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Florida Grand Jury’s COVID Policy Report: Interventions “Not Administered Based on the Best Available Scientific Data”

Florida Grand Jury’s COVID Policy Report: Interventions “Not Administered Based on the Best Available Scientific Data”

The Grand Jury followed the science behind COVID policies…and found little trace of it to follow.

Back in 2022, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis asked the state Supreme Court to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate possible crimes and wrongdoings the pharmaceutical industry may have committed against the state’s residents related to the COVID-19 vaccine. The plan was to have the Grand Jury impaneled between 12 and 18 months to investigate allegations and evidence.

The Florida Grand Jury has issued its first report. It is a disturbing review of the willingness of public health professionals to cooperate and the lack of scientific rigor used in developing pandemic response plans.

The entire 33-page report offers a master class in the type of analysis thoughtful review regular citizens can engage in when considering important issues of the day: “In a way, this Grand Jury has allowed us to do something that most Americans simply do not have the time, access, or wherewithal to do: Follow the science.”

While the entire document is worth reading for anyone concerned about the impact of COVID-19 policy on the nation, I will hit a few highlights.

To begin with, the Grand Jury received little cooperation from those in the administration associated with public health matters. The panel cannot compel cooperation, but its absence during this process, especially from those associated with The Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is extremely disturbing.

“Unfortunately, not all our investigative efforts have been met with fulsome cooperation,” the grand jury report states. “Some prospective witnesses have elected not to testify, often citing potential professional or personal consequences arising from their involvement with the Statewide Grand Jury process.”

“Occasionally, prospective witnesses have raised concerns about the underlying fairness of this Body,” it adds.

None of the federal agencies involved in the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines have been forthcoming with information, the grand jury has discovered, and the panel said it has no legal power to force the agencies to furnish information.

“The Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Army, among others, all had a substantial hand in the contracting, approval and distribution process for the COVID-19 vaccines at the center of our inquiry,” the report states. “These agencies have elected not to provide representatives to testify before this body, and federal law prohibits us from compelling their cooperation.”

In addition to the vaccine, the Grand Jury also weighed science related to the benefit of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs)…and found it wanting, especially in the area of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs).

“We have never had sound evidence of their effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the form of reliable RCTs that demonstrated statistically significant benefits,” it said.

The grand jury scathed health agencies and the federal government for “fail[ing]” to accurately inform Americans on masks.

“[They hid to] avoid the potential embarrassment of the public health advice they championed being invalidated by evidence,” it said.

The jury found the public was also mislead on “social distancing.” During the pandemic, many businesses and Americans were told to space people six feet apart.

“It is not nearly as important how far away people are from one another as it is whether they are in an interior or exterior environment and whether that environment is subject to adequate airflow,” the jury said.

On lockdowns, the grand jury found that their usage only “modest[ly]” benefitted the “affluent” who could afford to stay home at the expense of children and Americans through age 40.

The Grand Jury’s experience aligns with the congressional hearing in which master COVID-policy maker Dr. Anthony Fauci could not recall exactly what science the 6-foot rule was derived from.

The report also contained important facts which are familiar to Legal Insurrection readers but which were apparently ignored over the course of three years of pandemic mania.

  • Jurisdictions that enforced lockdowns “tended to end up with higher overall excess mortality.”
  • “There have always been legitimate questions around the impracticality of individual adherence to mask recommendations, but once it became clear that the primary transmission vector of SARS-CoV-2 was via aerosol, their potential efficacy was further diminished.”
  • Social distancing is not “nearly as important … as it is whether they are in an interior or exterior environment and whether that environment is subject to adequate airflow,” information that they said is still “missing from the CDC’s Social Distancing Guidelines.”

The best part of the report summed up the quality of the “science” used in establishing pandemic policy [highlights mine].

As for their effect on overall SARS-CoV-2 risk, we cannot ignore the fact that these NPIs were not administered based on the best available scientific data.

In fact, many public health recommendations and their attendant mandates departed significantly from scientific research that was contemporaneously available to everyone: Individuals, scientists, corporations and governments alike. Often this research was ignored by institutional policymakers. Occasionally it was even attacked.

It is a sad state of affairs when something as simple as following the science constitutes an act of heresy, but here we are.

Importantly, while some of these NPIs may have shifted risk to later in time or from one group to another or had some speculative efficacy against viral spread when used in perfect laboratory conditions, comparative evidence suggests they did not significantly change the overall risk profile presented by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in terms of excess death, especially once collateral consequences are taken into consideration.

