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Report: Israel Set to Launch ‘Massive Attack’ to Take Control of Border Between Gaza and Egypt

Report: Israel Set to Launch ‘Massive Attack’ to Take Control of Border Between Gaza and Egypt

Egyptian border is currently being used by Hamas to smuggle weapons and move terrorists in and out of Gaza.

After eleven weeks of ground offensive against the terrorist group Hamas, Israel is preparing to carry out a large-scale military operation to take control of the border between Gaza and Egypt, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday.

Israel “is pushing to retake control of the southern frontier with Egypt,” the WSJ wrote. “Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, say Israel must have a grip on the border area, which the Israeli military calls the Philadelphi Corridor, to block Hamas from smuggling weapons into the strip.”

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is “set to launch massive attack to seize Gaza’s border with Egypt,” the Jerusalem Post reported Saturday afternoon.

The Egyptian border has long been used by Hamas to smuggle weapons and move terrorists in and out of Gaza. With the IDF now carrying out ground operations in Gaza, Hamas’s terrorist fighting machine is being replenished through Egypt, analysts fear. According to a recent report by the DC-based thinktank Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), the “tunnels to Egypt played key Role in arming Hamas.”

Apart from replenishing Hamas, the cross-border tunnels could also be used to whisk Gaza-based terrorist leadership into Egypt. “Hamas smuggling tunnels below the Philadelphia route [the Egypt-Gaza border] raise two challenges for Israel, as they enable the illicit transit of weaponry into Gaza and may facilitate the escape of Hamas leaders, thus circumventing Israeli apprehension or attacks.” FDD Research Analyst Joe Truzman noted.

Given Egypt’s dismal track record in stopping cross-border weapons smuggling, Israel has little confidence in Cairo’s ability to prevent Gaza-based terrorists from rearming.

Prominent Israeli national security expert, Meir Ben-Shabbat, explained in Israel Hayom newspaper earlier this month:

If the past is prologue, then it is clear that arms smuggling into the Gaza Strip cannot be prevented without effective control over the Philadelphi Route and the border crossing between Gaza and Egypt. Supervision mechanisms and reliance on other arrangements in this area have always turned out to be a resounding failure.

The Israeli military continued to strike terrorist strong points across Gaza. IDF’s “646th Brigade conducted a targeted raid on an active Hamas command center and located dozens of weapons, computers, phones and many intelligence devices,” the military said in a statement on Saturday. “After the forces completed their activities in the area, the command center and the weapons were destroyed using the forces’ engineering capabilities.”

The Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported the ongoing IDF operation:

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Saturday reported ongoing operations across the Gaza Strip.

Fighters of the 646th Reserve Paratroopers Brigade are said to have located two Hamas rocket launching sites, “with projectiles prepared for launch in the immediate time-frame.”

In Khan Yunis, the 7th Armored Brigade is said to have destroyed the Hamas tunnel shaft and to have clashed with terrorists. “IDF troops identified two terrorists shooting and fleeing from a building. The troops directed an IAF aircraft to strike the terrorists,” read the statement.

“One of the terrorists was eliminated and the other fled to another building.” An additional aircraft stuck and killed the terrorist later.

Additionally, the troops have reported finding the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) training manuals, sniping posts, and technological assets in the area.

In northern Gaza, troops of the 401st Armored Brigade located and destroyed a several rocket launching positions in the al-Atatra neighborhood, read the IDF statement.

Palestinian terror cell tries to infiltrate Israel

The Israeli military on Friday night eliminated three members of a terrorist cell trying to infiltrate  Israel from Palestinian Authority-controlled West Bank. At least one Israeli civilian was injured when a group of terrorist breached the security barrier near the town of Hebron.

The armed terrorists were planning to massacre of unsuspecting Israelis nearly 100 days after the October 7 massacre, reports suggest. The foiled attack highlights the terrorist threat lurking in the PA-controlled West Bank.

The Israeli broadcaster Arutz Sheva reported:

An Israeli suffered light-to-moderate injuries on Friday evening when terrorists opened fire in the town of Adora, located in the Judean Mountains, northwest of Hebron.

