Guest Lecturer at UC-San Francisco Says ‘Whites Are Psychopaths’

Racial Studies

Is this really acceptable discourse in higher education? Even for San Francisco, this is over the top.The College Fix reports:

‘Whites are psychopaths’ guest lecture at UCSF draws outrageA scholar who specializes in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion who made the comment that “whites are psychopaths” during a recent guest lecture at the University of California San Francisco has drawn outrage and scrutiny.The Feb. 8 lecture, held as part of the school’s Black History Month events, featured DEI expert Dante King and was titled “Diagnosing Whiteness and Anti-Blackness: White Psychopathology, Collective Psychosis and Trauma in America.”“This talk will overview King’s upcoming course and book, and center on the development, construction, and functionality of race and racism as psychopathology, psychopathy, and sociopathy,” according to the university’s online description of the talk.Young America’s Foundation obtained a recording of the nearly two-hour lecture and on Feb. 9 posted an edited highlight reel from the talk on X, which quickly went viral.Many comments were critical of the scholar’s lecture, which also argued that “whiteness” is rife with “delusions” and “perversion.” He also said the law allows for the rape of black women.YAF reported that King said during his talk:

“Whites are psychopaths,” King said. “And their behavior represents an underlying, biologically transmitted proclivity with roots deep in their evolutionary history.”“There is no discussion about the delusions and the perversion of whiteness. Say this with me: rape culture in America is a legal, economic, and moral institution. So we’re going to, ‘we have it written in the law, you can rape black women – but we’ve never been a racist country!’”

Tags: California, College Insurrection, Racism, San Francisco