Judge Delays Trump’s D.C. Trial as Courts Consider Presidential Immunity
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Judge Delays Trump’s D.C. Trial as Courts Consider Presidential Immunity

Judge Delays Trump’s D.C. Trial as Courts Consider Presidential Immunity

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals have not issued a formal ruling on presidential immunity claims.

U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan has delayed President Donald Trump’s March 4 trial for allegedly interfering with the 2020 election as the courts consider his claim of presidential immunity.

Chutkan said she would reschedule when the courts settle the immunity case.

A reschedule depends on Chutkan’s scheduled. She acknowledged she doesn’t know what her “schedule will be in mid-April.”

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has been doing all he can to get the trial started on March 4th.

Smith even asked the Supreme Court to bypass the lower courts and rule on presidential immunity.

Thank goodness SCOTUS said no way. In other words, you have to follow the same process as everyone else.

Trump asked Chutkan to hold Smith in contempt, claiming he has been violating the stay order Chutkan put in place in December by continuing to work on the case.

Smith has filed numerous discoveries and asked Chutkan to exclude Trump’s January 6 evidence.


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E Howard Hunt | February 2, 2024 at 5:05 pm

The court will only find in favor of immunity if Trump can provide proof that he is vaccinated.

The dems are being offered exit ramps.

    mailman in reply to rhhardin. | February 2, 2024 at 6:31 pm

    Democrats are too far gone now. Their ideology has blinded them to everything that normal rational people can see.

The initial plan to use these ridiculous court cases to make him lose the primary has obviously failed.

So now they’re delaying them to try and spring them in October so the media can scream about them. Their problem is nobody is listening at this point. Nobody is ‘surprised’ to learn about them. No opinions are being changed.

    BartE in reply to Olinser. | February 5, 2024 at 10:51 am

    When you say obviously ridiculous don’t you mean he is obviously guilty? The evidence is really very strong, hence why his tactic legally is to delay delay delay. None of his defences really involve proving his innocence

If none of the evidence the FBI seized from Melania’s lingerie drawer implicates Trump, he has a chance. Hope those clowns got their jolly’s and Trump burned all of it and bought her new.

The trial are meant to stop Trump from being the Republican nominee, but now that the primary field is no more, the trial is fully exposed as a show trial by a sitting President against his opponent. This is the look that D.C. does not want. Watch for the other cases to disappear as well.

thalesofmiletus | February 2, 2024 at 11:59 pm

Hey, remember when Trump was impeached for even suggesting an obviously corrupt man, who maybe someday could challenge him for the office of the presidency, should be criminally investigated?

This is all BS.

I can understand Trump seeking presidential immunity, given the fact that fairness and impartiality in our justice system have been abandoned, but he did not interfere in the 2020 election.

Immunity is being sought for a crime that was never committed.

More experienced lawyers than I hear, but this shouldn’t surprise anyone. The judge ordered a halt in preparing for trial, until the Immunity issue was resolved. Smith, of course, being an inveterate cheater (as evidenced by his LawFare charges), tried to ignore that order. Defendants likely either didn’t respond, or responded that trial prep was frozen by the judge, making it effectively impossible for the judge to proceed, even if he even wanted to. This was probably a fairly hard deadline. No jury questions means no jury pool, voir dire, etc.

At this point, I don’t see trial until at least summer, if the Immunity issue were resolved tomorrow. My experience is that federal district judges just don’t usually have that large of time blocks open on their calendars that close in time.

    The entire objective of this trial blitz was to smear Trump and knock him out of the primaries. None of the major trials were expected to go to court before the primaries due to their titanic sizes and paper load. Millions of pages of discovery, but trial in a month or two never happens. Now that is a moot point, look for the weakest of the cases to be shut down in a way that can be blamed on the Republicans (of course) and the others pushed back on the calendar until after Trump takes office again.

    Accusing Jack Smith of being diligent and trying to keep the trial on track isn’t cheating. This is you admitting that Trumps best defence is not going to court at all.

thalesofmiletus | February 4, 2024 at 4:55 pm

And how was Smith legitimately appointed, again? I don’t remember any Sentate approval or anything — just Garland handing this off to a private citizen.

    Why would the senate be involved? Yes, he was legitimately appointed, because under the controlling regulations the power to appoint a special counsel rests with the AG.