Yale Students Stage Walkout Over Gaza on First Day of Spring Classes
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Yale Students Stage Walkout Over Gaza on First Day of Spring Classes

Yale Students Stage Walkout Over Gaza on First Day of Spring Classes

“The event featured speeches by students and professors as well as chants from the crowd denouncing Yale’s ‘complicity in genocide and war crimes’”


It seems like a lot of students now see this as the trendy thing to do.

FOX News reports:

Yale students ditch first day of spring classes for ‘there is no back to school in Gaza’ walkout: report

America’s most prestigious universities continue to generate headlines related to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Yale University students walked out of class on Tuesday, insisting that the school publicly call for a cease-fire in Gaza, according to the Yale Daily News.

Dubbed the “There is No Back To School in Gaza” walkout, roughly 200 students reportedly ditched their first day of spring classes and stood outside in cold, snowy weather.

“The event featured speeches by students and professors as well as chants from the crowd denouncing Yale’s ‘complicity in genocide and war crimes,’” Yale Daily News reporters Nora Moses and Hudson Warm wrote.

An Instagram post by Yalies4Palestine and Yale Law Students for Justice in Palestine said, “As Yale students return to campus, we are walking out of classes, recognizing that there is no back-to-school in Gaza… there will be no business as usual as long as Gaza is under siege.” It was used to promote the event, according to the paper.

“The protest grew in size after noon, and students stood with flags and posters. One sign read ‘Demands’ with a list of points, including ‘Call for Ceasefire Now,’ ‘Fund Palestine Studies’ and ‘Defund Genocide-Denying Programming and Partnerships.’ Chants included ‘Down, down, down with occupation; up, up, up with liberation,’ ‘From Turtle Island to Palestine, occupation is a crime’ and ‘Apartheid kills; Yale pays the bills,’” Moses and Warm wrote.


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If only we could have some videos of these Hamasophile Yalies being asked questions such as :
1. In the expression “from the river to the sea,” what river and what sea are being discussed?
2. Genocide refers to killing on a mass basis, such as 6 million Jews during WW2 or 500,000 Hutus in Africa. How does “genocide” apply to Gaza, when out of 2.5 million Gazans, only an estimated 20,000 Gazans have been killed- with an estimated 9,000 of them being combatants?

A November 2023 poll asked Palestinians their opinion about what kind of future state they wanted. AWRAD: Public Opinion Poll – Gaza War 2023 – Tables of Results.

Table 33: Do you support the solution of establishing one state or two states in the following formats:

Two-state solution for two peoples 17%
A Palestinian state from the river to the sea 75%
One state solution for two peoples 5%

Since one of the proposed solutions is a “One state solution for two peoples,” the logical conclusion is that the solution of “A Palestinian state from the river to the sea” does not include Jews, but envisages a Judenrein state from the river to the sea.

3. Do you know what Judenrein means, and where the term came from?

4. Do you support, like 75 % of the Palestinians (West Bank & Gaza) polled do, a Judenrein Palestine from the (Jordan) river to the (Mediterranean) sea?

When is the student walk-out going to happen in protest of human rights violations in muzzie countries??

The Gentle Grizzly | January 21, 2024 at 4:12 pm

Fine. They don’t show up for the first day of classes. Disenroll those who didn’t show up.

After three major wars in 70 years, didn’t the world agree after WWII that Prussia and Prussians were too warlike to be left to their own sovereignty and self-rule?

It’s now been 80 years with no more wars emanating from former-Prussia and former-Prussians.

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I wonder how many of these Yalies , the “elites” of America’s high schools … are aware of any of this history.

I also wonder how many of these naifs have requested that perhaps maybe just maybe the raping of hostages might maybe if not too much imposition — maybe that oughtta stop.

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Seems to me these kids might want to protest

(1) the absence of UN war crimes trials against Hamas

and (2) the preposterousness of contemplating rewarding these barbarism’s with a sovereign nation

Maybe these kids cannot think straight because of all the mRNA/DNA jabs that Yale has required that they take.

Wouldn’t Yalies want to bring about a peaceful cease fire in New Haven, CT

before they try to solve conflicts 7,000 miles away?

It’d all be comical were it not so deadly serious.

Hey Yale the wars in ukraine and Turkey and Syria and Libya and Kashmir and Myanmar and Nigeria have all been going on much longer than Gaza — do Ukrainian lives not matter? Do Turkish lives not matter? Do Syrian babies’ lives not matter? Do Nigerian women and children not matter to you? How about the lives of Sudanese? And Kashmiris?

    HarvardPhD in reply to Jvj1975. | January 22, 2024 at 6:00 pm

    No, it just depends on who is marching today. They are looking for the cause du jour. Being anti-Israel is also fashionable, like piercings or torn knees on jeans,

Skipping class has always been trendy.

If a bunch of students decide they won’t show up for class, it’s a perfect time for the instructor to give the attending students a list of exam dates, and the topics to be covered on each exam.

Let them. Reflect it in their final course grade and if they fail the class they have to make it up to graduate and no refunds so thanks for the money.

This has become like support at Yale for the Black Panthers in 1970: everybody wanted to prove that they weren’t racist, and the fact that a murder had been committed didn’t matter. It is a demonstration of mob logic. Most of the pro-Palestinian demonstrators don’t know anything about Israel or the Palestinians, and don’t care—they just want to emote that they are “on the right side of history.”

There’s approximately 6,000 undergraduate students at Yale and another 5,000 or so graduate students, along with likely 3,000 international students. Who cares what 200 students do? How do we even know that all go to Yale? Sounds like a bust of a protest to me and they probably gave them food. You got less then 2% of your student body to turn up. Big whoop.