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Three U.S. Servicemen Killed In Iranian-Backed Militia Drone Attack In Jordan

Three U.S. Servicemen Killed In Iranian-Backed Militia Drone Attack In Jordan

Additonal 25 injured. In a statement, Biden blames “radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq.”

This is ‘breaking news’ and we will add to this post as more information is known.

The Biden administration has announced that three U.S. servicemen were killed at a U.S.base in Jordan in a ‘suicide drone’ attack from Iranian-backed militias.



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I’ve lost count. How many wars is this?

We seem not to count Africa or Armenia.

    TargaGTS in reply to Petrushka. | January 28, 2024 at 12:15 pm

    Weakness invites aggression…a lesson too many Americans haven’t learned because we stopped teaching (actual) history in public schools about 25-years ago.

      CommoChief in reply to TargaGTS. | January 28, 2024 at 12:44 pm

      True. Weakness such as not immediately responding forcefully and disproportionately against the Nations or non Nation State Actors who target US Citizens absolutely does encourage more of the same.

      The Iranians and their proxies were directly targeting US forces during the GWOT. They sent folks to train. They sent materiel, munitions and funding. All of this to assist in the killing and wounding of US Forces. Every admin from Bush to Biden has failed to hold Iran accountable for those actions.

      The usual suspect talking heads are out in force demanding ‘strong’ US action. In addition several are also demanding our ‘allies’ step up and follow US leadership so that we ‘know who our friends really are’.

      I don’t really disagree we should strike back. I do find it awfully convenient that in a Presidential election year with a POTUS under 40% approval we are now supposed to ‘rally around the Flag’. Especially since we had US Citizens killed by Iranian proxy Hamas on Oct 7, still have missing/presumed captive US Citizens from that day and not jack shit was done.

      When we respond we must not do dome wag the dog BS of firing off missiles. Let’s make sure we get the folks responsible. Then lets take another look at where we have Troops positioned and why. We gonna hear a bunch about ‘pulling out Troops is weak’. That’s more neocon BS. If there is no overriding direct US interest then we should not have troops present. If it is a vital US interest then lets declare war, win it and go home.

        JohnSmith100 in reply to CommoChief. | January 28, 2024 at 2:46 pm

        I don’t think we need boots on the ground in Iran, just start infrastructure destruction, First knock out their water revivor’s, power, refining capacity and then use the oil to pay damages to all who were harmed by their actions.

        Then Iran could be the dumping ground for terrorist who are not outright executed.

          Thad Jarvis in reply to JohnSmith100. | January 28, 2024 at 4:48 pm

          Brilliant insights as always. It’s a travesty such a brilliant military analyst hasn’t been offered a direct commission.

          CommoChief in reply to JohnSmith100. | January 28, 2024 at 8:29 pm

          We don’t need boots on the ground in Jordan either. Frankly we don’t need them in Iraq b/c outside the Kurdish North the Iraqis don’t really want us there.

          It isn’t 1991. The US is far from the zenith of our power both military and economic. We gonna have to pull our horns in a bit and adjust to the reality of 2024, which isn’t pretty.

          We not only lack the military power to be the global guarantor of the ‘international rules based global order’ aka globalism but we can no longer afford the costs. Our recruiting levels for the military are atrocious. Of those we can recruit many are not the caliber we want.

          Mauiobserver in reply to JohnSmith100. | January 28, 2024 at 11:44 pm

          I would hold off the refineries for now. Initially we could target their facilities to export oil, cutting off both their main source of revenue and putting short term pressure on China. China would then either pressure Iran to cease in which case oil shipments resume or China gets another source in which case Iran faces long term economic problems.

        alaskabob in reply to CommoChief. | January 28, 2024 at 5:10 pm

        No definitive action against Iran will happen. It isn’t hard to see that Iran has infiltrated the US with their Quds forces. Blackmail on an international level. Jimmy Carter could have done the world. a favor by hammering Iran over the embassy takeover. Now, way too late. Every town is a Beslin in the making. Every electrical and water system is at risk. Thanks to 0bama and Biden bucks… this happens… and in the Straits. How mach money was filtered to 0bama and Biden?

