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Snobbish Attacks on Chris Rufo’s ‘Harvard Extension School’ Credentials Backfire Badly

Snobbish Attacks on Chris Rufo’s ‘Harvard Extension School’ Credentials Backfire Badly

“On Rufo: what do integrity police say about his claim to have ‘master’s degree from Harvard,’ which is actually from the open-enrollment Extension School? Those students are great – I teach them- but they are not the same as what we normally think of as Harvard graduate students.”

Leading Critical Race Theory critic Christopher Rufo is a conservative who makes things happen and who is very good at exposing the woke left/media for who they really are. In response, they’ve decided that he must be discredited and canceled even if in the end they ultimately end up proving his points about them.

The latest example comes in the aftermath of the resignation of Harvard’s now-former president, Claudine Gay. Her stepping down from her position as president is being credited in part to Rufo, who along with two other journalists was the first to publish documentation of Gay’s alleged plagiarism.

Because of that, and also because he’s taken a few victory laps on the Twitter machine in the aftermath of news of Gay’s resignation, his critics have once again grabbed the pitchforks and taken off after him with fangs fully visible.

This time around, the attacks revolve around Rufo’s Harvard education. This New Republic article, written in February 2023, is being brought up again by leftist writers and Harvard elitists alike as supposed proof that Rufo is trying to inflate his credentials by stating he graduated from Harvard.

He did in fact graduate from Harvard with a master’s degree, but because it was from Harvard Extension School (HES), it was treated to sneering and snobbery from folks who claim he isn’t “real” Harvard:

Incredibly, a Harvard professor – and one who actually teaches at HES – stuck her foot in her mouth by insulting every student at HES including the ones she teaches by essentially agreeing with the opinion that between the two, the “normal” Harvard had the better, smarter students:

Rufo fired back, pointing to tweets he’s posted before where he’s talked about going to HES and not the more “prestigious” graduate version of Harvard that Hochschild and others are talking about:

Further, HES degrees are in fact Harvard degrees, as it states on the Harvard Extension School website:

Others pointed to the self-owns being committed by the “real” Harvard types:

And the “hit the nail on the head” award goes to this guy:

‘Nuff said.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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At this point, I don’t believe I would want either Harvard or the Harvard Extension School on my record.

You’re better off saying you graduated from “Sesame Street”, then received your doctorate from “The Electric Company”.

    Petrushka in reply to ChrisPeters. | January 7, 2024 at 6:25 pm

    Hey, Tom Lehrer taught at Electric Company.

    henrybowman in reply to ChrisPeters. | January 7, 2024 at 10:36 pm

    I don’t have a Harvard diploma to tear up, but I tore up my ID card to the Harvard Coop, the textbook, school logo merch, and sundries store in the MIT Student Union (as well as in Harvard Square).

Christopher Rufo should inform them that he has not yet begun to fight against plagiarism.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 7, 2024 at 6:42 pm

Hi, Harvard real-degree here. You’re spot on. The “extension school” is a source of laughter and annoyance for students and alumni. (I think Columbia has one, too — same thing there.) It’s basically an “anyone can enroll, so long as you pay”, no more stringent than a community…

Sounds like the great makings of a class action fraud case. Hah-vahd (“real degree”) trained you well …

I wonder … are the affirmative action Hah-vahd clowns considered “real degree”, too? I’m willing to bet that most of the extension school students have better test scores than Hah-vahd’s affirmative action pets.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | January 7, 2024 at 6:45 pm

Damn Harvard grads and professors. Tell me you are a moron without telling me that you are a moron!


ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 7, 2024 at 7:00 pm

Our graduates walk at University Commencement

Well … if you consider serving drinks “walking”.

Of course, Harvard’s night school cannot compare to the eh-steamed Kennedy School of Government, where students pay tens of thousands of dollars to listen to the biggest leftist losers and criminals on the planet yammer on about how they managed to run, whatever it was they were in charge of, into the ground and were left with no choice other than “teaching” at this repository of political trash. Talk about a joke …

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 7, 2024 at 7:09 pm

This whining from the Hah-vahd brats reminds me of the bar scene from Good Will Hunting.

Well with a plagiarist like Claudine Gay in charge, everybody already knew the value of a degree from Harvard. Not worth the paper it’s printed on

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Ironclaw. | January 8, 2024 at 2:15 am

    That was the case looooonnnnnng before Gay Claudine came into the picture.

    Drunken trust fund babies convinced they are part of the elite, ordained by God and Government to rule over the masses.

    A legacy ticket to a Poison Ivy League university, to be steeped in the Globull Oligarchy to tell us rubes how to live.

