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Research Finds More Christian Colleges Are Promoting Abortion Since the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

Research Finds More Christian Colleges Are Promoting Abortion Since the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

“Yet as the culture shifts, then they did, too, and to see how quickly that happens was the most concerning part”

There are probably plenty of people working at Christian colleges who are not actually very Christian. How else do you explain this?

The College Fix reports:

More Christian colleges promote abortion post-Dobbs, research finds

More Christian universities have begun promoting abortion since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, with one in 10 now maintaining some type of relationship with an abortion provider, according to new research by a leading pro-life organization.

The report from Students for Life of America and the Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement found a 10 percent increase in universities promoting abortion or abortion providers between 2021 and 2023.

The research examined 767 Christian colleges and universities in the U.S., and noted 185 pro-life infractions at 76 schools. These included promoting Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the U.S., as a health care service to students, advertising internships with abortion providers, hosting events with pro-abortion leaders, and issuing statements in support of abortion or abortion providers.

Students for Life Director of Strategic Initiatives Michele Hendrickson lamented “the ability for some schools to cave so quickly as culture shifts when they are supposed to be founded on biblical values.”

“Yet as the culture shifts, then they did, too, and to see how quickly that happens was the most concerning part,” Hendrickson told The College Fix in an interview last week.

One of the schools was Holy Cross College, a private Catholic institution in Massachusetts, according to the report.

Students for Life gave the university an A+ grade in 2021. However, after the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson abortion ruling in 2022, its Women and Gender Studies Department “used the school’s website to ‘condemn’ the decision, thereby demonstrating their commitment to abortion over biblical values,” according to the report.

The Fix contacted the university twice within the past month asking for its reaction to the report, but it did not respond.

Another school, Bethany College, a private, Protestant institution in West Virginia, also was downgraded initially after having received an A in previous years. However, Students for Life said the college quickly fixed the problem and its top grade was restored.

The problem was a 2022 event that the college hosted with a Planned Parenthood representative about the “state of reproductive rights,” according to the report.


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How can they be “Christian” if they promote murder?
sort of an oxymoron, no?

    henrybowman in reply to paracelsus. | January 12, 2024 at 2:45 pm

    It’s not like the term is trademarked. Every race-hustling reverend claims to be Christian. There are a lot of weird sects who also lay claim to the term, though not many outsiders would see any a priori connection to basic beliefs.

    Then again, there is the current Pope, whom I fully expect to be stumping to bless abortionists any day now.

its Women and Gender Studies Department
If a “Christian” college has a “Women and Genders” department, I question its devotion to standard Christian doctrine. (And you can assume that a lot of Roman Catholic schools are Jesuit and have been non-Christian for a long time. Jesuits are the Progressives of the Roman Catholic church.)

Maybe they could compromise and only provide abortions for transgender women…

George_Kaplan | January 13, 2024 at 4:37 am

Christian colleges, or CiNO colleges?

Given the Bible rejects murder, makes no distinction between children in the womb and out of the womb, doesn’t provide any support for abortion, and Exodus 21 provides the husband of a pregnant woman accidentally struck with the right to demand compensation equal to the harm suffered by his child up to a life for a life, how can any college calling itself Christian support abortion?

Now colleges which preach the Woke gospel and are thus Christian in name only are quite a different matter!