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Israeli Unity Cabinet Unanimously Rejects “International Dictates” To Impose Palestinian State As Reward For October 7 Massacre

Israeli Unity Cabinet Unanimously Rejects “International Dictates” To Impose Palestinian State As Reward For October 7 Massacre

Prime Minister Netanyahu: “Israel demands security freedom of action in Judea and Samaria and Gaza in order to fight terrorism. The biggest absurdity is the claim that a Palestinian state will provide security to Israel.”

The Israeli cabinet on Sunday rejected the establishment of a “Palestinian State,” as reportedly being proposed by President Joe Biden’s administration. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu-led wartime secutiry cabinet unanimously passed a resolution opposing ‘international dictates’ that call for ‘a huge reward to terrorism’ barely four months after Hamas-led Palestinian terrorists murdered more than 1200 Israelis and kidnapped 250 others.

The stern Israeli rejection comes after recent media reports suggesting that the Biden administration was working with Arabs countries to establish a Palestinian State with its capital in East Jerusalem.

The Biden White House seems to be in a great rush to roll out the plan which was apparently hatched behind Israel’s back as the country conducts military operations in Gaza to liberate remaining hostages.

“The Biden administration and a small group of Middle East partners are rushing to complete … a firm timeline for the establishment of a Palestinian state, that could be announced as early as the next several weeks,” The Washington Post reported Wednesday.

The Jerusalem Post reported the Israeli cabinet resolution:

The Israeli government formally rejected any attempts by Western countries to unilaterally recognize Palestinian statehood as it issued a formal statement Sunday against such a move.

“Israel outright rejects international dictates regarding a final status agreement with the Palestinians. The agreement, in so far as it will be reached, will be solely through direct negotiations between the parties, without preconditions,” the government said in a statement on the issue after its Sunday meeting.

“Israel will continue to oppose the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. Such recognition in the wake of the October 7th massacre would give a huge reward to unprecedented terrorism and prevent any future peace agreement,” the statement emphasized.

It stopped short of renouncing any Palestinian statehood attempts. It focused instead on this newest drive in the wake of the Hamas-led October 7 attack against Israel, in which over 1,200 people were killed and another 253 seized as hostages.

PA seeks unity government with Hamas

In a step towards “statehood,”  the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority (PA) is seeking to set up a unity government with Hamas and other terrorist groups. Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh announced — in Munich, Germany of all place — that Palestinian groups, including Hamas representatives, will meet in Moscow later this month to kick off unity talks.

The Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported:

In a bid to foster unity among Palestinian factions, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh has indicated a willingness to engage in discussions with the Hamas terror group.

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, Shtayyeh revealed that talks, possibly slated for February 26 in Moscow, could provide a platform for reconciliation efforts.

“We are prepared to engage. If Hamas is willing to join us, that’s positive. We need Palestinian unity,” asserted Shtayyeh. However, he emphasized that certain conditions must be met by Hamas for any collaboration to materialize.

Addressing concerns regarding potential collaboration with Hamas, particularly in the aftermath of the October 7 attacks, Shtayyeh urged observers to shift their focus away from past conflicts.

“One should not continue focusing on October 7,” he urged.

IDF gears up for final blow to Hamas in Rafah

Nearly sixteen weeks into the Gaza ground operation, the Israeli military is preparing the capture the Hamas’s southernmost stronghold of Rafah. The IDF is eliminating terrorists and dismantling underground tunnels in Khan Yunis, paving the way for an offensive in Rafah. Hamas’s Gaza-based leadership is believed to be hiding in the area, surrounded by Israeli hostages as human shields.

The Israeli government is committed to overthrowing the last Hamas terror stronghold of Rafah, despite enormous pressure from the Biden White House, United Nations and European powers. “There is no substitute for total victory and there is no other way to do it than eliminating the [terrorist] battalions in Rafah,” Prime Minister Netanyahu declared Saturday evening.