In conclusion, the Grand Jury found little science to follow. Its next report will likely make for further fascinating and disturbing reading.

Here is an X-thread that offers a point-by-point analysis of this report.


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So? This simply puts an “official” imprimatur on something most of us knew from Day 1, that the “pandemic” panic was based on fraud. Of course, no one will ever be held accountable…

    TargaGTS in reply to Rusty Bill. | February 5, 2024 at 7:48 am

    I’ve listened to Trump’s stump speeches for more than 6-months. There’s one subject he almost never addresses: the government response to Covid. When he does occasionally bring it up, he does nothing but speak glowingly about ‘Warp Speed.’ He thinks the vaccine is one of his biggest achievements. So yeah, no one will ever be held accountable. If Trump or Biden (or whomever the Dems actually nominate) wins, our federal Covid response will be ignored and buried. If a GOP presidential nominee miraculously wins in 2028, the statues of limitation will have all expired, both civil and criminal. The reality is one of the consequences of nominating Trump is it takes Covid off the table for the General Election. Whatever number of potential voters out there who are hugely animated by the government-created Covid disaster there are, those voters will likely vote for someone like Kennedy or perhaps won’t vote at all.

      LeftWingLock in reply to TargaGTS. | February 5, 2024 at 8:26 am

      Here’s the counter argument — Trump was in charge when all this was going on. Trump left in place the bum that got everything wrong (and then tried to hide his errors). This is not a winning issue for Trump.

        destroycommunism in reply to LeftWingLock. | February 5, 2024 at 12:51 pm


        trump was once again

        tryinggggg to keep the checks and balances in place and NOTTTT be dictatorial ( as he pointed out during the DACA court ruling)

        So Trumps biggest mistake of course was LOVING AMERICA SO MUCH THAT HE TRIED to live up to the checks and balance system and didnt claim to be a doctor etc

        and still tried to keep the country running but was stop time and again

        B/C THE MIDDLE CLASS HAS MORE TO LOSE THAN THE Soros funded street armies who had no fear of fire hoses ( omg!! the optics of THAT!?!?!??!) were free to do as the pleased

          healthguyfsu in reply to destroycommunism. | February 6, 2024 at 1:38 am

          So Trump was somehow being a good POTUS when he let executive branch bureaucracy run roughshod over citizen rights?

          Be honest about this and stop being an apologist as Trump does not walk on water.


          He indeed does not possess the ability to walk on water (an ability only ever claimed to have existed by leftists), nor did he have the dictatorial power to pass proclamation after proclamation to keep America open during the pandemic because had he done that then people like you would be wanking yourself silly against a wall about how much of a tyrant Trump was. I mean that kind of Presidential power is only reserved for Democrats.

        DaveGinOly in reply to LeftWingLock. | February 5, 2024 at 1:24 pm

        Trump was in a no-win position. Imagine if he tried to refute the advice of the “experts”-he would have been roundly excoriated for “not following the science.” Remember, criticizing Fauci was criticizing “science” (and Fauci himself said this, so it must have been true, right?). Once he had handed off the problem to the “experts,” there was literally nothing he could have done. His only alternative would have been to run the entire show himself (including telling Big Pharma that mRNA vaccines were a non-starter and unacceptable), and guess what would have happened then? If you didn’t guess “he’d have been roundly excoriated for not attending to the advice of experts,” you’d be wrong.

        But the question is never asked, “If Trump got so much wrong, and if we learned over time that he had been wrong, why didn’t Biden adjust to the ‘science’?” Suspiciously, the people criticizing Trump over pandemic response are uncritical of the Biden administration, which has done nothing to correct the mistakes that were made, and, in fact, carried over many (if not all) of the same “experts” to continue to make the same mistakes.

          mailman in reply to DaveGinOly. | February 6, 2024 at 9:41 am

          Not forgetting that more people died under 10% China Joes regime than they did under Trumps administration.

          I get the feeling that the people who bring covid up as an example of Trump being shit are the very people who will only ever vote Democrat regardless of how much they get f99ked over by Democrat policies.

