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Youngstown State U. Students Protest New School President Because He is a Republican

Youngstown State U. Students Protest New School President Because He is a Republican

“a pathetic effort to undermine the process”

We saw this same thing happen when Ben Sasse was named as president of the University of Florida.

Campus Reform reports:

YSU students protest installation of former GOP congressman as new president

Students at Youngstown State University in Ohio held a protest against newly installed president Bill Johnson because he was previously a Republican politician.

The students initially held a meeting on Jan. 8, in which they discussed how to keep the school accountable for hiring Johnson, according to The Marietta Times. He served as an Ohio congressman from 2011 until stepping down on Jan. 21.

At the 90-minute gathering, students discussed holding a walkout on Johnson’s first day as president of the school, as also noted by The Marietta Times. The outlet further reported that this idea even “seemed to garner unanimous support” among attendees.

Other ideas reportedly floated at the meeting involved forming a watchdog group to evaluate Johnson’s tenure.

A student petition to oust Johnson from his position received 2,000 signatures, calling him “Anti-LGBTQ+,” “Anti-Choice,” and an “Election Denier.”

Some students have since made good on their protest, with 50 students and faculty reportedly walking out on Jan. 22, Johnson’s first day as president, shouting “YSU, shame on you.”

Campus Reform correspondent Austin Browne, a student at Youngstown State, commented that the walkout is “a pathetic effort to undermine the process.”

He stated that the protestors do not “come from a place of objective reason but a place of activism,” and that they are “hoping” Johnson “fails” rather than watching out for the “well-being of the community.”

But students are not the only people at Youngstown State who are protesting the hiring of  Johnson. Dozens of former employees, including ex-professors, have also raised objections.

Reportedly, some wrote in an open letter to the board of trustees to express “serious concerns with, and strong opposition to, the board’s search process and the person designated to be the next YSU president.”


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Where’s all that tolerance that the left preaches? Any student walking out of classes or disrupting them should be penalized–and if they don’t like it, they know where the door is

“Campus Reform correspondent Austin Browne, a student at Youngstown State, commented that the walkout is “a pathetic effort to undermine the process.”

They’re just protecting MuH deMOCraCy. Against every single solitary person that isn’t in total lockstep with them.

since students already know everything, I can understand their desire to have a strong voice in the selection of the school’s administration

“Some students have since made good on their protest, with 50 students and faculty reportedly walking out on Jan. 22, Johnson’s first day as president, shouting “YSU, shame on you.””

1. Fifty whole students and faculty?

2. If they’re serious, they are free to not walk back in.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to gibbie. | January 27, 2024 at 7:33 am

    It’d be interesting to see the majors of the alleged students. It will also be interesting to see how many of the faculty were female, hold styrofoam degrees, and have hyphenated names.

Wow….a whole 50 students and faculty…sounds like it probably cost the closest Head/Vape shop a whole hour’s worth of revenue.

Is there any opinion less relevant than a former professor?

Not still doing anything at the university and likely not donating.

caseoftheblues | January 27, 2024 at 2:47 pm

Why don’t these students and faculty just stick their fingers in their ears , close their eyes and go nah nah nah I can’t hear you like the rest of the 5 year olds … because that’s essentially what they are doing whenever confronted with any idea or person that isn’t as brain dead as they are