Jewish Prof Speaking at San Jose State Needs Police Protection From Violent Anti-Israel Mob
“had to stop speaking and leave via police escort for safety concerns”

The longer this type of behavior is tolerated, the worse it will get.
The College Fix reports:
Police shield Jewish professor as raucous pro-Palestinian protest ‘escalated into violence’
A guest lecture by a Jewish professor on Monday at San Jose State University turned physical when police were forced to contain a rowdy crowd of protesters and protect the scholar as he exited the building, pictures and video posted on social media show.
Cal State Long Beach history Professor Jeffrey Blutinger gave a talk at SJSU billed as “exploring next steps toward peace in the Middle East” and titled “Constructing a Just Solution: Where Israelis and Palestinians Go From Here.”
According to a memo sent Tuesday by the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, the event “was moved to a different location, but within 20 minutes of the lecture starting, the protests grew too large [and Bluntinger] had to stop speaking and leave via police escort for safety concerns.”
The Jewish Community Relations Council of San Francisco and Contra Costa counties posted on X a couple of pictures and videos of a protest spawned by the lecture, including a 12-second video taken inside a hallway in which police can be seen yelling “back up” to protesters and using their arms and bodies to impede demonstrators’ progress as some shoving and a bit of chaos ensues.
Another picture shows Blutinger leaving the building flanked by at least three officers.
“Earlier today at @SJSU, a planned protest against guest speaker Prof. Jeffrey Blutinger’s talk on achieving peace in the Middle East through a two-state solution escalated into violence. Protestors obstructed entrances, called for ‘intifada,’ and clashed with law enforcement,” the council stated in a post on X.
“Their message? To show that ‘Zionists are not welcome here.’ To ensure the safety of Prof. Blutinger, an armed escort was necessary for his departure. The intimidation tactics employed against a Jewish speaker are deeply troubling. We urge @SJSU to take action to ensure the safety of our Jewish community on campus.”
Earlier today at @SJSU, a planned protest against guest speaker Prof. Jeffrey Blutinger's talk on achieving peace in the Middle East through a two-state solution escalated into violence. Protestors obstructed entrances, called for "intifada," and clashed with law enforcement.…
— JCRC Bay Area (@SFJCRC) February 19, 2024

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I’m curious to know how much they were each payed for this, and by whom.
The only way to deal with this is to rusticate the protestors from campus. They only way to handle this is for the university to rusticate the protestors from campus. They are no longer allowed to set foot on campus property. They are only allowed to continue their studies via online courses, which is totally feasible now as demonstrated by pandemic lockdown. If they set foot on any campus property, even cafeteria or sports facility whatever, they are to be expelled. Put public notice on university website explaining policy. Otherwise, it will continue blow up with next issue that gets kids excited on tik tok.
Assuming they are even enrolled. If not, substitute arrested.
UW-Madison arrested & gassed students who blocked recruiting by Dow Chemical in October 1967. Stielstra, Demming I forget their 1st names), Billy Simons & 1 other were permanently expelled.
People need to be identified, arrested, convicted & serve meaningful state & federal sentences for this.
And the speaker & his audience need to sue everyone involved under 42 USC 1985(3), starting with the spokesman.
blmplo rule america
the gop is in fact fleckless
you see the new gop plan to counter bidens no need to pay your loans???
we know the dems hate america
but its the gop sealing the deal through false counters
I don’t understand reports like this. Why couldn’t the police simply arrest them all?
Because the university administration agrees with these savage Nazi animals. They all want every last Jew dead.
What police? Dial 911 and leave message at tone, police have been defunded. That’s CA nowadays.