for outstanding foreign policy, is still better that Kamala Harris.
Yes. The reality is a President Harris would be the best thing to happen to Hamas since Ariel Sharon’s decision to give them complete autonomy.
The truth is none of us know what KH will do as president. Her record tells that she does whatever is good for Kamala Harris, and in her last executive position she was lazy and expedient
And smarter than Joe and Mika
I’m sure the White House will be followed up with …
BREAKING: White House says President Biden has all of his mental facilities and demands Special Prosecutor Hur indict him immediately
He practically did in the evening press conference afterward, although he really did not do himself any favors by his resulting bobbles and glitches.
Aren’t’ these the same jackasses who spewed verbal diarrhea for years about Trump and the 25th Amendment?
It’s a good thing they live in their Acela Corridor bubble… in the real world they’d get their gaslighting mouths smashed in.
When the lie is exposed by turning up the gaslights expect a cloak to be provided.
Very simple way for Joe Biden to rebut the special counsel’s assertions: Hold a 45 minute, non-scripted press conference. (But it will never happen.)
Imagine a televised Biden and Putin conversation
With the stench of the floating turd show and the constant media spinning comes the nausea we taxpayers are experiencing. Ballot only with a property tax receipt, otherwise you get sent to Pauper City in West Gazafornia.
So these three octogenarians walk into a bar.
I can’t remember the rest.
At first blush you might be inclined to believe the Mournin’ Joe Scarborough might be jumping to the defense of Joe Biden but you’d be missing the larger point. Joe and Mika have devoted their lives to giving tongue baths to The POTATUS and extolling his every virtue in perpetuity. They cannot abide having someone charged with prosecuting crimes suggesting that Their Guy is so demented that he cannot be tried in a court of law; that he is so [sym]PATHETIC that no serious prosecutor could, ethically, pursue a case against him because no jury would have the heart to convict someone so mentally impaired as Joe Biden. In other words, Hur’s assessment of Biden’s mental state and diminished capacity makes THEM look like the Fools they actually are and we just can’t have THAT now can we?
Pursuing a case against both the Biden family and his puppet masters does make sense.
Nobody believes the lies and faux-outrage. We are reaching the point where leftist antics generate raucous laughter—the one thing that kills leftists faster than tossing water on the Wicked Witch of the West. Keep the ridicule coming!
Don’t Worry!
If Traitor Joe was insulted by the report . . .
. . . he’s already forgotten.
Ben Hur’s report is the societal equivalent of a mean tween. As such, he should be impeached.
With the left a mean tweet is one which speaks about a truth they don’t like.
Anger is a stage of grief, right? Biden’s candidacy is dead. They know it but haven’t fully processed it yet.
The statement that he couldn’t remember when he was vice president is even more illustrative.
Biden was caught red-handed with classified documents in his garage. Moreover, he did not at any point in time have the authority to remove those documents.
So what possible defense does Biden have? Only one — mentally incompetent.
So how does a prosecutor who does not want (or is under orders not) to prosecute, thread the needle and not bring charges and get away with it?
By doing the Comey thing and claiming that no reasonable prosecutor can bring a case against a mentally incompetent defendant. That’s why he HAD to use those words, understand now MSNBC?
The Dhimmi-crat media are stupid. The only way Hur could contrive to let crime boss and dotard, Biden, off the hook for his indefensible conduct — removing and keeping classified docs that he never had the authority to do, when he was a U.S. Senator and Vice-President — was to underscore the dotard’s obvious senility and cognitive impairments.
Hur did Biden and the Dhimmi-crats a favor, letting Biden skate on the crimes, while providing ample ammunition for the Dhimmi-crats to kick him to the curb, should they choose to do so.
The vile scum, Goldman, is delusional:
“And his experience, because of his age and his wisdom, has been invaluable to this country as we have navigated through the Russia/Ukraine war and now the Middle East.”
The only reason there are wars in Ukraine and in Israel/Gaza/Lebanon/Syria, in the first place, is because of dotard Biden’s transparent weakness, stupidity, gullibility and naivete.
Touting Biden’s alleged and exaggerated ability to “navigate” wars that he has directly enabled and facilitated, is grotesquely and offensively dishonest.
“The only reason there are wars in Ukraine and in Israel/Gaza/Lebanon/Syria, in the first place, is because of dotard Biden’s transparent weakness, stupidity, gullibility and naivete.”
I forgot to mention Biden’s “dhimmitude.”
Goldman has somehow managed to make himself even more dislikable than Adam Schiff, something I never would have dreamed was even possible a couple years ago. But, here we are.
