A 10 PM phone call on Sunday night sent police and firefighters to a residence in Washington, D.C., because of a shooting.
Law enforcement ended up at Judge Tanya Chutkan’s house.
Chutkan is the judge presiding over former President Donald Trump’s election interference case.
Law enforcement quickly found out no shooting occurred.
“On the listed date and time MPD responded to a call for service in reference to a shooting that occurred at the listed location,” according to a Metropolitan Police Department report sent to the Washington Examiner.
“Once on scene, SUB-1 advised that she was not injured and that there was no one in her home,” the report added. “MPD cleared the home and nothing was found at the listed location.”
While authorities declined to answer whether Chutkan was in the home, the report mentions an unnamed woman opened the door when police arrived. The name of Chutkan’s father, orthopedic surgeon Winston Chutkan, is included next to a description of the home address alerted to authorities, according an online records search of the address that was cited on the emergency dispatch radio.
It seems like everyone is getting swatted lately.
Swatting is when someone calls law enforcement, sending them to a house, business, or building because of an emergency.
Others who have been swatted lately:
- Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows
- Senator Rick Scott
- Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
- Boston Mayor Michelle Wu
- Rep. Brandon Williams

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Too bad the cops didn’t get Trigger Happy
I am sick and tired of the blatant racism here on LI. Ironclaw is just one of them.. There are more and more of them here. Disgusting. You need to move over to the Alex Jones and Gateway Pundit websites where you will be gladly welcomed.
Too bad the scorpion unit from memphis didn’t respond to the call.
Bad taste? Probably.
Racism? Where? You sound like a progressive little ninny who cries RAYCISS at every little perceived slight.
JR, when my children used to get mad, I told then that their mother and I might occasionally care, but the rest of the world did not. That is an important lesson which you apparently never learned
You are the one who should find another sandbox to play in.
Where’s the racism in that comment?
FTI, for the Liberal mind, any criticism or mocking of any minority is because of racism
Unless Ironclaw is saying the cops should have gotten trigger happy because Chutkan is Black, what’s the basis for racism? I read it as Ironclaw being frustrated by another activist Democrat judge perverting the justice system.
If you[‘re so sick of your (pretend fake racism allegations) then why not go somewhere else where the rest of the snowflakes hang out?
I’m not seeing racism on this particular post. Gallows humor yes but Chutkan is an evil swamp creature regardless of its race.
I don’t hate her for her race I hate her because she’s a fascist
Oh, so it’s not OK that whites are swatted, but when it is a POC then any comment is blatantly racist. What an asshole.
“I am sick and tired of the blatant racism here on LI.”
JR, don’t let the door hit your tail on the way out.

Lighten up. Only someone who is looking to be offended would read racism into that remark.
JR is hellbent on being offended. His panties are so tight, he sees racism in elastic bands.
I have never seen a cogent response coming from JR to an article or commentary. All I see is “that’s racissssssss!”
He’s a rabid defender of Muslim terrorists, calling out any and all comments that indicate the radical Muslim actions, teachings, and their pseudo religion in general. To him, a comment about any person of color (whatever the heck that means) regardless of their wrong doing is considered racist to Junior and his lot.
I am sick and tired of the blatant racism here on LI.
Then by all means, please just go.
When she’s prosecuted for treason we’ll have to bring back the guillotine….
Hanging would be racist….
JR needs to start buying KY in bulk, a similar product which can be bought by the gallon and even in 55 gallon barrels is meant for pulling wires in conduit. Clearly he needs it in large quantity.
Nobody CARES if your panties get wadded.
The judge is a very partisan judge
But this swatting shit has got to stop
How come the cops can’t find them? It a phone call, use the J6 technique and find the area where the call came from and list all the phones owners and vehicles in that particular spot.
They have tons of practice finding people via phone gps, this should be easy peasy.
Same reason they can’t stop spam calls….cloned numbers
Worse. Part of my job involves testing office Voice over IP systems (VOIP) to make sure they call 911 correctly, identify the address, etc… If you don’t get the programming right (or intentionally muck it up) your call can look like it comes from *anywhere* local or internationally. Of course spammers intentionally spoof other numbers as a matter of routine, and idiots like these swatters are no different. It’s harder than blazes to track them down, and if you do, its twice as hard to prove they did it.
1) Police departments in general are horrifically technologically inept.
2) Even if they weren’t, it’s pretty easy to make a VOIP call with a spoofed phone number. Jackass telemarketers do it all the time.
1) I don’t believe she was actually swatted
2) The only way its going to stop is if prominent Democrats start have it happening to them. Because it’s ALREADY quite widespread against prominent Republicans. If they actually start having it happen to them, MAYBE there will be the will to do something about it.
I don’t care who is the “victim.” Innocent people have already lost their lives in some of these incidents. This needs to stop, and the best way to stop it would be to
1) pass laws stipulating severe punishment for the perpetrators
2) aggressive investigation, identification, and incarceration
It should be reckless endangerment at the very least.
