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Wisconsin Shows Republicans How to Fight DEI Policies in Higher Education

Wisconsin Shows Republicans How to Fight DEI Policies in Higher Education

“Because when push comes to shove, college administrators and college professors and university systems care more about the money than they care about DEI”

This battle took months, but Republicans prevailed in the end. Professor Jacobson is quoted in this article.

From the Epoch Times:

Republicans Score Major Win Against DEI in a ‘Purple’ State

In the 2000 movie “Gladiator,” the soldier Maximus understands the strategic advantage of sticking with allies and refusing to back down during an iconic fight scene in the Roman Colosseum.

With the odds stacked against them, Maximus—played by Russell Crowe—and fellow gladiators hold their ground against opponents to win their battle despite long odds.

It’s a lesson not lost on at least one Republican lawmaker in Wisconsin, who wielded legislation to slash Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs in the University of Wisconsin (UW) system. He finally claimed victory in December after a seven-month battle.

Wisconsin is considered a “purple” state politically—a mix of blue, with its Democratic governor, and red, with the Republican-controlled state assembly and senate.

That’s why some are saying Assembly Speaker Robin Vos pulled off such a major victory for conservatives despite a challenging political climate. His prize: getting the state’s university system to remove many DEI positions and practices…

“I think what happened in Wisconsin shows why Republican legislators need to use the powers they have more than they are [using them currently], even if they don’t completely control state government,” said William Jacobson, a Cornell law school professor.

Mr. Jacobson formed in response to DEI-fueled discrimination in education against whites and others. DEI is a form of “racial discrimination,” supported by a small group of activists, he said.

It’s not a popular idea with most people, Mr. Jacobson said. And in his view, cutting off funding for campus DEI programs is the best way to dismantle them.

“Because when push comes to shove, college administrators and college professors and university systems care more about the money than they care about DEI,” Mr. Jacobson said.


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Bravo Speaker Robin Vos

And thank you

Bravo Wisconsin republicans

And thank you.

(Please if I may, please don’t let the dems win in November. 2024. Please)