Biden Admin to Use Tax Dollars to Pay College Students to Register Voters Ahead of 2024 Election
“we have under the Federal Work-Study program now allow students to get paid through Federal Work-Study to register people and to be non-partisan poll workers”

The Biden administration is already facing accusations of trying to buy the votes of college student aged voters by ‘cancelling’ billions in student loan debt. Now they have announced that they will pay college students to register voters, and they’re doing this with tax dollars.
The corruption is right out in the open, for all to see.
The Daily Caller reported:
Kamala Harris Says College Students ‘Will Now Get Paid’ With Taxpayer Funds To Register Voters Ahead Of 2024
Vice President Kamala Harris announced Tuesday that college students would be able to collect federally-funded work study for registering voters.
Harris’s announcement of the new policy was posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. The federal work-study program is intended to allow students to earn money for day-to-day expenses while at college, according to the Department of Education.
“We have been doing work to promote voter participation for students,” Harris said. “For example, we have under the Federal Work-Study program now allow students to get paid through Federal Work-Study to register people and to be non-partisan poll workers. As we know, this is important for a number of reasons. One, to engage our young leaders in this process and activate them in terms of their ability to strengthen our communities.”
Watch Harris make the announcement below:
NEW – Kamala Harris says the federal government will "activate" and pay college students to register
— (@disclosetv) February 28, 2024
This is so shady.
David Strom comments at Hot Air:
“Voter assistance” can include getting into the voting booth with people who need help, including translating ballots.
Don’t worry, though. The Department of Education assures us that the college students won’t do anything partisan. We can trust them.
As we know, college campuses are famously nonpartisan, and student activists who flock to this program will have nothing but the most non-partisan intentions.
It really is unfair to expect otherwise. When else has the Biden Administration given us any reason to question their sincerity?
This is grotesque. Just when you thought that the Democrats couldn’t get any sleazier, they found a way.
Everyone can see this for what it is.
Imagine Trump doing/saying this. The media and the left would have a meltdown. But hey , it’s Kamala, so they will say how wonderful it is. The hypocrisy is mind numbing.
— TheAmishTerp (@TheAmishTerp) February 28, 2024
No way this is legal but hey, it’s Democrats doing it and they are allowed to do whatever they want
— Shane Flannagan 🇺🇸🍊 (@shaneflannagan) February 28, 2024
How is this not highly illegal?
— sawhill (@sawhill) February 28, 2024
If our media wasn’t made up of Democrat activists, they might call out this plan.
Featured image via YouTube.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
We have treasonous traitors in office acting on behalf of numerous foreign adversaries such as China, Russia, Ukraine and others
There has never been this level of corruption in the gubbmint.
Just more proof that McCarthy was right. His big mistake was the magnitude of the problem
No doubt they’ll have a catchy name for them, like Young Pioneers or The People’s Liberation Strike Force.
Today, the Harris Administration has announced the creation of the Democracy Action Mentor Network (DAMN) with the purpose of driving voter initiatives, voter registration, and greater participation of college students acting as poll workers. All college participants will receive payment via Work Study Programs.
While billed as a non-partisan effort, each DAMN student participating in the voter registration program will be paid a bonus for every Republican Registration application they deny or destroy.
Additionally, any DAMN voter registration tables on campus adjacent or near to another voter registration drive will have the added task of upending those tables and claiming the registrations as their own.
Karen Stands With Fist, a self-identified non-binary, gender fluid, pansexual, transitioning, gender expansive Native American whose ancestors were born in Scotland and Germany, student attending Columbia University, said “I look forward to taking this DAMN registration drive to a whole new level.”
Nicely done.
Biden Youth
They wont be out searching the highways and byways of suburban and urban American for unregistered voters. They’ll be poring through the lists of residents in the migrant shelters.
How are they going to get into O’Hare without purchasing an airline ticket to register the illegals housed inside.
Ten million illegal alien, soon to be registered voters.
So many new Democrat voters, so little time.
And what they can’t find they will invent. I suspect that there will be at least 1,000 new voters registered at 10000 W Balmoral Avenue, Chicago, IL 60666
Happy to say I actually had to look that address up, which means I haven’t been to O’Hare nearly enough times to remember
There’s only one way to stop the Democrat Party’s, the party of the pervert, felon, welfare freeloader, illegal alien invader, and murdering, baby beheading Muslim jihadi, wanton lawlessness.
