Cornell Protesters Praise ‘Resistance in Palestine,’ Houthis During ‘Divestment’ Rally

This is like a sickness of the mind and it’s at pretty much all of our top schools.

The Cornell Daily Sun reports:

Protesters Praise Mideast Militants in Divestment RallyAbout 70 demonstrators gathered outside of Day Hall on Friday afternoon to protest the Student Assembly’s 16-4 rejection of Resolution 51, which called on Cornell to end partnerships with and suspected investments in arms companies — such as Boeing and Raytheon — that provide weapons to Israel.“We don’t take our cue from some bullsh*t Student Assembly at Cornell,” said Momodou Taal, grad, who led chants throughout the event. “We take our cue from the armed resistance in Palestine. We are in solidarity with the armed resistance in Palestine from the river to the sea,” he continued, garnering some cheers from the crowd.At time of publication, Taal did not respond to repeated requests to elaborate on his remarks. Taal has previously described himself as the liaison representative for Cornell’s Coalition for Mutual Liberation, an activist collective that organized Friday’s protest.Taal’s statement was not the only apparent praise of militant groups at the event. At one point, the crowd chanted, “Yemen, Yemen, make us proud. Turn another ship around.” Yemen’s Houthi rebels, a group the Biden administration recently labeled a terrorist organization, have fired at Red Sea ships, including commercial vessels and a U.S. warship.Cornell’s Media Relations Office did not respond to a request for comment on how, if at all, it would respond to instances of students expressing support for militant groups.Friday’s protest came nearly four months after Oct. 7, when Hamas gunmen and other Palestinian militants charged across Gaza’s border, systematically killing around 1,200 people, according to Israel’s Foreign Ministry. Since then, Israel’s offensive in Gaza has killed more than 27,000 people, according to the Hamas-run Gazan Ministry of Health.Throughout the protest, demonstrators shouted, “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” a rallying cry whose specific meaning is the subject of widespread debate, with some defending the slogan as a demand for Palestinian liberation and others decrying it as advocating for the destruction of Israel.

Tags: Antisemitism, BDS, College Insurrection, Cornell, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel, Yemen - Houthi