    Harturd is just one location on the map, the epicenter of spewed garbage since what, 1636?

    rfhirsch in reply to Ironclaw. | January 8, 2024 at 11:16 am

    It is not that simple. It depends on your major. There are, for example, worthwhile majors in the sciences, from which a degree is definitely worthwhile.

The Gentle Grizzly | January 7, 2024 at 7:17 pm

As these hoity-toities if open enrollment means automatic pass. It of course doesn’t.

Were I am employer I’d be far more impressed with an Extension School grad busting butt while holding down a job, than one who got a Haahvahd degree because he could throw, kick, or hit. a ball.

John Belushi slaps forehead: “387 years of college down the drain.”

These folks are way over their skies on this, especially the nutty Prof who is employed by Harvard to teach in their Extension Program. ‘Hey, y’all my job is bogus b/c the program is bogus’ doesn’t seem well thought out as a comprehensive strategy to combat Rufo, who has been quite clear about the distinction between Harvard and Harvard Extension, probably more so than Harvard has.

I have an Oberlin degree.

Come on Harvard. I’m a little disappointed. This is not the quality of ivy league ignorance and obnoxious elitism I’ve come to expect from you. Kind of second string. I know you can do better. Now’s the time to let it all out.

If HES isn’t Harvard University, then there has been one hell of a king sized fraud, so more heads should roll.

Elsewhere, someone published the full-sized picture Hochschild’s avatar is from. Talk about full Karen mode, just looking at it makes me check my cup.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | January 8, 2024 at 2:22 am

So, help me understand. If a professor from the Harvard Extension School teaches at the HES, but believes that the HES is subpar to the real Harvard, what does that make a professor of a sub par school, except to be a sub par professor.

    Logic? Stop that, we are talking diversity hires here. That Harvard is giving intellectual midwits a chance should be applauded.

      markm in reply to diver64. | January 10, 2024 at 7:06 pm

      They gave Claudine Gay a chance, and that is NOT to be applauded. If I were a hiring manager and a recent Harvard graduate applied, I’d have to wonder if he learned anything besides leftwing politics and cheating. I’d trust the HES degree more.

    Not necessarily. There’s no reason a subpar school can’t employ an above-par professor. It’s not the professors alone that determine a school’s quality.

      MarkSmith in reply to Milhouse. | January 8, 2024 at 8:51 am

      ? Yea it is the professors alone that make it a quality school. What it proves is that professors that cheat teach students that it is ok to cheat and it is ok to take Peoples money on fake degrees on HES programs. Did not they sue Trump for 25 k for some program in Fl? Looks like all those students that spent 500 k for a Harvard degree and unemployed have a good shot to sue for that billion dollar endowment because they have been scammed. Love it!

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | January 8, 2024 at 2:28 am

Question for A. J. Delgado

Does having a “real” Harvard degree teach you to give blow jobs better than the HES graduates.

Asking for a friend.

Next question. Does your past history working on the Trump campaign make you an insurrection supporter?

A vacuous and tepid person.

Harvard |Prof’s and graduates owning themselves is hilarious. I’m not sure what I would think if I were a student of a Prof that openly looks down on me for working harder than the average student to get a degree and a step up on everyone else. Not impressed comes to mind.
I went to a State College then transferred to a State University. I had great professors for the most part and a very good education. No Ivy League needed.

Bucky Barkingham | January 8, 2024 at 6:53 am

What Harvard offers students that HES does not is on campus anti-semitism.

You can always tell a Harvard man, you just can’t tell him much.

Ol' Jim, hisself | January 8, 2024 at 8:55 am

David Hogg is a “real” Harvard graduate. Anyone want to compare him to Chris Rufo?

We know now Ivy League is the best schools to teach people how to cheat and scam. You think Trump over valued his property and he screwed nobody, but HES? Wow.

Ah hahahahahahahaha😂🤣I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a self own. The depth of their own stupidity is astounding. Anyone with one of those degrees should sue the $h!T out of them. They sold them a product that’s exactly the same, but completely different. 😂🤣🤡🌎

The vast majority of my family has at least Masters or doctoral degrees from non=Ivy league schools. Collectively, we would put up the value of our degrees against the entire Harvard faculty any day of the week, any time of day, a day of the year. Harvard isn’t what it used to be 50 years ago—just look at its fallen ratings across nearly every major academic program, not to mention its recent scandals. Harvard—the next Oberlin or Yale?

Steven Brizel | January 8, 2024 at 3:11 pm

The attacks on Mr. Rufo illustrate the low quality of college education at the Ivies

Imagine being so arrogant that you attack the very students you’re charged with teaching in an effort to own Rufo–she should be fired for stupidity, if nothing else.