Hamas is losing control over its terrorist fighting force in Khan Yunis, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant disclosed Sunday. “The deepening of military activities in Khan Younis continues to bear fruit. Two-hundred terrorists have surrendered at Nasser hospital, dozens [of terrorists] have surrendered at Amal hospital – this shows that they [Hamas] have lost their fighting spirit. Terrorists armed with RPGs, weapons and guns, [faced the IDF] and did not fight back. They [Hamas terrorists] understood that their options were to surrender or die,” Defense Minister Gallant said.

“The Khan Younis brigade has been defeated and no longer functions as a military entity. Hamas is left with forces in the central area of Gaza, and the Rafah brigade. The only thing required for their total collapse as a military system, is the IDF’s decision. There is no one here to come to their aid – no Iranians and no international assistance, ” he added.

The IDF disclosed the ongoing military operations in a press release on Sunday:

IDF troops are continuing to operate in western Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip. Over the past day, the troops conducted targeted raids on terrorist infrastructure, killed terrorists, and located large quantities of weapons in the area.

Additionally in Khan Yunis, IDF troops located weapons and killed approximately 20 terrorists by tank fire over the past day. The troops directed an aircraft which struck and killed terrorists in the area. IDF troops also conducted targeted raids on military compounds and located weapons, including explosive devices and RPG missiles intended to be used in attacks on IDF troops.


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It’s outrageous that Fakestinian statehood is being pushed by the vile, evil and stupid European dhimmis and American Dhimmi-crats, as a transparent sop to placate and kowtow to their respective populations of restive, Jew-hating Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists.

The Fakestinians already established de facto states in the West Bank and in Gaza, that over decades have shown themselves to be 110% devoted to pursuing Islamic “holy war” against Israel and Israeli Jews.

And, note that none of these dhimmis and Dhimmi-crats demand in words and deeds, that the Fakestinians recognized Israel’s right to exist in peace, unmolested by Muslim terrorism and belligerence, as the continuation of a nation that pre-dated the vile, supremacist, totalitarian and belligerent ideology of “Submission,” by millennia.

The dhimmis and Dhimmi-crats offer undeserved carrots to the Fakestinians, and, no sticks to force a change in their genocidal behavior and attitudes.

All the Middle East terrorists must be defeated, and those who support them all brought to justice.

Great news

The terrorists in the West Bank and Gaza have repeatedly attacked Israel, been defeated, and then sent waves of “refugees” to other countries, who do their best to destroy their new host country. The obtuse refusal of the Western countries to recognize this reality may yet bring the downfall of both Europe and the US.

    gonzotx in reply to Valerie. | February 18, 2024 at 3:59 pm

    Oh for sure
    Biden just put into “law” that the Palestinians in America can’t be deported for 18 months

    Not sure how he did that

      Milhouse in reply to gonzotx. | February 19, 2024 at 12:12 am

      He did it very simply, under the power all presidents have and all presidents have used to defer deportation of people from a country that is experiencing war or other disaster, and is therefore a dangerous place to send people. If you think presidents shouldn’t have such a power, talk to Congress.

      I think most people would agree that such a power must exist, somehow, but the current system isn’t working because the power is too often abused, especially by 0bama and Biden. Perhaps the answer is to change the law to require the consent of the relevant senate and house committees.

Joe Biden said he now has doubts about the two state solution.

Biden: “There is only room for one state in Palestine—from the river to the sea, baby. Israel needs to absorb all the Muslims and Arabs who want to cross the border and come to Israel to live.

Reporter: “Yes, but pretty soon Israel will not exist.”

Biden: “Hogwash. Look at our country. We are letting anyone come across our border who wants to come without any restrictions. Thousands daily. Millions upon millions every year. And it hasn’t hurt us one bit. We call it diversity. It’s good for us. Makes us stronger.”

Reporter: “Are you sure about that?”

Biden: “Sure about what? I’m tired. No more questions.”