Magen David Adom said the injured victim, a 34-year-old man who was conscious, is suffering from an injury to his legs and was evacuated to the hospital for treatment after receiving initial treatment at the scene.

According to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, terrorists opened fire at IDF troops who were dispatched to Adora following the shooting attack.

“IDF soldiers began a pursuit of the terrorists and extensive searches in the area. During the searches, three terrorists were identified and eliminated by the security forces,” the statement said.

U.S. military hits more Houthi-controlled terror targets in Yemen

The U.S. military continued strikes against Iran-backed Houthi terror targets in Yemen for the second day in a row. Washington’s response comes after a series of Houthi attacks on U.S. naval ships engaged in rescuing vessels in the Red Sea.

The Yemen-based Islamic terrorist group, allied with the Iranian regime and Hamas, has been attacking cargo ships and tankers in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean in a bid to disrupt commercial shipments entering and leaving the southern Israeli port of Eilat.

The Houthis have increasingly become a menace in the region since President Joe Biden removed them from the list of designated terrorist group — reversing the Trump-era decision.

A training video posted by the Houthis on Saturday shows terrorist group staging a mock Hamas-style attack on a Jewish community in Israel.

The Associated Press reported the latest U.S. retaliatory strikes:

The U.S. military early Saturday struck another Houthi-controlled site in Yemen that it had determined was putting commercial vessels in the Red Sea at risk, a day after the U.S. and Britain launched multiple airstrikes targeting Houthi rebels. (…)

U.S. Central Command said the “follow-on action” early Saturday local time against a Houthi radar site was conducted by the Navy destroyer USS Carney using Tomahawk land attack missiles.

The first day of strikes Friday hit 28 locations and struck more than 60 targets. President Joe Biden had warned Friday that the Houthis could face further strikes.


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Israel is expending resources at a staggering rate, they should be annexing assets and territory for compensation. Most certainty all of Palestine should annexed and cleansed of terrorists. It should be used for Jews who will be fleeing Europe and other countries. Jews deserve to live in peace and terrorists deserve permeant peace.

    broomhandle in reply to JohnSmith100. | January 13, 2024 at 3:24 pm

    Agreed. My only quibble is that Gaza is not “Palestine” as that is a phony concept used only to deligitimize Israel. Israel would be liberating Gaza for their own people who are the rightful owners and inhabitants there.

      broom — re-read John’s post.

      “Palestine should be annexed and cleansed … used for Jews …”

      He’s not advocating for the liberation of Gaza for the Gazans. He’s proposing genocide.

        Cleansing is its own wrong. It’s not genocide, however, without more.

        JohnSmith100 in reply to alien. | January 13, 2024 at 6:02 pm

        I said “cleansed of terrorists” and to clarify, I consider those who have children and indorenate them to be terrorists the same as terrorists.

        So when I said cleansed I meant being driven from the river to the sea. So, terrorists like those who butchered those Jews deserve to be exterminated, The rest driven to the sea. I am sure that there must be people who will care enough about them, will save them from the sea.

        Surely, this is a reasonable fate for them, the same they advocated for Jews.

          No, when you said “cleansed” you meant to kill all Palestinians whether they have anything at all against Israel or not, You are a despicable racist. There is no other word for you. Well, there are words, but if I used them I would been banned from LIL.

          “I said “cleansed of terrorists” and to clarify …”

          Your clarification is a re-definition — you just expanded the category to include more Palestinians that you wish to be killed. Apparently it’s a fluid definition, adjusted to suit your whims at the time.

          “So when I said cleansed I meant being driven from the river to the sea.”

          Another change in the definition — fluidity. Now “driven,” not “exterminated.”

          “So, terrorists like those who butchered those Jews deserve to be exterminated, The rest driven to the sea.”

          Another re-definition? At least you’ve returned to “extermination.”

          Let’s recap: terrorists, which now include parents who indoctrinate their children, to be exterminated. All of the rest to be driven from their homes and pushed into the sea. Territory — conveniently emptied of its residents — to be annexed and “re-purposed” for Jewish settlement.

          It all sounds vaguely familiar. Does the term “lebensraum” strike a chord? Perhaps “Final Solution to the Gaza Question” is more to your liking, Reinhard?

