Defense Sec. Austin in Critical Care Due to Bladder Issue
“At this time, it is not clear how long Secretary Austin will remain hospitalized. The current bladder issue is not expected to change his anticipated full recovery.”

Medical personnel at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center transferred Secretary of Defense Lloyd Auston to the critical care unit due to a bladder issue.
“Tonight, after a series of tests and evaluations, the Secretary was admitted into the critical care unit at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for supportive care and close monitoring,” the Defense Department stated on Sunday night. “At this time, it is not clear how long Secretary Austin will remain hospitalized. The current bladder issue is not expected to change his anticipated full recovery.”
Austin’s security detail took him to Walter Reed after experiencing symptoms associated with his bladder. The first Pentagon statement around 2:30PM ET, I believe, said Austin maintained his work functions and duties.
A few hours later, at 4:45 PM ET, the department announced Austin “transferred the functions and duties to office of the Secretary of Defense to Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks.”
“The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the White House, and Congress have been notified,” added the Pentagon.
That is better than how Austin handled his medical emergency on January 1 after an elective medical procedure.
Austin’s elective medical procedure was a prostatectomy, which treats prostate cancer, on December 22.
Austin experienced complications, landing him back at Walter Reed on January 1.
The emergency incapacitated Austin for several days. He didn’t tell anyone, including Hicks.
The White House did not know about Austin until January 4.

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This is due entirely to the Pentagon’s rabid woke policies. Austin needed to micturate and rushed down the hall hesitating between the men’s room and women’s room signs. His bladder became so conflicted it shut down.
That’s the sort of thing that happens to people who are never quite sure what they stand for.
Or whether they stand…
Don’t wish this on anyone but you don’t go into critical care for routine reasons.
Austin has severely damaged our military, maybe he should retire.
“Doc, While you’re doing some work ‘under the hood,’ so to speak, could you give me a brain? You know, like the Oz guy did for that scarecrow? I’ve been laboring under this rumors that I’ve gotten where I am only because of my skin color and this AA razzamataz .”
“Well, is that true?”
“That’s irrelevant.”
“Okay, I’ll assign your request to to one one of our new AA hires.”
Austin may want to step down and work on getting healthy. He isn’t doing himself or the country any favors.
He wasn’t doing the country any favors when he was healthy
Took about a year to get my mother recovered from a UTI that landed her in critical care for 4 days. Sciatica and stubbornness masking the symptoms let it progress and establish.
Dementia Joe and General PeePee.
If it were a routine bladder infection – which is a potential complication from prostate surgery – you would think they would say, ‘routine bladder infection.’ Because they didn’t say that, I don’t think it’s unfair for people to think about alternative complications which are often more serious…like devastated bladder outlet or even bladder cancer. While recovery is possible with both those ailments, it’s a long, arduous process. Hard to see how he continues in his current role if that’s what he has. My uncle died from complications from prostate cancer. It’s horrible. Prayers to him.
If he had his prostate out surgically, there are all sorts of secondary effects that can result from it. That’s why I had mine nuked via CyberKnife when they found cancer. He may not have had a choice, though, depending on the extent of the problem.
I’m not sure what my procedure was called. 44 sessions of beamed radiation at seven different angles combined with two years of Lupron.
Well it would seem that if he’s in intensive care, that this statement is some b.s.
“The current bladder issue is not expected to change his anticipated full recovery.”
It probably will. At least that’s what I anticipate happening.
That’s a very crafted statement.
Not expected means 49% or less. And they don’t say how much longer it’ll take to get there.
First, let us all wish Secretary Austin a safe and full recovery.
As a physician, I can say that we generally don’t put people into a critical care unit unless that person needs critical care. Perhaps a cabinet secretary gets critical care for non-emergent health care but I doubt it. So I take at face value the fact that the Secretary is quite ill. Without knowing more about the specific issues it’s impossible to speculate further.
I do think the Biden administration needs to be transparent. Perhaps they learned their lesson from the last time but it does appear that the current illness was disclosed more promptly.
But what also needs to happen is this: Secretary Austin should step down. He’s not that essential; his deputy can step up and run the department for the balance of the year. He can then focus on his health and family.
Thank you for sharing your insight…but the one thing that stands out is that you suggest that the administration has learned from the last time regarding the lack of transparency. I doubt it..they seem to have little ability to recoup from their missteps.
Thanks for your honest opinions. It is a serious matter and I’d wish anyone a speedy recovery.
I don’t think he is essential, just like I don’t think most in DC are essential. Especially in this administration. What we have in Washington these days would likely infuriate our founding fathers. Most of the DC Machine is unnecessary and should be disbanded and sent home. Cue the Big Reset Button in 3 … 2 … 1 …
Austin has been dead for weeks, the powers that be just don’t want you to know for whatever reason.
Well, at least he didn’t go AWOL this time.
If he had his prostate out surgically, there are all sorts of secondary effects that can result from it. That’s why I had mine nuked via CyberKnife when they found cancer. He may not have had a choice, though, depending on the extent of the problem.
Our defense department is like that self-driving Waymo car that got blocked and torched in San Fran, and that similarity includes the people involved, too.
What a pathetic joke this all is. And so very, very dangerous. The US has been the guarantor of stability in the world. That is gone and it does not bode well, at all. The wars we are staring at now are just the tip of the iceberg.
He should step down, but the truth is that Biden can probably find someone worse.
At least we know where the worst Sec of Def in our lifetimes is this time. I hope he gets well but he should step down for his health and the well being of our Nation.