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House Education Committee Subpoenas Harvard, Accuses School of Obstructing Antisemitism Investigation

House Education Committee Subpoenas Harvard, Accuses School of Obstructing Antisemitism Investigation

The committee won’t “tolerate delay and defiance of our investigation while Harvard’s Jewish students continue to endure the firestorm of antisemitism that has engulfed its campus.”

The House Education and the Workforce Committee subpoenaed Harvard Corporation Senior Fellow Penny Pritzker, Interim President Dr. Alan Garber, and Harvard Management Company’s Chief Executive Officer N.P. Narvekar since they have not handed over documents pertaining to the committee’s antisemitism investigation.

The committee accused the school of obstructing its investigation.

“I am extremely disappointed in the path that Harvard has chosen to take in the Committee’s investigation. Over the course of this investigation, Harvard has touted its willingness to work with the Committee, citing the thousands of pages of documents it has produced,” said Chairman Virginia Foxx (R-NC). “But, of the 2,516 pages of documents Harvard has produced in response to the Committee’s antisemitism inquiry to date, at least 1,032—over 40 percent—were already publicly available. Quality—not quantity—is the Committee’s concern.”

Last year, the committee started an investigation into the school because the administration did nothing to protect its Jewish students as pro-Hamas dumbs saturated the campus with their hate and calls for genocide after the October 7 invasion.

Last month, the committee told Harvard it had two weeks to produce documents and communications concerning “Jewish students and antisemitism, including internal emails and text messages between board members, proof of disciplinary actions for harassment of Jewish students, and information on all foreign donations and funding, namely from Qatari sources.”

Foxx described Harvard’s lack of cooperation as unacceptable, and she won’t “tolerate delay and defiance of our investigation while Harvard’s Jewish students continue to endure the firestorm of antisemitism that has engulfed its campus.”

“Last week, I made it very clear to Harvard that the documents it had produced up to that point were severely insufficient,” continued Foxx. “I warned that a subpoena would be warranted if the university continued to miss the mark, giving it ample opportunity to correct course before compulsory measures were taken. Unfortunately, Harvard did not heed the Committee’s warning and once again failed to satisfy the Committee’s requests. In its most recent response, Harvard failed to make substantial productions on two of four priority requests and its productions on the remaining two priority requests contain notable deficiencies, including apparent omissions and questionable redactions.”

People have criticized the committee’s investigation as government overreach.

I tend to agree, especially since it is a private school. However, the antisemitism on these campuses opened people’s eyes to the fact that these private schools receive taxpayer money.

In 2021, Harvard received $625 million in federal funds. That’s 67% of its sponsored revenue in 2021. Let’s not forget the federal student loans.

Harvard gets this money despite having an almost $50 billion endowment.


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Probably the best way to change Harvard’s culture is for every Jewish student to sue them. Can this be a class action. They might even be able to collect more than once if there are continued harassments’? Suing deep pockets seems attractive.

Subotai Bahadur | February 16, 2024 at 4:11 pm

Just in passing does anyone believe that there will be any tangible penalty for Harvard for not cooperating with the congressional investigation?

Does anyone believe that there will be any tangible penalty for Harvard discriminating against Jew?

Does anyone believe that the congressional committee would do anything to enforce standards or the law on an Ivy League college?

Subotai Bahadur

DEI/CRT is such a fraud. Harvard guilty as charged.