Univ. Wisconsin Law School Forcing Students To Endure Racist DEI Reeducation

Coca Cola training on being less white

The University of Wisconsin law school is forcing first year students to attend racist DIE training rooted in Critical Race Theory.

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) issued a press release detailing the reeducation program and have demanded that it be cancelled.

WILL reports:

The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) is alerting the public to a mandatory “Re-Orientation” session happening tomorrow, Friday, January 19th, for all first-year law students at the University of Wisconsin Law School in Madison, Wisconsin. In preparation for the session, law students are asked to study a description of “racist” behaviors, including the false claim that non-discrimination is “racist” and a collection of other assertions about “whites” and “people of color” that actually are racist.It would be one thing if the law school proposed an academic debate about such matters. But no one believes for one moment that’s what this session is about. This “DEI training” is a form of indoctrination and demeans law students based on their race. WILL strongly condemns this meeting’s proposed subject matter and demands that any racially discriminatory instruction be removed. By pushing racist ideology on law students, the University is defying federal law, creating a racially hostile environment, and harming individual student dignity.. . . . In an email to students, Lauren L. Devine, J.D., the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at the University of Wisconsin Law School, stated to the entire first-year student body, “Re-Orientation is intended to do just that – reorient you now that you have your first semester of law school behind you and a new semester ahead. Re-Orientation will include a presentation from representatives from OCPD, Financial Aid, the clinics, Academic & Student Affairs, as well as a follow-up to the DEI session you attended during Orientation.” The University stated multiple times that this “re-orientation” meeting is mandatory. Students were asked to review Attachment 1 and provide responses to Attachment 2, which was titled “Race Timeline Worksheet.”The attachments assert a racist view of the world and propagate harmful racial stereotypes. The materials assert the following claims:

  1. Only white people can be racist.
  2. Advocating for a “colorblind” society is racist and “negates” the “experiences of people of color.”
  3. It is racist to attack affirmative action.
  4. All white people experience “privilege based on your white skin color. You benefit from this system of oppression and advantage no matter what your intentions are.”
  5. White people have a “fear of people of color and what would happen if they gained control.”
  6. White people all are infected with “whiteness,” “white guilt,” “denial,” “fear,” and “privilege.” Ridding white people of “racist conditioning” “will never happen.”
  7. “There are no exceptional white people” such that all are tainted by skin color.
  8. “All white people are the “beneficiaries of racism and white privilege.”
  9. White people should never talk about their “own story of hardship” because it “diminishes the experiences of people of color.”
  10. All white people “attempt to excuse, defend or cover up racist actions of other white people.”

You can view WILL’s statement, including the text of the training materials here.

Needless to say, people have thoughts.

The full text of the above tweet:

This is nothing short of institutionalized thought reform. This is what the Maoist did to the Han Chinese people because they were the biggest obstacle to their power. They used different language but in the same way to demoralize the largest percentage of the population and radicalize those that would move against them. Then they seized power and created a totalitarian one party state that could do what it wishes when it wishes without concerns for human rights and law.

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Education, Wisconsin