School Board in Stamford, CT, Votes to Remove Veterans Day and Columbus Day From School Holidays
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School Board in Stamford, CT, Votes to Remove Veterans Day and Columbus Day From School Holidays

School Board in Stamford, CT, Votes to Remove Veterans Day and Columbus Day From School Holidays

“Honoring Christopher Columbus in statues, parades or the holiday has become a divisive issue given his role in the evolution of colonialism and slavery”

First, the left came after the statues. Now they’re coming after the holidays.

The school board in Stamford, Connecticut, has voted to remove Columbus Day and Veterans Day from the school calendar.

The left has actually been gunning for Columbus for years, but this is the first instance I’ve heard of them coming after Veterans Day.

FOX News reports:

Connecticut school district’s vote to hold classes on Veterans Day, Columbus Day ignites controversy

A Stamford, Connecticut school board ignited a “calendar controversy” after voting to remove the Veterans Day and Columbus Day holidays, meaning students are expected to attend class on those dates for the next two years, local outlets reported.

According to WABC, an ABC affiliate based in New York City, one board member cited the length of the 181-day school year that would last into mid-June, arguing that the schedule is too long, but the decision to cut the holidays spawned responses from veterans and others who were outraged.

Alfred Fusco, a veteran and founding member of Stamford’s chapter of the Italian-American service organization UNICO, told the outlet the move was a “gut punch” to him, adding, “It was terrible. It had no inclination.”

On X, some blasted the decision as “woke” and labeled it as “cancel culture.”

One wrote, “Why stop there? Eliminate Washington’s birthday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas!”

Another labeled the decision “unconscionable.”

The board’s 5-3 vote took place last Tuesday, with the president absent.

Does anyone believe this is about anything other than progressive politics?

WABC News has more:

A school calendar controversy has taken hold in Connecticut after the Stamford School Board voted to remove two holidays, Veterans Day and Columbus Day, meaning students will not have those days off for the next two school years.

One reason: a board member pointed out that the proposed 181-day school calendar lasted too long, into mid-June, but some people in the community say cutting the two holidays isn’t the answer…

Honoring Christopher Columbus in statues, parades or the holiday has become a divisive issue given his role in the evolution of colonialism and slavery…

The board member who spearheaded Tuesday’s motion that passed 5-3 told Eyewitness News that it’s best for our students to be in school.

“I want to return even more holidays to the classroom. This year, a majority of the board was not prepared to go further. Under state law, when open on federal holidays, the district must provide a suitable educational program in observance of the day.”

Did you catch that? It’s for the children. Right.

Here’s a video report from CBS News in New York:

Featured image via YouTube.


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The Gentle Grizzly | January 30, 2024 at 9:33 am

How about MLKJr Day? Do they dare?

    They have Juneteenth though. The Texas holiday. Why Connecticut celebrates it is beyond me. Virtual signaling, at it’s finest.

    No. I get Columbus Day–that one has been on the outs for the while, but Veterans Day? Maybe I would replace that with in school and having actual veterans speak with the kids.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to EBL. | January 30, 2024 at 10:15 am

      What kids? Liberal mush for brains liberal kids in Stamford Connecticut? The parents and school board would have a cow.

      Veterans are one step removed from recruiters, who have already been banned by schools from talking to their kids.

      The only difference, the FBI won’t be investigating liberal parents who interrupt a school board meeting because they disapprove of one of their vaunted decisions.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | January 30, 2024 at 10:12 am

    MLK is soooooo 50 years ago. He stood for ideals that no longer exist, especially in the liberal black community.

    MLK will be replaced by another face, a street thug and drug addict, the NEW Messiah, Saint George Floyd I.

    Soon, blacks will run out of faces they can use as martyrs. Michael Brown didn’t have quite the Joie de Vivre (/s) that George Floyd had!

    Praise be to St George!

    MLK will be replaced by St George because St George is more representative of the liberal black community (and liberals in general) than MLK.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to AF_Chief_Master_Sgt. | January 30, 2024 at 7:59 pm

      I understand what you’re saying.

      One of the things I am not looking forward to is if I ouytlive him. I am not looking forward to the death of Jesse Jackson. The amount of national wailing, rending of garments, and teeth gnashing will go on for weeks. This is not even considering What will go on in the black community..

    lol. Of course not. However, I don’t remember being off school for Veterans Day. We had a parade in our town on the nearest Saturday and that was it.

      Pepsi_Freak in reply to diver64. | January 31, 2024 at 10:19 pm

      It used to be on November 11th (Armistice Day) and commemorated the end of the First world war, and was indeed a National holiday.

E Howard Hunt | January 30, 2024 at 9:34 am

Connecticut flunkies in King Biden’s court

That’s my hometown and a picture of the high school I graduated from (Stamford HS). Man I’m glad I moved away from that sorry excuse for a city and state.

Just showing how much they hate Veterans AND America.

There’s one too may veterans’ days anyway. Public relations confusion.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to rhhardin. | January 30, 2024 at 10:20 am


    God forbid we celebrate a day for veterans who protect free speech and are willing to die for their country, and a day to celebrate those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for those freedoms.

