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Hamas Rape Deniers Disrupt Columbia University Event on Preventing Sexual Assault in War

Hamas Rape Deniers Disrupt Columbia University Event on Preventing Sexual Assault in War

“The people of Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, as well as the people of America will never forgive you! You will burn!”

There is undeniable evidence that some of the tactics Hamas terrorists used against Israeli civilians on October 7th involved rape and torture, which included burning the women and girls they brutalized alive.

We know this not only because Hamas documented their savagery (some footage of which has been shown to media outlets), but also because some of the captured terrorists later admitted that the goal of capturing women and children was to “dirty them, to rape them.”

In a deeply disturbing report published in late December, the New York Times revealed the results of their own investigation into Hamas’ use of sexual assault as a weapon of war, identifying “at least seven locations where Israeli women and girls appear to have been sexually assaulted or mutilated.”

Despite overwhelming evidence of such atrocities taking place, Hamas rape deniers and apologists persist in their denial, something which played out ahead of and during a scheduled event at Columbia University last week on “Preventing and Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence” when a student group showed up to disrupt the discussion, which was not about Hamas specifically.

Columbia Business School Professor Shai Davidai took to Twitter/X to share some of the details:

Videos taken during the event showed agitators repeatedly interrupting the speakers at the event, but Hillary Clinton, as noted above, was on the receiving end of most of the verbal hostilities:

“Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, you are a war criminal!” a man shouted as the former secretary of state walked onto a lecture hall stage at Columbia University in New York City.

“The people of Libya, the people of Iraq, the people of Syria, the people of Yemen, the people of Palestine as well as the people of America will never forgive you,” he continued as Keren Yarhi-Milo, dean of Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs, took the microphone, asking to have him removed while Clinton waited with a bemused look.

As he was taken out of the room, he repeatedly shouted “Free, free Palestine!” and “You will burn!”

Here are videos of what went down:

Not that it will surprise/shock anyone reading this, but just noting for the record that the pro-Hamas contingent on campus has made it clear they believe the “by any means necessary” approach—very much including rape and murder—is justified against Israel:

There was also this:

I should also note that Professor Davidai is being targeted for cancellation by a cowardly group of anonymous students who have accused him without evidence of “anti-Palestinian racism” for defending Israel and condemning Hamas and their rabid supporters:

Columbia University professor Shai Davidai, a Jewish Israeli, defended his right to condemn Hamas’ atrocities on Thursday after learning that an anonymous group of graduate students has accused him of anti-Palestinian racism and demanded that a professional association of which he is a member publicly censure him.

Anti-Zionist TikTok influencer Jessica Burbank first reported the accusations the graduate students lodged in a letter to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), an organization founded in 1974 to promote the social psychology field and its usefulness to society. Comprising over 7,500 student and faculty members, it provides invaluable funding and networking opportunities.

Accusing Davidai of “targeting individuals — especially Palestinians and students of color,” the students’ letter describes his efforts to hold pro-Hamas student groups accountable for harassing Jewish students and defending terror as “decolonization” as “blatant dereliction of duty with respect to his responsibilities and ethical standards as a professor and faculty member of SPSP.” The students additionally accused him of promoting “doxxing” and “misrepresenting” the views of pro-Hamas groups, all of whom have defended Hamas’ atrocities on Oct. 7 while calling for a ceasefire, a strategy they have employed to portray themselves as a pro-peace movement.

To his credit, Davidai has vowed not to back down:

To learn more details on the Hamas October 7th sexual assaults and murders that these anti-Semitic student groups claim didn’t happen, click here.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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I do not recognize my country anymore.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Tim1911. | February 11, 2024 at 1:15 pm

    You aren’t alone. I miss the can-do country where the sky was the limit. (I guess I still like Ike…)

“…but Hillary Clinton, as noted above, was on the receiving end of most of the verbal hostilities:”

Good. The enemy of my enemy is my…

Nah. Islam is a cancer in the world.

We’ll deal with Hillary ourselves.

The narrative is getting mixed up. The original plan was rape and general pillage was well deserved given the vileness of Israel’s history, as well as falling in line with the need for outrage as an advertisement for Palestinian terror group credibility.

Now the protestors are denying it happened, as if it would be bad if it did.

Everything is spin, including “rape deniers” as clickbait of course.

    mailman in reply to rhhardin. | February 11, 2024 at 2:47 pm

    “ The original plan was rape and general pillage was well deserved given the vileness of Israel’s history”

    Hmmmm 🤔

    CommoChief in reply to rhhardin. | February 11, 2024 at 3:05 pm

    Are you suggesting that Israeli children are supposed to be fair game for rape, murder, kidnapping and torture b/c ‘Israel deserves it’?

    That’s Cray Cray.

    Morning Sunshine in reply to rhhardin. | February 11, 2024 at 4:35 pm

    guys, I do not think rhh is saying “rape and general pillage was well deserved given the vileness of Israel’s history”
    but that the NARRATIVE was SUPPOSED to be that “rape and general pillage was well deserved given the vileness of Israel’s history”

    He is saying that by the enemies of Hamas stating rape and pillage are a bad thing, they have to go along with it being a bad thing, so NOW the pro-hamas crowd are denying it happened.

    randian in reply to rhhardin. | February 11, 2024 at 10:22 pm

    Of course that isn’t why Hamas is doing it. Alleged vileness is pretext, the actual reason is Muslims like killing Jews because they’re Jews. That is what Muhammad did, and the Quran commands imitating him.

“I am your student, and I am ashamed!”

Well, there’s a quick fix for that: expulsion with prejudice.

In the interest of alleviating their shame, of course…

    Alternative to expulsion – a required semester abroad with Hamas in Gaza for gay and female students, with everyone else required to write up those students’ experiences.

Someone told me last week we needed better mental health in the US these DUnning Kruger victims prove that point.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to 2smartforlibs. | February 11, 2024 at 9:46 pm

    I started my engineering career in the 70s designing instrumentation, that area has improved at a staggering rate. Understanding and treatment of mental health has not.

We’re going to be seeing a lot more of this manifestly obnoxious, bullying behavior from Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists, in the U.S. (they are not “Americans,” whatever legal status they may hold).

Make no mistake that these “protests” and assorted agitprop are intended to be a display of Muslim power and supremacy.

The vile Dhimmi-crats have enabled and empowered these Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists at every turn and welcomed them into the Dhimmi-crat Party tent, while whitewashing and rationalizing their Jew-hate, their anti-Israel venom and their general belligerence towards non-Muslims.

Cancel the islamofacists student visa.

Islam teaches that captured female infidels are captives of war and thus can be freely raped as sex slaves because Islam’s favorite person, Muhammad, did so and anything he does is the best model of Islamic conduct.

Given that, why deny it? Stand up and show your pride in Islam!

A good start would be to Kick out those who do not have citizenship.