Anti-Israel Protesters Try to Intimidate Jerry Seinfeld Outside NYC Jewish Event
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Anti-Israel Protesters Try to Intimidate Jerry Seinfeld Outside NYC Jewish Event

Anti-Israel Protesters Try to Intimidate Jerry Seinfeld Outside NYC Jewish Event

Seinfeld shows us exactly how to deal with the dumb people.

Jewish comedian Jerry Seinfeld makes no apologies for his love of Israel, his fellow Jews, and the IDF.

One of my favorite lines from his show is from my favorite episode, “Cigar Store Indian:” “Somebody asks me which way is Israel, I don’t fly off the handle!

Seinfeld had the perfect response to the anti-Israel dumbs who confronted him outside of the State of the World Jewry Address.

A wave and a smile. LOVE IT.

The anti-Israel dumbs did this to him in December: Syracuse ‘Pro-Palestine’ Students Protest Jerry Seinfeld, Who is Jewish, Comedy Show

Seinfeld is a Democrat, but if you have watched his shows or interviews, you know he hates political correctness. The left cannot stand it when Seinfeld tells them to shove it.

As I said before, Seinfeld never hides his love for Israel and his fellow Jews.

The left and anti-Israel dumbs hate that so much.


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I just hope that he will be able to think past his status as a Democrat, and vote with some common sense. Traitor Joe has done all he can to stop Israel from succeeding in its war against the terrorists/Hamas.

    healthguyfsu in reply to ChrisPeters. | February 26, 2024 at 7:17 pm

    Anyone that high up the ranks knows better than to go against the party. It’s all one party rule in Entertainment and Education.

“Genocide supporter!”

Serenity now, serenity now,

I like his tactic of smiling at them, that will really steam them. I used to do the same, while contemplating what I was going to do to them.

I see things getting uglier and worse, not better. The vile and evil Dhimmi-crats have enabled, empowered, legitimized and coddled Muslim supremacist and Islamofascist Jew-haters at every turn in the U.S., since at least the wretched tenure of narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama. The ceaseless, dishonest and vicious vilification of Israel and Israeli Jews has had an undeniable impact and effect, throughout all of the U.S.’s institutions.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | February 26, 2024 at 7:56 pm

    Simply put, the Muslim supremacist and Islamofascist Jew-haters in the U.S. (they are not “Americans,” whatever their citizenship status may be) and their fellow Jew-hating, non-Muslim, useful idiot, Dhimmi-crat enablers and cheerleaders are emboldened, now, and, why not? No prominent Dhimmi-crat leader has spoken up and condemned any of these evil manifestations of Jew-hate and anti-Israel venom. On the contrary — narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, and, crime boss, Biden, have both continued to give undeserved moral legitimacy and deference to the utterly contrived and fallacious Narrative(TM) of alleged Arab Muslim Fakestinian victimhood and grievance, at the hands of the alleged Israeli Jew “oppressor,” “occupier” and “colonizer.”

      Milhouse in reply to guyjones. | February 26, 2024 at 8:25 pm

      They are American. There is no other definition of “American”.

      Why would you even say that they’re not? There have been some really horrible Americans. Were the KKK or the CPUSA not American? Was Father Coughlin not American? Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer? Michael Browne and Trayvon Martin? George Lincoln Rockwell and Tom Metzger? Howard Zinn? Are Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, and Nick Fuentes not American? So how are any of those different from these people?

        guyjones in reply to Milhouse. | February 26, 2024 at 9:19 pm

        They’re not different. This isn’t about legal characterizations. I refuse on principle to call Islamofascists and Muslims supremacists “Americans.” Not when their beliefs undermine secular, democratic norms of behavior and the ideals of the Enlightenment.

        Being an American is about more than mere legal status; it’s about holding morally upright values and acting in a manner consistent with our religiously pluralistic and tolerant heritage. Yes, you have the right as an American to hold awful, even evil opinions. But, I reserve the right to fairly castigate you as “un-American.”

        You can engage in your usual, obtuse hair-splitting and sermonizing, on that score.

          You danced around his example of people from the past everybody agrees are Americans.

          All of his example are considered American, none of his examples would match your definition for beyond legal status.

          Imagine if the French decided Martial Pétain (a traitor and nazi collaborator) wasn’t French? Or if the Russians decided Vlasov (another traitor and nazi collaborator)wasn’t Russian? Every nation has monsters in it both past and present and you can’t shut your eyes to pretend they don’t exist.

        Your 1970’s ACLU libertarian world no longer exists; the 2020 ACLU staked it in the heart.

        Your fanatical insistence that we continue to behave as if circumstances haven’t changed is frightfully naive.

        All of your outdated, high horse rhetoric, boils down to one thing; our defeat at the hands of neo-Makhnovist murderers.

        Full circle for you and yours, eh? But that will not my fate.

          Danny in reply to Tiki. | February 26, 2024 at 11:06 pm

          In general you are right, we need to stop our anarchist larp, use the lawful powers of government when the people generously give it to us, and pass desperately needed regulations and fight for our nations future instead of pretending to be the party of Ron Swanson.

          But Milhouse is 100% correct about this, there have been awful Americans, he mentioned an actual Nazi who wanted Hitler to win among them in his example, and you have to acknowledge that American citizens are American.

          For exactly how bad our immigration system has been in the past many of the original Makhnovists came to America and continued to be radicals against everything good and decent in the world here (some even continued their terrorism here).

        ahad haamoratsim in reply to Milhouse. | February 27, 2024 at 3:55 am

        They may be Americans but they are no true Scotsmen!

        thalesofmiletus in reply to Milhouse. | February 27, 2024 at 5:15 pm

        He’s not using the word “American” with the meaning you’re used to — a passport holder in a certain geographic economic zone operated primarily for the benefit of a globalist elite. He’s referring to a nation of people with a shared history, language, culture and foundational belief system. Yes, I understand that’s a totally foreign concept in these parts, so I won’t belabor the point.

          So were any of the people I cited not American?! I can’t imagine anyone saying Father Coughlin was not American! And yet he certainly did not share the founders’ belief system.

          For that matter, was Benedict Arnold not American?!

Hamas terrorist strike not getting the outcome that islamofascists hope for?

Blame seinfeld. Those jokes are triggering.

destroycommunism | February 26, 2024 at 8:25 pm

seinfeld as he looked out over the crowd of racist j haters:

and THISSSS is why I want abortion to stay legal

The democrat party chickens come home to roost and Seinfeld boldly smiles and waves a greeting at them.

If only Kristallnacht Jews had the smarts to laugh-off those silly NSDAP chickens.

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee While Getting Menaced By Crowds of Angry Hamas SS.

Season 1 Episode 1: Jerry Gets Whacked. (It’s also the cliffhanger finale episode)

thalesofmiletus | February 26, 2024 at 11:29 pm

“What’s the deal with Hamas?”

Our education system is so flawed that these idiots don’t understand what “Nazi” means. While there may be flavors of Fascism (all of which are very similar in ideology to Marxism), being “Nazi” inherently means being anti-Jew. They would be much closer to Nazi scum than any Jew.