Olmert offered Abbas a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital in 2008 and Abbas said no.

So what has suddenly changed for Abbas to now want a Palestinian state??

Anyone? Any ideas?

Also, an amazing thing just happened. Some actor at the BAFTA’s (so you know it’s most likely a hard core leftist) just said something like stop the killing in Mariopol and Israel.

Not fucking Gaza but Israel!

    guyjones in reply to mailman. | February 18, 2024 at 5:19 pm

    And, you know that this idiot actor didn’t mean to day “Stop the Fakestinian murders of Israeli Jews.” What he really meant to say, was “Stop the killing in Fakestine,” which is what these reprobates believe Israel should be called; thus erasing Jews’ history and ties (which pre-date the ideology of “Submission” by millennia) from the record.

      mailman in reply to guyjones. | February 19, 2024 at 4:50 am

      That’s not how the rabid leftist mind works. To them Israel is an occupier and they NEVER refer to it as a country. It’s always referred to as Palestine or Palestinian land.

      These people hate Jews so much that they can’t even mention the name of Israel.

A Palestinian state will provide security to no one at all. Just the opposite. It will be the cause of death and destruction as its solitary effect. That’s why anti-humanists love the idea.

The irony that Jews would reject the idea of giving land in the region to people so they have a place of their own so they stop getting killed off by an evil regime is pretty funny.

    gonzotx in reply to korp. | February 18, 2024 at 4:01 pm

    Really? Cause those monsters only want to murder, rape and probably eat Jews

    So there’s that

    guyjones in reply to korp. | February 18, 2024 at 5:28 pm

    Only a dim-witted fool would see alleged “irony” in the situation.

    Fakestinians already have two places of their own — the de facto states of West Bank and Gaza. Instead of building peaceful and prosperous democratic states, they’ve turned both territories into corrupt, impoverished, totalitarian and misery-laden terrorist states, squandering hundreds of billions of dollars in international aid on building terrorist tunnels, on weapons and on materiel, and, rejecting any modicum of peaceful behavior and attitudes, to instead choose to wage unrelenting Islamic “holy war” upon Israeli Jews.

    Whatever territory the Fakestinians lost in the West Bank was lost in Arab Muslim wars of aggression against Israel, which wars were started by those very same Arab Muslims.

    At no time in history has the losing initiator of a war possessed the brazen and unmitigated gall to demand of the victor that it return territory lost in the war to the loser. But, the Fakestinians, aided and abetted by a feckless, emasculated and obsequiously gullible western dhimmi leadership

    And, of course, Jews were living in the middle east for millennia before the intrinsically supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent, hate-filled and pathology-laden ideology of “Submission” was founded; millennia before such a thing as a “Muslim” or a “Fakestinian” (the latter being an epithet coined by the ancient Romans to disparage the region’s Jews and to erase their historical ties to Judea).

    Facts are so unpleasant for Muslim supremacists and their wretched, Dhimmi-crat enablers and allies to deal with.

    rebelgirl in reply to korp. | February 18, 2024 at 6:16 pm

    Ummm where have you been? They have the Gaza strip and look where we are.

    CommoChief in reply to korp. | February 18, 2024 at 8:16 pm

    Now explain why the Jordanian Gov’t won’t accept their fellow natives of what was ‘Trans Jordan’. Nor will Egypt accept them nor Saudi nor any other Govt with an ounce of sense. These folks are brainwashed, programmed from birth to hate. They drink the propaganda with their mothers milk. You seem pretty selective in singling out Israel, wonder why that is?