          To these people the only thing that matters is Democrats winning regardless of the negative impact that has on America and the world…and we can see just how bad things have gotten under Democrat control today compared to how the only thing being endangered between 2016 and 2020 was their f88king feelings.

      thalesofmiletus in reply to TargaGTS. | February 5, 2024 at 8:31 am

      Trump naively assumed that the Deep Sewer wouldn’t jeopardize the nation by weaponizing “Covid” against him. I don’t blame him for not bringing it up. It was the absolute worst betrayal of confidence to put the health of Americas at risk just to remove one man from office. They are unapologetic and should never be forgiven.

    jimincalif in reply to Rusty Bill. | February 5, 2024 at 11:03 am

    “Of course, no one will ever be held accountable…“

    I don’t suppose this FL grand jury can issue indictments, can it? But yeah, likely no one will ever be prosecuted, or even fired. Yet another crime on top of all the others.

It was a cold.

TY Leslie.. important article. I hope it gets legs.

    CommoChief in reply to amwick. | February 5, 2024 at 8:14 am

    Yes indeed. Any effort to further expose the deliberate falsehoods told by the proponents of Covid mania and their enablers in Govt, in media all the way to some random Covid Karen demanding everyone around wear a mask is good thing. These folks are totalitarians.

My personal experience has shown me that social distancing isn’t cmplete nonsense.
My wife and I got COVID in Oct-2022.
My wife got it a 2nd time in June-2023. Because of restricts at my work place I was required to stay home at least 5 days and wear a mask for 5 additional days. I was able to not get COVID this 2nd time by mostly not staying in the room with her for more than 2 minutes at a time.

    JackinSilverSpring in reply to Neo. | February 5, 2024 at 9:34 am

    Your evidence is anecdotal. In my case, I contracted the Wu-flu in March 2020. I didn’t know then it was the Wu-flu. (I only found out several months later, after taking a CT-scan and subsequently testing positive for antibodies.) Insofar as neither my wife nor I knew I had the Wu-flu we continued to sleep close to one another. She never contracted the Wu-flu. My conclusion is that one or two exceptions are not dispositive.

      Yes, Neo’s experience and yours are anecdotal. But as someone else said (sorry I can’t remember the source), “The plural of anecdote is data.” Usable scientific data is simply the accumulation and proper statistical analysis of numerous individual experiences (i.e. anecdotes). It is to the shame of our public health establishment that they did not follow their own recommended pre-covid policies for handling infectious disease outbreaks while gathering data about Covid to see whether/how it differed from other such diseases to see if different guidelines were appropriate. Politics and power were more important to them than the health of the nation’s people.

    TargaGTS in reply to Neo. | February 5, 2024 at 10:14 am

    Nope. Your anecdote doesn’t say anything about the efficacy of social distancing. There are a number of reasons why your wife could have had SYMPTOMATIC Covid while you didn’t that have nothing to do with ‘masks’ or ‘social distancing.’ Your immune system could simply be better than your wife’s. Or, you could have contracted Covid and was asymptomatic…which we’ve learned is incredibly common particularly with people who already have natural immunity.

    paracelsus in reply to Neo. | February 5, 2024 at 10:57 am

    A silly question:
    How do you know you and your wife had COVID?
    Try that on on me again.
    You KNOW because a test developed by the same government actors that developed the virus told you so!
    Please help me get up off the floor: I can’t stop laughing.

      randian in reply to paracelsus. | February 5, 2024 at 9:12 pm

      Yes. And we all know that the PCR tests were trivially gameable to deliver any result the testers want.

        mailman in reply to randian. | February 6, 2024 at 9:51 am

        Kids at my daughters school worked out that if you dripped watermelon juice on the tests it would deliver a positive result! I take my hat off to the kind of mind that tested and confirmed this kind of malarkey!! 😁😁😁

    mailman in reply to Neo. | February 6, 2024 at 9:48 am

    I got the Chinese Death Pox Feb 2020. It was probably the worst I had ever felt and led to the first time in well over 20 years where I had to take days off work because of illness. None of my friends or family caught the Chinese Death Pox from me.

    On the other hand, friends who followed the rules RELIGIOUSLY managed to catch the Chinese Death Pox quite regularly and some of these people are still hermits hiding under their tables and avoiding human contact where possible.

    And of course we had the science of “if you go to a pub and sit down you can take your mask off because the Chinese Death Pox will totally ignore you while youre sitting and eating”.

And, something that even here doesn’t get mentioned: We knew a LOT of things about Wuhan Flu in the earliest days. But the establishment ignored what was being seen in the case of the Diamond Princess cruise ship. At least, they ignored everything that wouldn’t help a panic.

I’m still not sure how a grand jury figures into this, though – unless they think they’re going to indict someone.

