Comedian Michael Rapaport to Parents of Anti-Israel Students: ‘Stop Wasting Your Money!’
“Parents, stop wasting your money! They’re not getting educated”

Michael Rapaport is a comedian and actor who is loudly progressive. He spent the four years of Trump’s presidency ranting against Trump on social media to anyone who would listen. After the October 7th attacks in Israel, Rapaport, who is Jewish, got red-pilled on this issue very quickly.
He has spent months now defending Jewish people and Israel, even traveling there in recent weeks. While he was there, he had a message for parents of pro-Palestinian college students, telling them to stop wasting their money.
FOX News reports:
Comedian Michael Rapaport excoriates pro-Palestinian college students: ‘Stop wasting your money!’
Comedian and staunch Israel defender Michael Rapaport ripped pro-Palestinian American college students and their parents this week during his trip to the Jewish state, saying that they’re wasting their money because these students are obviously ignorant of Israeli history.
“Parents, stop wasting your money! They’re not getting educated,” Rapaport declared.
Rapaport made his point while standing on an ancient Judean wine press in Israel in a video he posted to Instagram on Thursday.
Pointing down at the thousands-of-years-old Jewish edifice, he began, “Alright, this is an ancient Judean wine press. You see that? You see that?”
Demonstrating how an ancient Israelite might stomp on the grapes, he jumped up and down on the stone press and said, “You do some Lucy and Ethel s—, right? You press the f—– wine like ‘I Love Lucy.’ The wine goes down there. Ancient Judean s—.”
He then brought the point home to pro-Palestinian college students who have adopted talking points that the state of Israel was established on Palestinian land. “Ancient – thousands of years. You understand me, you dumb f—?” he asked, getting close to the camera.
“Thousands of years, you see? Ancient Judean wine press. Ancient Judean land,” he added as he panned the camera over the landscape dotted with ancient ruins.
Here’s the video. Strong language warning.
View this post on Instagram
Rapaport is even considering voting for Trump in November. He recently appeared on a podcast where he admitted being taken in by the ‘fine people on both sides’ hoax.
Incredible. Michael Rapaport, who hates Trump and has produced numerous rants about him admits that he, like many others, were completely misled by the media’s attacks on Trump particularly in regard to the “good people on both sides” media hoax.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) February 9, 2024
Featured image via Instagram video.

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It’s time to leave.
Trump galvanized the far left intelligentsia with the pro american middle class
the swamp and other self hating creatures remain loyal to the “furor”
Ditto that… ???
Rickles, Kinnison, Stern, Rapaport. A bizarre, yet valid comedic niche.
I remember him as Daryl Crowe from Justified. The comedian part kind of stumped me as well.
Listen …
This is the very much the defense of Putin, Ukraine, especially the eastern area, has been populated by Russian’s like forever, it belongs to Russia…
I’m not saying this as anti Israel, I’m 1000% behinds and support Israel. If I were 20 years younger, I’d be there helping out.
But people trashed Vlads interview, his history lesson, dear God imagine Biden giving an American history lesson.
And I know it was his way to control the interview, and he did, but it is what it is.
Of course there’s that NATO thing and nuclear weapons on his doorstep.
War or no war, I think that was the plan from the get go 2014…
Imagine the American Indians have a few claims.
I understand that Biden had a conversation with Miles Standish just a few days ago.
nail on the head – again!
The crazy, controlling socialists who the Libs let out of the mental institutions are now teaching “history” to our (grand)children
Whaddyu ‘xpect!
Rapaport is an obnoxious Leftist, but, on this issue, he’s right.
The entire edifice of utterly evil, slanderous, dishonest and historically revisionist Muslim supremacist/Islamofascist propaganda that paints Israeli Jews — whose descendants were living in the middle east for millennia before the founding of the supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent, hate-filled and pathology-laden ideology of “Submission” was founded; millennia before such a thing as a “Muslim” existed — as alleged “settlers” and “colonizers” must be confronted and torn down.
“considering voting for Trump”
Considering!? How ambivalent. After being on the wrong side — likely for his whole life — he’s suddenly waking up only now that the Revolutionaries have come for his identity group. Not anyone else — just him. How utterly selfish. He doesn’t care about having a properly ordered society that treats everyone well, he just cares about himself.
Sorry, but until these people are 110% contrite in their hearts, there can be no forgiveness. There can be no reconciliation because they haven’t changed. They haven’t understood where they went wrong and how to go forward on the right path.
I wouldn’t say that Michael Rappaport has swallowed the red pill exactly, but it seems he is puking up the blue pill.
It’s a start.
Maybe Rappaport is on a path to awakening about Dems being Jews’ enemies. If that is the case he many well start opening lib Jews eyes. One can hope that comes to be.
When it comes to Socialists, Liberal, Reformed/Conservative Jews (in general) still worship FDR as a Saviour.
Don’t believe me! ask ’em yourself; any one of ’em.
They’re all myopic.
I have Jewish friends who are still kvetching about their great grandparents being excluded from the Country Club by the GOP elite in the 1920s, and will continue to vote D
just like a liberal who gets mugged
they become conservative and pro police
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