          CommoChief in reply to alaskabob. | January 28, 2024 at 8:36 pm

          Agreed. Many of the neocons and their cheerleaders don’t get level of vulnerability we have at home. Nor do some appreciate just how much our military power has declined since 1991.

          We ain’t what we used to be. Largely b/c we can’t afford it. Meanwhile our erstwhile ‘allies’ sit back and let (expect) us expend our treasure and the blood of our Sons and Daughters while they, wisely, invest in their economy to become more competitive and help put US workers out of their jobs.

      chrisboltssr in reply to TargaGTS. | January 28, 2024 at 12:52 pm

      I was going to post the exact statement about weakness. Bravo, sir.

How is the Jordanian government reacting to this? They are majority Sunni as is Saudi Arabia, while Iran is governed by the Shia,

At a certain point (some time this year) the countries in the area are going to be forced into taking sides….and action- not against Iran directly perhaps but definitely in clearing out their surrogates

    TargaGTS in reply to Hodge. | January 28, 2024 at 12:40 pm

    When the story first broke, I looked for some kind of comment from King Abdullah and didn’t see anything. This isn’t the first attack in Jordan using Iranian-made drones. It’s been something of an ongoing problem since at least 2021. So, I’m sure this didn’t really come as a surprise to the Hashemite government. Like so many Muslim-majority countries, there’s a chasm between the more moderate government of Jordan and a significant chunk of its population. They’ve had their own problems with extremism the last 20-years, particularly in Marfaq (sp?), which is the part of Jordan that lies just south of Syria, west of Iraq and north of Saudi. I believe that’s where this attack occurred as well

    chrisboltssr in reply to Hodge. | January 28, 2024 at 12:53 pm

    Why would the king comment? They’re not his soldiers being killed.

    We have no friends in the Middle East
    We only have friends so long as we’re strong. And right now, we are weak.

    Stuytown in reply to Hodge. | January 28, 2024 at 3:14 pm

    Jordan condemns ‘terrorist attack’ on US troops, says it is cooperating with Washington to secure front

    From 3:00 pm Eastern

Iran is exactly where action should take place.


It started under Bush 2, and went ballistic under the Obama fustercluck: all the veterans in my family started counseling their children, and now grandchildren to NOT join the military just to fight and die in regime forever wars which only benefit the rich & powerful.

Recent reports of recruitment numbers in the toilet confirm this attitude is common.

When the wicked rule the people groan.

    Hodge in reply to LB1901. | January 28, 2024 at 2:02 pm

    It started under Jimmy Carter. Remember the American Embassy hostages? They were not released until Regan started talking about military action.

Another Biden war about the start eh. Boy, elections sure do have consequences.

This is not U.S.’s conflict. Why would U.S. Servicemen be positioned directly in harm’s way? Was this calculated to deliver some political advantage to Biden?

    Stuytown in reply to Q. | January 28, 2024 at 2:41 pm

    Islamic State terrorists, Iran and Iranian supported terrorists, and Russian troops are all in the area. Yes, this area is an American concern. You can try to live in a cave—it doesn’t work.

    TargaGTS in reply to Q. | January 28, 2024 at 2:50 pm

    We’ve had troops in Syria (publicly acknowledged) since 2014 and in Jordan long before that. How do you think we (largely) eliminated ISIS? Trump had promised to remove the troops but never did. In fact in 2019, he ‘tweeted’ that he was ordering the troops removed but never actually ordered their removal. In fact, on his last day in office, we had more troops in Syria than we did when he tweeted that he was ordering them removed from the country. The reality is it’s a tough place to walk away from because when we do, organizations like the Houthis spring up and look how that’s turned out.

    Our options are maintaining a minimal presence to gather intelligence and offer support to nominal allies or turning it over to the Russians and/or Chinese like we did in Afghanistan. The Middle east is a place where there are bad options and worse options.

      CommoChief in reply to TargaGTS. | January 28, 2024 at 3:06 pm

      I would say we need to be more reluctant to intervene lest we position ourselves in between the rock and the hard place that you described. The ME is a flipping tar baby.