    DaveGinOly in reply to GWB. | February 5, 2024 at 1:32 pm

    The fact is government got everything completely wrong. My conclusion is that this must have been purposeful, as it is impossible for any rational, fact-and-evidence-based decision-making process to literally get everything wrong. This fact alone demonstrates that the decision-making was agenda driven, by an agenda that required maximum leverage of the situation to facilitate the agenda’s execution. Essentially, the agenda was one of more control and curtailment of individual rights, all wrapped-up in a higher-order agenda of an experiment in the tolerance level of the public to endure the impositions of the core agenda.

I tried to follow the science to policies implemented, but I couldn’t find it.

I then followed the money behind the policies implented, and that’s where I found the science.

destroycommunism | February 5, 2024 at 12:38 pm


until it does

destroycommunism | February 5, 2024 at 12:40 pm

2020 stolen>>>>mission accomplished

msm proved their loyalty>>>>mission accomplished

97%+americans shown to be sheep>>>>mission accomplished

destroycommunism | February 5, 2024 at 12:40 pm



destroycommunism | February 5, 2024 at 12:46 pm

gov cuomo was ALLOWED to issue the orders to send the elderly to their deaths and he was rewarded for doing so

trump tried to shut down the inflow of anything from china etc

but was met with *outrage* and was not ALLOWED TO BE COMMANDER -IN-CHIEF to protect our borders ( hmmm sounds familiar)

whereas joey ( jill?) is given full authority and is only in hot water with the dems

b/c he isnt radical enough for them

but dont worry Omar and crew are gaining

destroycommunism | February 5, 2024 at 12:56 pm

jan 6 pales in comparison to the

wuhan street armies that had police running for cover and MN politicians applauding THAT takeover

reparations funded the downfall of the black community

while covid insured that the tko would turn into a ko for pro americans

The authors of the report state this is their first report. I like how they defined their working parameters and hope in subsequent reports they address

Symptomatic v asymptomatic v pre symptomatic. The government and their mouthpiece the MSM made a big deal about asymptomatic spread which did not occur.


Early treatment of FDA approved medications but not approved for Covid. Again, the bureaucracy and MSM made a big deal about this, when absent major Rcts were absent, primary doctors treated their patients with what seems to be working for them and what their personal networks were telling them worked. If Ivermectin or hydroxychoriquin worked even some no Emergency Use Authorization could have been used.

Social distancing is not “nearly as important … as it is whether they are in an interior or exterior environment and whether that environment is subject to adequate airflow,” information that they said is still “missing from the CDC’s Social Distancing Guidelines.”

This statement shows that they grand jury is really paying attention to details. It appears they are aware of a Swedish study conducted very early on in the pandemic, that determined the following concerning “social distancing”:
1. Outdoors, social distancing is unnecessary
2 Indoors, in building meeting modern ventilation standards, social distancing is irrelevant (the air in such buildings is homogeneous to the degree that, as the report said “4 or 40 feet” of distancing makes no difference)
3. That barriers to airflow meant to prevent the spread of the virus actually created dead spots to ventilation, and the air in those spots could have higher loads of every sort of airborne contaminant

    mailman in reply to DaveGinOly. | February 6, 2024 at 10:01 am

    I remember at the time many comments revolving around the fact that flu and colds go up when people are forced to stay indoors when it is cold and dark (ie. winter) in spite of the fact those people are not mixing socially with wider society. This was pretty well known and had been well known for a very long time.

    Yet suddenly we were supposed to believe that social distancing from humanity would somehow save us from the Chinese Death Pox?

Wow, can I make an appointment with the Florida grand jury for my yearly medical check up. Or should I stick with MDs?

    CommoChief in reply to RLeeSmith. | February 6, 2024 at 10:31 am

    Stick with your MD but kindly stay our of how the rest of us live, work, worship and enjoy our lives. That’s to say of you want to be the ‘boy in the Bubble’ go right ahead but many of us will absolutely refuse to participate in your delusional Covid Karen cosplay of masks, distancing, mandated jab, closing workplaces, closing schools, prohibiting religious ceremonies and gathering to worship.

    That’s the difference between most of us and the woke totalitarian left; we really don’t much much care what y’all do so long as stay out of our face but y’all won’t leave the rest of us in peace.

The 6-foot rule was especially pushed by teachers and Randi Weingarten, who wanted schools kept closed as long as possible. That will very likely turn into a Pyrrhic victory, as more and more people look to leave or massively overhaul public education.