    At least veterans don’t get a whole month like the alphabet mafia gets. The nation couldn’t stand to be reminded that veterans are on the same plain as those defined by their sexuality.

    wendybar in reply to rhhardin. | January 30, 2024 at 3:17 pm

    Wow. 2 whole days for veterans whilst blacks get a month and gays get a month. Veterans deserve YEARS compared to the social justice people.

Capitalist-Dad | January 30, 2024 at 10:38 am

These leftist school board members are oath breakers undeserving of office. Being elected makes them representatives of their constituents. It doesn’t anoint them as commissars on an ideological mission. 1776 Red Pills would see the offended citizens dragging the offending board members out of their cushy offices and into the street, instead of waiting for the next election. That would certainly clarify who’s in charge.

This is not the Stamford I grew up in the 60’s, where a large tight-knit Italian community (home of Bobby Valentine) would never have allowed Columbus to be dissed.

Kids are not going to school anyways,so why does it matter.

The Sopranos Columbus Day episode is great. The reviewers hate it.

Absolute proof that these people have no business teaching children anything, anywhere.

Really? This is an issue?

I just googled a number of school calendars from a variety of places. Ohio, Florida, South Carolina, Wyoming. Some have a holiday on Veterans Day. Some don’t. Here in woke Fairfax County Virginia, school was out in 2022 on November 11 for a “school planning day.” In 2023 November 11 fell on a Saturday. In FCPS Rosh Hashanah and Eid al Fitr are student holidays.

In Casper, WY, there’s no school holiday for Veterans Day. Interestingly they have a holiday on MLK but call it “Equality Day.”

Honestly, there is so much wrong with our schools right now and we’re focusing on this? My husband is retired Navy and I am a veteran as well, by the way.

    DaveGinOly in reply to bev. | January 30, 2024 at 12:53 pm

    No, we’re not focused “on this.” We’re focused on all of it. The devil is in the details.

    Virginia42 in reply to bev. | January 30, 2024 at 1:47 pm

    Fairfax has truly gone down the flusher. Soooo glad my son is graduated and done with them.

      We moved to Fairfax County in 1985. The schools had a great reputation. My daughter graduated in 2006 and they have clearly gone downhill since. Well, unfortunately it’s not clear to everyone. The entire school board and superintendent are progressives. Our efforts to get any conservatives elected to the school board last November failed. It seems FCPS continues to ride on its reputation.

    randian in reply to bev. | January 30, 2024 at 7:10 pm

    In FCPS Rosh Hashanah and Eid al Fitr are student holidays

    Making an Islamic date a student holiday demonstrates a true lack of self awareness. If European colonialism is to be deconstructed as evil Islam’s historical conquests of the Middle East and North Africa, along with its ongoing modern-day conquest of Nigeria and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa, and the modern-day slave markets it supports, surely qualifies Islam as truly beyond the pale.

But may Day soon will be a holiday, right?

Elementary schools in Connecticut are now offering menstrual products in the boy’s bathrooms after a law was passed requiring schools to provide these products in men’s restrooms

See page 8: Starting in 3rd grade

    Ironclaw in reply to catscradle. | January 30, 2024 at 3:34 pm

    I’m sure the little boys in those schools will find really creative ways to use those things since they have not the plumbing to use them properly. In fact I’m sure the building’s Plumbing suffers greatly

What does the teachers’ union have to say about the loss of two holidays?

They kept the idiotic “Juneteenth” and Eid ……..

Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School?: The Case for Helping Them Leave, Chart Their Own Paths, and Prepare for Adulthood
Author: Blake Boles
Year: 2020

The Case Against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money
Author: Bryan Caplan
Year: 2018

The Teenage Liberation Handbook (Third Edition): How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education
Author: Grace Llewelyn
Year: 2021

Inside American Education: The Decline, The Deception, The Dogmas
Author: Thomas Sowell, PhD
Year: 1992

Subotai Bahadur | January 30, 2024 at 5:48 pm

The primary regret that the school board has is that the school year does NOT extend into summer. They would be positively orgasmic if they could cancel the 4th of July holiday and use the day to teach worship of Kim Jong-Il.

Subotai Bahadur

Why stop there? Eliminate Washington’s birthday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Don’t worry, they will get there eventually.

destroycommunism | January 30, 2024 at 10:02 pm

veterans day will make its heroic return to america once the woke completely take over the military

The voters in that community need to elect a new school board and restore those days to the calendar. Of course, maybe the people in that community support their decision.

Veterans Day should not even be up for discussion. Children and Grandchildren of Veterans should boycott school that day if it is not a holiday!

Columbus Day is another story. There is no justification for giving him a holiday. Leif Erikson beat him by 500 years, during a previous period of global warming. October 9th is Leif Erikson Day.

    DaveGinOly in reply to CaptTee. | January 31, 2024 at 2:27 pm

    The Left might respond, “Native Americans got here first,” but that would be an admission they were “colonizers” too.

They should be consistent and eliminate all holidays – make the kids go to school every day of the year – but then they probably aren’t learning anything in their failed public schools. Time to outsource public education so the taxpayers can get their money worth.