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Jewish Teens in America Now Factoring Antisemitism Into College Searches

Jewish Teens in America Now Factoring Antisemitism Into College Searches

“constantly looking over my shoulder, worrying what somebody was going to do once I walked into Hillel”

It’s truly sad that this is the new reality for young Jewish people in the United States.

The Times of Israel reports:

US Jewish teens are looking at a new factor in their college search: antisemitism

Ethan Smith ranks fifth in his New Jersey high school class, scored high on the SAT and aced a full slate of five Advanced Placement tests last year. On October 1, he submitted his application to a nearby Ivy League school, the University of Pennsylvania.

Six days later, thousands of Hamas-led terrorists brutally murdered 1,200 people in southern Israel and abducted 253 more to the Gaza Strip, launching a war that has been accompanied by a reported spike in antisemitism in the United States — including on college campuses. About two months after that, Penn president Liz Magill told Congress that calling for the genocide of Jews wouldn’t necessarily violate the rules at her school.

Magill later resigned, but for Smith, the damage was done. He withdrew his Penn application and now plans to attend his home state school of Rutgers University.

“I just felt personally more comfortable there being fully who I am,” Smith said of Rutgers, which has a large Jewish population. He worried that Penn would be a place where he would be “constantly looking over my shoulder, worrying what somebody was going to do once I walked into Hillel.”

Smith’s decision is emblematic of a feeling shared by many teens active in BBYO: As they look at colleges, along with thinking about academics, location and the social scene, many have found themselves weighing a new factor: Antisemitism.

A new survey of nearly 2,000 BBYO participants across North America, taken in recent weeks, found that 64 percent said antisemitism on campus was an important factor in their decision regarding where to attend college. More than 60% said they had experienced antisemitism in person.


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Has anyone compiled a comprehensive database of anti-Semitic incidents on campuses? Sounds like you could then use it to rate schools and make the results available to those people who care.

Although, come to think of it, it would be just like the terrorist-loving fringe to look at schools with low scores and target them, so that they could bring them up to where those people think they should be.

    destroycommunism in reply to irv. | February 19, 2024 at 11:13 am

    yes there is a database for that

    its called

    the lefty run data base and allll schools run by the left fall into that

He may find that Rutgers is worse than Penn. Above all, don’t walk around campus wearing a yarmulke unless you’re heavily armed.

Jewish students should tell the schools they declined why, loudly and publicly. Letters to trustees, alumni associations, editors, legislators…

This is all part of the communal and indiviidual rethinking of once nearly sacrosanct values that has taken place since 10/7

destroycommunism | February 19, 2024 at 11:14 am

dear jewish people

only walk in groups of no less than 8 and have some kind of weapons training

and those weapons can be

skate boards


a butter knife found on the ground etc

destroycommunism | February 19, 2024 at 11:18 am

same way the blks want to have the browns “team up” with them

the j need to team up with the asians on campus

b/c the blks also try and recruit them too to offset the blck on asian crimes so they can not be charged with hate crimes ( not that they would be) and to show a (false) solidarity with them as asians are edged out by not as qualified blks ,,,as we allll know,,when it comes to college admissions

An Old Retired Jew | February 19, 2024 at 2:52 pm

Most not all American Jews who are contemplating college are the great grandchildren of Jews who picked up and left it all behind … back in “the old country”

What’s happening today in America is not your fault. It’s just your turn.

Grow up. Deal with it.

Consider options:

1. Spend a year or more in Israel — I’m sure they could use some volunteers. I know they have good colleges, etc. Learning Hebrew is not rocket science. There are mentally retarded people who are fluent in two languages all over the world.

If Option (1) is too much for your delicate constitution, consider

2. Learn Japanese, or Korean, or Thai, or Tagalog. Or ???
Start on-line, then go overseas to a language immersion program. Opportunities will open up, and/or you can attend college there.

* * * *

Jews had a nice run in America for about a hundred years.

It was nice whilst it lasted. But it’s over.

Don’t be a schmuck — Accept reality.

I’m pretty sure that that’s what your great grandparents would tell you.

The Monty Python sketch about Spam comes to mind, does it not?

Customer: “I don’t want any Spam”

Cook: “Well, this hasn’t got MUCH of it”

Last I checked, the least bad option is still bad.