Actually, swatting high profile leftist such as this incident will probably stop this trend. The left was just amused when it happened to conservatives and ordinary Americans. In fact, I suspect that many cheered it on. Now that it is happening to the high profile leftists, I doubt they will tolerate key members of their tribe exposed to the danger and inconvenience for long. They will track down and prosecute those who endanger the self anointed elites.
You give them too much credit. The Hive doesn’t care about individual ants. Any member can be replaced by another NPC drone.
Now that a winner of the Intersectional Olympics has had it happen it will suddenly become an emergency to be fixed immediately
Sorry, MauiObserv — it would only encourage more of the same, from both sides. And more innocent people will get caught in the middle.
Alien no way the left will tolerate leftist judges or politicians being swatted. They will track down prosecute and incarcerate those who swat the left. They will use existing laws and the perpetrators will receive long prison sentences.
There will probably be a few red states who actually prosecute leftist swatters as well.
Both combined will ultimately diminish the frequency of swatting.
I would not be terribly upset if some guilty people were victims.. That is what will stop this.
Tanya chutkan is a documented racist who is charged with making terroristic threats against whites.
Couldn’t happen to a better person.
We have a political party that encourages threats and hoaxes as a form of terrorism.
Is that you jussie?
And now some non-Democrats are apparently responding in kind.
Swatting isn’t “when.” Swatting is a noun and can’t be defined as “when.” Swatting is the intentional placing of a false call for emergency services, done to annoy the resident. Now, don’t you feel better?
No. Swatting is the intentional placing of a false call, scripted in an attempt to get the police to show up and forcefully enter the residence and hopefully kill whoever is inside.
They intentionally call in scenarios like hostages, murder, or psychopath with a gun HOPING that the police will overreact.
Stop sending out swat teams.
Can’t what if it’s real?
Then you do what we all did before Daryl Gates invented the SWAT team in 1966.
Originally, SWAT was sold to taxpayers* as a last-ditch method to address capital crimes in process, such as armed criminals with hostages.
Now they are used routinely simply to cow citizens — for example, to terrorize entire families and vandalize their residences in order to track down a single stolen cell phone.
*Hey, doesn’t this tactic sound familiar? Social Security numbers. The “good citizen” gun license. Red flag laws. Anti-terrorist laws. The entire Department of Homeland Security.
Things fall apart.
The center can’t hold.
Societies fail, first slowly, then suddenly.
At this point probably the only thing holding ours together is conservatives general reluctance to respond in kind to the constant barrage of abuse from the left.
At some point, we will have to because our lives will depend on it.
And then we still will have lost. The man who just wants to be left alone always loses to the man who wants to bury him — he is either defeated, or he gives up who he is to win.
But perhaps in winning he preserves for his children the hope of living the life he wanted.
Bleeding-heart Hollywood twaddle.
You never “become someone else.”
You just dig deeper down into capacities you always had.
I know my reluctance has gotten extremely thin lately. The only thing stopping me from treating them and kind is that they won’t come pull that crap where I live
Stop letting the press gaslight you.
Can’t say that i approve of swatting Chtkan or anyone else. I would however point out that this swatting was initiated by the left and they apparently gave the right the idea.
It causes me to fear that we are heading to a nasty civil war.
Sometimes you have to fight. People who recognized this made America.
This crap. Judges, Representatives, Sec of States, Tim Poole podcaster. As usual Brandons Administration won’t do anything because it can’t do anything. It’s entire focus is to turn our country into a 3rd World craphole and destroy our way of life.
Swatting is a nasty and cowardly tactic, designed to either kill or severely frighten and intimidate it’s target. While I don’t care for how Chutkan has treated Trump or the massive amounts of lawfare aimed at him in general she didn’t deserve to have her life endangered like this. Worse, now it’s going to be used to paint Trump’s supporters in an even worse light: as domestic terrorists willing to kill for their leader. This is going to be used to rile up the Dem base, count on it.
Indeed it will, Chuckles and Co will be sure to cite it.
So, who called this one in? Someone in Idaho or on Pennsylvania Ave?
I need proof that it was perpetrated by anyone on the right, and not the FBI.
I would not dismiss the possibility that this was a false flag attempt.
Who cares about Dem’s claims. They have always projected their sins on us, they will always do so..
It will never stop because Congress and the Senate will never pass a law banning the spoofing of phone numbers. Why you ask? Because both parties and all PACs use spoofing to send out texts and phone calls to beg for money. FJB
Defies Occam’s Razor.
Politicians have already exempted themselves from federal spamming laws. Why do they need fancy technology when a pen and a bill will do… and nobody on either side of the aisle will give a hard time about it?
The best solution is to not allow any number to ring through that is not in your contact list, when face with leaving a message, most hang up. Then I block them.
Wondering if this swatting was done by Leftists, after all, they invented the technique,…in order to try to make poor Tanya another victim of those mean MAGA types
She looks more like a celebrity chef.
Her inner self shines through and she looks like a POS.
And yet, she survived.
Better luck next time.