      As for a departure creating a vacuum that’s true. My question is why couldn’t the EU Nations fill it? Or Japan + Taiwan, or AUS and NZ or India or a combo of all of them + Canada? Why is the USA on the hook?

        TargaGTS in reply to CommoChief. | January 28, 2024 at 4:57 pm

        Well, we’re in the middle of it now because for two-months, an Iranian terrorist client state has been targeting US shipping interests – included US flagged vessels – in a critical international shipping lane. And now, they’re targeting US service members in a nominally allied state. Our weakness has painted ourselves into a corner. If we walk away now, as many are insisting, we’ll invite even more brazen, and likely more catastrophic, attacks.

          CommoChief in reply to TargaGTS. | January 28, 2024 at 8:16 pm

          No doubt we ARE in the middle. My point is:
          1. Do what is necessary to extricate the US from our current position.
          2. Be MUCH more reluctant in the Future to intervene so that we don’t continue find ourselves in these sorts of circumstances. aka learn the flipping lesson.

          Walk away? Absolutely but do so over the corpses of the Iranians who paid for/carried out these attacks, but that won’t be the plan. Instead it will be some half ass bunch of largely ineffective strikes and PR posturing crap leaked to their mouthpiece Jennifer Griffin at Fox.

          The neocons have a history of demanding that US Troops must be put into X Nation to ‘solve’ and or ‘prevent’ a crisis. Then when they are inevitably attacked and their theory that US Troops are a panacea is disproved what do the neocons do? Demand more US Troops be sent.

          How about we do something old fashioned instead? Declare War then wage War until the enemy is defeated, surrenders or we get tired of it. Then we go home bringing all the Troops with us along with our checkbook. Blow their crap up, kill those responsible and refuse to pay any rebuilding costs. Then refuse to put ourselves into that situation again.

    Mauiobserver in reply to Q. | January 28, 2024 at 11:50 pm

    The troops were in dormitory style housing close to the border with Syria in a hot conflict. Not too long ago in a similar attack the no one was killed because the device failed to explode. Rather than dispersing our troops to hardened shelters the current incompetent Biden/Obama regime continued to leave our people needlessly exposed, Criminal incompetence.

Biden does t care of Americans are murdered

I don’t buy the wag-the-dog narrative here. Biden promised the American people an end to the wars and a return to normalcy with the adults now in control. Instead, wars have proliferate. The “adults” have set the world on fire. People are going to be angry.

The Biden presidency has been an unfettered failure.

The Iranian Muslim supremacist/terrorist regime has been at war with the U.S. and allied nations, since the 1979 Islamic revolution. Only Israel has understood that reality.

Fifty-plus years of the vile Dhimmi-crats’ appalling and indefensible naivete, ignorance, stupidity, fecklessness, gullibility, narcissism and dhimmitude, have led us to the current juncture, where Iran and its Muslim terrorist proxies attack U.S. and allied servicemembers and civilians, with total impunity.

How many tens of billions of dollars have the vile and stupid Obama and Biden funneled to the Iranian regime, refusing to acknowledge its transparent and brazen malevolence and malignant behavior?

Biden and Obama cultists say give them even more stuff and they will be nice.

Stumbling mumbling biden, international symbol weakness. Islamofascist terrorists are smiling.

He’s willing to publicly call out Iran at this point? He must be desperate to get that approval up.

MoeHowardwasright | January 28, 2024 at 4:25 pm

Want to send a message? Launch a re-purposed Minute Man ballistic missle and drop it right into one of their nuclear enrichment facilities, then tell the world and Iran that one -two per day will follow unless they immediately cease and desist. We all know that our neutered senior military leadership will never recommend that course of action. FJB

Well, we know what the Iranis spent that money we freed up for them on. Building missiles and mliitias ain’t cheap.

Think of how many people have died since the interloper got into office. Keep one thing in mind, he’s doing exactly what he’s told to do. Why do you think they chose a brain-dead cadaver as their last candidate? Realize that it’s the Communist party, aka, the Democrats, orchestrating the whole, damn mess we’re in right now. When they replace him as the election nears, and they will, you better believe it will be with someone who will continue down the same distructive path. Damn idiots in this country had better wake the hell up.