          JohnSmith100 in reply to JohnSmith100. | January 13, 2024 at 8:12 pm

          Maybe Pales should repent & unconditionally surrender?

          Love when you tell someone what you mean, they correct you to tell you what you mean, then call you a name or two.

          Israel just said at the ICJ that genocide is overused. Here we have an example that bastardizes cleansing into genocide, which is isn’t.

          But why tell people that will only correct you?

        BierceAmbrose in reply to alien. | January 13, 2024 at 8:02 pm

        Alien’s quote:
        “Palestine should be annexed and cleansed … used for Jews …”

        When you have to edit that hard to make your point, your point doesn’t have a lot to stand on. The original
        “Palestine should annexed and cleansed of terrorists. It should be used for Jews…”

          Sorry, Bierce, no dice — I clearly showed that I omitted words by the use of the ellipses, but I didn’t change the meaning of what he said. However, John has altered the definitions of words that he has used in previous posts — witness his re-definition of “terrorist” to include parents who “indoctrinate” their children, his desire that they all be “exterminated” (to use his exact word), “the rest” of the population of Palestine (including those in the West Bank?) to be driven to the sea, and the annexation of “Palestine” (again, including the West Bank? — which would basically remove the Palestinian Territories from the map).

          “Here we have an example that bastardizes cleansing into genocide, which is isn’t.”

          “Cleansing” includes, by definition, “direct removal, extermination, deportation or population transfer.” Yes, you’ve been corrected.

          That response (concerning “cleansing”) was meant as a reply to oldschool, but it appeared under Bierce’s post because there was no Reply button next to oldschool’s.

          JohnSmith100 in reply to BierceAmbrose. | January 13, 2024 at 10:32 pm

          I always liked Trump’s mean tweets, I write in a similar manner, knowing that idiots will respond with stupid replies and that I can make fun of them. Notice that I have repeatedly challenged them to show empathy for Jews, they ignore that. So there is little doubt that one or more Pales or other Arabs are here, they are operating just like they were on SPJ forum over 20 years ago. They are likely CAIR operatives.

          BierceAmbrose in reply to BierceAmbrose. | January 13, 2024 at 11:19 pm

          /meta: Yeah, replies only stack so deep. So, responding to Alien of 09:26

          The polite form of this reply is “horse puckey.”

          “Sorry, Bierce, no dice — I clearly showed that I omitted words by the use of the ellipses, “

          Pretty lame misdirection attempt there. But horse puckey. (But, you know that.)

          For example: “I clearly showed that I … change the meaning of what he said.”

          Thank you for your confession. Maybe don’t do that “change the meaning” thing in a quote. Oh, right, that’s not what you clearly meant. But, you know, ellipses. Ellipses across sentences, as you did with JB100, are a tell for this kind of shenanigans. But, I didn’t even have to do that.

          Playing that way is mostly a stupid game, though it might get you a job as Prezzy of Harvard — I hear it’s open.

          Mr. Ambrose, you accused me of deflection, shenanigans, plagiarism, and posting horseshit — but you haven’t said that I changed the meaning of his post.

          Oh, and speaking of “changing the meaning,” JS has added a couple of categories to his extermination list:

          “I said “cleansed of terrorists” and to clarify, I consider those who have children and indorenate them to be terrorists the same as terrorists.”


          “In my opinion that will require termination of all terrorists and those who support them.”

          Who’s left?

        DaveGinOly in reply to alien. | January 13, 2024 at 11:53 pm

        The comment says “cleansed of terrorists.” Unless you believe all Gazans are terrorists, then he was not referring to all Gazans. Also, he did not specify how cleansing would occur. If it means “killing all the terrorists and removing all survivors,” I wouldn’t have a problem with that. Jews still have some catching up to do after 1948, when 800,000 Jews were deported from Arab countries, while 650,000 “Palestinians” either fled (many of them departing at the request of invading Arab armies in order to create free-fire zones for killing Jews) or were removed from their lands in the area that became Israel.

        But it is clear that he’s not referring to all Gazans, no matter what he’s actually suggesting.

          “But it is clear that he’s not referring to all Gazans, no matter what he’s actually suggesting.”

          Beg pardon? What is he actually suggesting? That’s my point.