      Milhouse in reply to CommoChief. | February 19, 2024 at 12:19 am

      “Palestinians” were never part of Transjordan. The Gaza strip was never under Transjordanian rule, and its people have never been citizens of anywhere since the British mandate ended. Judaea, Benjamin, and Samaria were occupied by Transjordan between 1948 and 1967, which is why it changed its name to “Jordan”. During that period the Arab residents of those regions were “Jordanian” citizens. But Jordan has since renounced the entire area, which logically means it ought to go back to the name Transjordan, but for some reason it has not done so. And when it renounced all claim to the area it also revoked the residents’ citizenship. Effectively those 19 years no longer existed; nobody but the UK and Pakistan ever recognized it in the first place.

        mailman in reply to Milhouse. | February 19, 2024 at 4:52 am

        There were to be two territories, Israel and Trans Jordan and everyone was to be a citizen of one or the other. In fact Trans Jordan was specifically created for the Arabs and Israel for the Jews.

          Milhouse in reply to mailman. | February 19, 2024 at 6:00 am

          This is not true at all.

          First of all, what do you mean by “there were to be”? At what time do you claim there was such a plan, and whose plan do you claim it was?

          Whatever your answer, it’s not correct. Transjordan was created by the British in order to give one of their Hashemite allies a kingdom to rule, since the Sauds had kicked them out of Arabia. One of them was made king of Iraq, but they needed a kingdom for the other one, so they lopped off everything in their Palestine mandate east of the Jordan, called it Transjordan, and gave it to him. They told the League of Nations that this was just an administrative adjustment, and the League approved it.

          At that time there was no plan to create a Jewish state, ever. The most the British promised the Jews was a “national homeland” under British rule.

          Israel was created in 1948, after the British left, by its Jewish inhabitants, who declared independence and fought to survive. It was not created by the British, or by the UN, or by anyone else. And it was not part of any plan.

    Milhouse in reply to korp. | February 19, 2024 at 12:29 am

    The irony that Jews would reject the idea of giving land in the region to people so they have a place of their own so they stop getting killed off by an evil regime is pretty funny.

    First of all, why would Jews give anyone any of their land? If people want a place of their own, why is that the Jews’ problem? Their fellow Arabs have huge tracts, why don’t they give them some? Or just take them in and let them be citizens, and then they won’t need any land because those countries will already be their place.

    Second, what “evil regime” do you claim is killing them off, and how would giving them land or “a place of their own” stop that? If anyone is killing them off it’s their own people, who would be the government of any such “place”. Giving them it would only condemn them to suffer under that government or one just like it.

    Nobody gave the Jews any land; at least not since God did so 3300 years ago. Certainly nobody gave any land in 1948. Not the British, not the United Nations, nobody. Israel exists only because in 1948, when the British left, the Jews of Israel declared independence, and then fought to keep the Arabs from finishing the job their German allies had started.

    All the land Israel holds belongs to the Jewish people, both because we are the indigenous people and because throughout our extended forced absence we continually reasserted our claim to it, and served notice to the whole world, so there can be no argument about adverse possession. Nobody, including the Israeli government, has any right to give any of it away. It belongs to the people, not the government.

Conservative Beaner | February 18, 2024 at 4:10 pm

Good. Tell these marxist morons who want Jews dead to F off and die.

This news is the greatest “in-your-face Tony Blinken and hell-no Traitor Joe” response the Israelis are making. I am proud they are not caving to Traitor Joe’s demands.

The IDF will capture and kill every last one of the Hamassholes.

Strange this push by Brandon suddenly comes as an election is in the near future and he is losing Hamas votes in Dearborn.

    mailman in reply to diver64. | February 19, 2024 at 4:54 am

    The Jews will continue to be good Jews and vote Democrat. Like the blacks they just can’t quite get themselves off the Democrat plantation.

Reports are coming out that Egypt is building refugee camps in The Sinai for the Pali’s to escape the fighting. Of course, the camps feature large walls around them to keep the Pali’s right there. Egypt knows what is up with those terrorists and is going to protect itself.

Shtayyeh urged observers to shift their focus away from past conflicts.
“One should not continue focusing on October 7,” he urged.
“Dude, that was, like, four months ago!” he went on to explain.