The very fact that Harris had to specifically point out that these students would be registering voters and acting as poll workers in a “non-partisan” manner just indicates to me that these college students are just going to be used to campaign for the democrat party at the taxpayers expense.
So what the heck are republicans going to do about it. Write a strongly worded letter to the Biden regime in protest?
“Approach and repeat the ultimatum in an even firmer tone of voice…”
Wait until after the elections are over and then be denied standing because they failed to act before the election.
Bruh, spoiler alert!
Try doing something about it before the elections and be denied standing because nobody has suffered any damage.
Point out the Catch-22 and be called a white-supremacist cracker-ass Christian-nationalist.
But, had they sued before the election, they would have been summarily dismissed because the judge will say no actual harm has been suffered yet.
Paying the students makes them federal employees. Might I remind Xiden that the Hatch Act comes into play for federal employees. Not sure these morons think anything through to a logical conclusion. FJB
There’s no reason federal employees can’t register voters or be poll workers.
So, there’s nothing more important that the students should be focusing on – that they’re, you know, paying for?
Don’t you mean “What we the taxpayer are paying for?”
I have no doubt that this fine group of Socialists will be the next group to have their student loans forgiven under a bastardized interpretation of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program.
Not all of them. Some of them are still going to school on mummy and daddy’s dime, I’m sure.
They’re not paying for it anymore — you’re paying for ALL of this.
GWB, this is Work-Study. During the hours they’re being paid they’re supposed to be working, not studying. The program has been around for many decades, so it’s a bit late to be condemning it if that’s what you want to do. All Harris has announced is that voter registration drives and poll working will be added to the kinds of work allowed under it.
We all understand why, and who will benefit from it, but on the surface it’s all above-board and there’s nothing to complain about. The dishonesty depends on our knowledge of how the Democrat Party works, and our not having been born yesterday, and those are not things we can demonstrate to someone who doesn’t share our viewpoint.
Well since VP Harris assures us this is nonpartisan it must be on the up and up. /S
What could go wrong?
How does “representation without taxation” work?
Perhaps we should withhold paying our taxes and see what happens.
Sudden withdrawals from your bank accounts.
Unfortunately you can’t. The whole concept of withholding from your paycheck by your employer is to ensure a steady stream of money to the feral giverment continuously through the year.
The only people who can avoid this are self employed who make quarterly donations, and illegal military age invaders who work under the table. Obviously, the Reagan era freeloaders are getting really old, and a new batch had to be imported by the Democrats to keep the Chamber of Commerce and the Republican oligarchs supplied, while giving the Democrats a new hoard of voters.
Those black folk were getting kinda uppity, don’t want to stay on the plantation cities, and have been eyeballing escaping.
“How is this not highly illegal?”
They made Zuckbucks illegal, which is the very same thing… from a private source. But oh, those political scamps –in the tradition of the CAN-SPAM Act, the Privacy Act, Social Security, Obamacare, and dozens of other laws, that law doesn’t apply to politicians spending YOUR money!!
So bottom line is, all the law accomplished was to flip the Z backwards.
the gop put out this statement:
do not worry fellow americans
after we defeat trump
we will oust these little rascals
How is it not fraudulent to file a voter registration for someone other than yourself? There is a procedure for a competent adult to legally register to vote. If the adult is either unwilling to follow, or incapable of following that procedure…. then that person should simply not vote.
What are you talking about? These are voter registration drives, just like any other. That is the process.
They’ll get away with this because, well, who’s going to stop them?! Oh, right, I forgot, the Pussy Party in the House could threaten to hold back the next boondoggle spending bill, ya know, just as they stopped all those IRS agents from being hired. Mwaaaa ha ha ha ha ha.
People ask how is it not illegal. On what grounds would it be illegal? Students are already allowed to work on voter registration drives and as poll workers. And they’re subject to the same (rather flimsy) safeguards as anyone else who does so.
On the surface this is completely above-board and there’s nothing to challenge. If you were to go to court you would be dismissed immediately for failure to state a case. We all know that the purpose is to help the Democrat Party at the taxpayer’s expense, but that relies on our common sense and our knowledge of history and the facts; there’s no hard evidence we could adduce to prove it. So it’s perfectly legal and perfectly dishonest.