          JohnSmith100 in reply to DaveGinOly. | January 14, 2024 at 9:19 am

          Terrorists and their supporters = extermination
          Arab belligerents & nonproductive = expulsion
          Productive & assimilated = allowed to stay

          JohnSmith100 in reply to DaveGinOly. | January 14, 2024 at 5:00 pm

          “In my opinion that will require termination of all terrorists and those who support them.”

          Who’s left?” Is Alien saying that all Arabs or Muslims are homicidal butchers? If that is really the case, too bad. I was under the impression that 25% might be salvageable.

          JohnSmith100: “Is Alien saying that all Arabs or Muslims are homicidal butchers?”

          Who the hell do you think you are, that you can put such vile words into my mouth?

    guyjones in reply to JohnSmith100. | January 13, 2024 at 7:03 pm

    Indeed. I only add that the word “Palestine” should be placed in quotation marks, to denote its status as a contrived propaganda word that was cooked up by the KGB and Arab Muslim terrorist groups.

Since Egypt has flooded boarder crossings into Gaza before this would appear to be a great time for the IDF to repeat the tactic.

It is interesting that none of the Middle East countries are willing to take any Pales in.

    DaveGinOly in reply to JohnSmith100. | January 13, 2024 at 11:58 pm

    They have. And they threw them out again. They have caused problems wherever they’ve been allowed to live. Besides, they’re far more useful to the Arab world as poster children for Israeli oppression. That is, they’ll continue to be until so many Arab nations make peace with Israel that the Palestinians become such a burden to their remaining patrons that they will eventually be cut off. Then their only support will come from the US and the UN (but I repeat myself).

    Jordan tried that once and the pales tried to hijack the entire country of jordan and overthrow the monarchy there. Now jordan has border barrier manned by military that prevents pales from illegal immigration. Jordans drops water and blankets over the otherside of the barrier and tell the pales they aren’t welcome.

    US should be doing that policy on rio grande.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to smooth. | January 14, 2024 at 5:05 pm

      As I recall, Jordan killed 15,000 and Egypt has made it clear they would kill all who try to enter. Pales are the most disliked group in the Middle East

I’d like to see all these European dhimmi and American Dhimmi-crat, so-called “human rights” groups that perennially and unfairly vilify Israel (along with the U.N.), release studies on how extensive these terrorist tunnels and underground infrastructure are, and, how many hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign aid money Hamas has squandered on these projects, over decades (whatever money it didn’t embezzle, that is).

BierceAmbrose | January 13, 2024 at 8:05 pm

Maybe the Egyptian neighbors can get the Houthi to interdict that particular transit — they’re already talking together about the traffic interdiction across the Red Sea.

With lots of disputes there are shads of gray as far as who is right and wring, in the case of Jews versus Muslims, it is white and black.

    “So there is little doubt that one or more Pales or other Arabs are here, they are operating just like they were on SPJ forum over 20 years ago. They are likely CAIR operatives.”

    I would like to see evidence of that — do you have any?

    You wouldn’t be afraid to call them out by name, would you? Please do.

      alien in reply to alien. | January 14, 2024 at 7:35 am

      I apologize; it’s been implied that I change the meaning of a sentence or phrase unless I quote the entire passage.

      “I always liked Trump’s mean tweets, I write in a similar manner, knowing that idiots will respond with stupid replies and that I can make fun of them. Notice that I have repeatedly challenged them to show empathy for Jews, they ignore that. So there is little doubt that one or more Pales or other Arabs are here, they are operating just like they were on SPJ forum over 20 years ago. They are likely CAIR operatives.”

      I would like to see evidence of that — do you have any?

      You wouldn’t be afraid to call them out by name, would you? Please do.

        JohnSmith100 in reply to alien. | January 14, 2024 at 5:39 pm

        You=JR=Thad T are evidence that not all people are created =. Rioting, assault, rape and truly horrific murders tell us all we need to know about Pales.

          “You=JR=Thad T are evidence that not all people are created =.”

          The signers of the Declaration of Independence beg to differ.

          I place more weight into their statement than I do the rantings of an unhinged, bloodthirsty, obvious troll.

Armchair generals and keyboard warriors.