They are both utterly vile reprobates. There isn’t a single rational, likable and centrist or “moderate” Dhimmi-crat, in the entire rotten Party. Contemporary Dhimmi-crats are beyond reason and redemption.
He’s also proven he’s less mentally capable than AOC.
He’s either senile or he gets prosecuted for stealing doc. There is no 3rd option.
Steven Miller made the point that every inmate in every lock up in the country was found competent to stand trial which makes them all, cognitively superior to the president of the United States
Likely not just stealing those docs, they were sold, probably by Hunter.
The comparison to Coney’s handling of Hillary Clinton is apt. Just like Hillary should have been prosecuted, so too should Biden be prosecuted. They’re both guilty and both are getting off scot-free while the “powers that be” put a full court press on Trump. Throw in the George Floyd “murder” trial and the Michael Mann-Mark Steyn fiasco and it’s clear that our judicial system has jumped the shark. Maybe it’s time for “the people” to revert to 1775 and take matters into their own hands.
President Potato
The dictator is either senile or a criminal. There is no 3rd option.
He’s both
He’s a senile criminal suffering from alzheimers.
Embrace the power of AND…
instead of saying
elderly man with poor memory
they could have said:
a self serving communist pos who is so corrupt we have to say
an elderly man with a poor memory
President Biden reportedly can’t get enough of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
Biden is a devoted viewer of the left-leaning cable news talk show hosted by former US Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-Fla.) and his wife, Mika Brzezinski, according to Axios.
The president frequently calls Scarborough, a Republican-turned-independent, to get his take on the issues of the day as well as to vent about media coverage about him.
Biden’s brain is deteriorating month by month. When the bottom drops out it will be sudden, almost overnight, and he will get lost moving between rooms in White House. Biden’s type of condition doesn’t “stabilize” at the current level. It gets progressively worse. There really is no way to prop him up. No doctor can fix that.
We’re at the point where I’d take Ms. Harris, if only to preclude a Ms. Obama run.
SNL could not have written a better comedic script than what was presented at last night’s press conference where Joe, while trying to convince the world that his memory is top notch, mistook the president of Egypt for the president of Mexico,….or vice versa
The fact that FJB’s handlers would put him in front of the cameras well past his bedtime suggests that the ruling junta has decided they need someone else as the 2024 candidate, so they let everyone see the real Joe. Otherwise they were just uncharacteristically stupid. They are evil, but not usually stupid.
Did anyone notice this outright lie: “… it sure sounds like James Comey in 2016 who, July, couldn’t indict Hillary Clinton legally, so he decided to hold a press conference and indict her politically”
Actually, he SHOULD have indicted her legally. That press conference was Comey’s incompetent attempt to have it both ways.
America owes James Comey a lot of Real Justice for his prior roles.
Back during the GHW Bush administration, I remember hearing unfunny “comedian” Lewis Black refer to Dan Quayle as “Vice President Rain Man.” That seems applicable now to POTUS.
It’s always amusing how the communist propagandists clutch their pearls so hard over simple honesty. The pedophile is senile, he doesn’t know where he is half of the time and seems to be especially challenged at exiting stage left.
He was not senile when he started his criminal career. I suspect that Jill was an active participant, so how about prosecuting her?
Jill the Elder Abuser.
Ian Sams is a lying sleaze.
And the press corps is incompetent to let the lying sleaze get away with it.
Never mentioning he was NOT ever president or that he stole documents as a senator, buit comparing him to other presidents.
The Truth hurts most when it comes from those thought to support you no matter how obvious the facts fit.
But then to have Liberal Lunatic Rep. from New York Dan Goldman (D) help out, who needs enemies with “friends” like him.
The Republican Party could never have done a better job in characterizing their opposition, especially with MIA Ronna Romney McDaniels “leading” it who is too busy using donors funds for lavish and expensive expenditures that do NOTHING to support the kind of Conservative Candidates the America First and MAGA Conservative Base is demanding. RONNA HAS TO RESIGN IMMEDIATELY!!!.
OK, who is printing up the “I’m with Hur” t-shirts?
I’ve got a fever, and the only prescription is more Joe Biden.
Put him out there everyday, doing press conferences.
“there’s no doubt in my mind that this special prosecutor could have written the same report without using these words: ‘Elderly man with a poor memory.’ ”
“He’s stupid. He’s a narcissist. He’s senile. And he’s an asshole who blames other people for his failures.”
Now that’s more like it.
They understand that the Special Counsel’s report is the first step in the removal of Old FJB from office. What really upsets them is the thought of President Comma-La.