Organization Files Second Free Speech Complaint Against UNC Students for Justice in Palestine
“Up to this point, UNC has rewarded the SJP chapter by giving them exactly what they wanted — letting them carry out a heckler’s veto by shouting down a speaker, violating UNC policy and state law, and then walking out.”

According to The Washington Examiner, Speech First filed a free speech complaint against the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill.
This is the second complaint filed against SJP on January 22. Speech First filed the first complaint with Senior Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Success and Administration Jonathan Sauls.
The group never received a response. Therefore, Speech First is trying again.
From The Washington Examiner:
The Speech First complaint, obtained by the Washington Examiner, was filed with the UNC Board of Trustees and comes after the group shouted down journalist Bari Weiss, who was invited to campus for the Abbey Speaker Series to talk about “objectivity in journalism.”
“If the Board of Trustees takes UNC’s free speech policies seriously they will urge the campus to enforce them. Up to this point, UNC has rewarded the SJP chapter by giving them exactly what they wanted — letting them carry out a heckler’s veto by shouting down a speaker, violating UNC policy and state law, and then walking out,” Cherise Trump, executive director at Speech First, told the Washington Examiner. “UNC is doing nothing to deter them from doing this again.”
“It’s pretty simple. The SJP chapter violated state and campus policies. Therefore, they should lose club status,” she added.
Campus security removed the obstructing anti-Israel dumbs, who disrupted Weiss because of her “attempt to conflate anti-Zionism and antisemitism.”
Speech First wants to know why UNC did not discipline the students despite breaking school policy.
“Policy 1300.8 states that ‘[a]ny University student, faculty member, or staff employee who is found to have … substantially interfered with the protected free expression rights of others shall be subject to a full range of disciplinary sanctions,'” the organization wrote in its complaint. “Ex. A at 4. Moreover, UNC’s 2023-2024 Registered StudentOrganizations Handbook states that a student organization’s ‘[r]egistration may be withdrawn or denied should it be determined that … the organization fails to comply with University policies’ or ‘if the organization fails to comply with applicable federal, state, or local laws.'”
Free Speech pointed out that the SJP students had already planned to leave the event and prevented others from joining by taking up seats.
The organization also stated that witnesses can vouch that “a shout-down entirely derails an event” by distracting others and changing “the dynamics.”
“Does UNC really wish to set the precedent that it is perfectly fine to shout and carry on for several minutes in the middle of a serious lecture or class meeting, so long as you leave after a few minutes?” asked Speech First. “What would the university do if, instead of shouting in unison, each student had shouted individually for three minutes in succession, and then left as each had said their peace? Have our standards sunk so low that this is what we consider reasonable conduct?”
Here is video of all the anti-Israel dumbs. They’re so brave and courageous. I mean 99% of them are wearing masks and acting like imbeciles. Yeah, you’re sooooo cool.

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What’s SJP’s beef? “Palestine” is receiving the justice it earned.
It’s a shame these grievance fraudsters cannot actually experienced the wrongs they pretend to suffer. They must feel deprived. They certainly are not proponents justice as seen by the way they act, any more than North Korea is a “Democratic People’s Republic.”
So long as the Palestinian myth prevails, the world lives a lie and cannot heal.
If there are Palestinians entitled to recompense, they are those that actually lived on the land and their families. A small number with the passage of time. Certainly not the masses of UNRWA.
Carry on SJP! Make fascists everywhere proud of their progeny.
Note how quiet Obama and Co. are. Top tier guys like Tom Hanks – couldn’t shut that guy up for years, and now he’s gone mute.
Jerry Seinfeld is possibly – quietly – funding Bari Weiss, but not pushing back in public.
Susan Sarandon joined a chapter of the Hamas SS.
you should be glad movie stars for the most part are finally keeping their mouths shut about something. I know I am.
its called tribalism
who can use emotion successfully over logic
lefty stilllllll winning
blmplo>>>either we get to continue to destroy with impunity
or we will continue to destroy
middle class civilized people>>>>maga!!!!!!!!