Ray Epps, the Man Who Told People to Enter the Capitol on Jan. 6, Receives One Year Probation
Many of President Donald Trump’s supporters called him an undercover fed.

Ray Epps took credit for orchestrating the Capitol Hill riot on January 6th. He told people to enter the Capitol building.
Many of President Donald Trump’s supporters called him an undercover fed on January 5 when Epps encouraged a crowd to hit the Capitol the following day.
Well, what a way to strengthen the conspiracy theories! Those who did not commit any violent acts received years in prison. Their lives are ruined.
Epps received one-year probation, 100 hours of community hours, and has to pay a $500 fine.
The video in Greg’s tweet is from January 5.
For reference, the average sentence a January 6 defendant has received is 3 years. For those who receive guilty pleas like Epps did, it has been two years. Yet for some reason the guy who instigated the Capitol riot has escaped with probation and community service.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 9, 2024
Not only that but he was able to phone in to his sentencing hearing whereas most of the J6 defendants had to be present in the courtroom
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 9, 2024
Despite being the one who told people to storm the Capitol the night before the riot…Epps gets one year.
Oh, Epps also enjoyed massive media attention when he suddenly changed his heart. He consumed too much of that right-wing media, you guys.
60 Minutes gave him a whole segment.

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Fatso Ray Epps is scum.
and definitely not working for the Feds. Absolutely nothing going on here
Yeah, this guy is totally not a fed! We know this because of how harshly the law came down on him, including 4am raid by armed police and months of being detained without trial and the lengthy prison sentence on top of that.
So yeah, totally not an inside man.
Mr Epps asked the Judge if working with the FBI to stage a Faux Insurrection could count as Community Service.
-chortle- Thanks. I needed that.
Owen Stroyer who yelled “1776” got six months in jail
Stroyer received a two month sentence – not six.
I guess, in retrospect, he should have yelled, “we have to go into the Capitol” Then cushy remote sentencing and probation.
I’m also still kind of fuzzy on who actually built those mock gallows.
What’s lower than a “Banana Republic”?
Look around, we’re living in it
Banana Hammock
Speak for yourself!
Banana Pudding Skin.
Banana pudding in general. Yecch!
A Bananaskin Republic. One of its classic symptoms is that its leader keeps falling down.
Sorry, should have been Bananapeel Republic.
Plantain Pettifoggarchy.
Who didn’t see this coming, and now off the hook for playing a very very big part in the 2020 Coup d’etat
The Fedsurrectionists built the gallows
The FBI already paid him more than $500 out of untraceable petty cash.
This was done so no one could come after him in the future and no one could press him for information.
Epps was never charged before a 2024 Trump victory became a possibility.
Surely there is something he can be charged with? Conspiracy?
Conspiring with the government?
Well, theoretically it shouldn’t shield him from any Congressional inquiry. In fact, it arguably makes him more vulnerable because he can’t claim the 5th now. Of course, in practice, feckless (or worse) republicans will not call him so it’s all just academic.
Epps is being described as a victim of the Right. The very description of what he actively did … video and all…. makes it clear that the fix is in… just enough so that they can say he was guilty. A mere “bruise” compared to the life altering damage done to lesser people. How will this fare when the Feds go after everyone on the lawn or just in D.C. that day? Everyone knows who knows and the dumb minions will never ask how and why.. satisfied with their precious democracy being saved.
Considering the number of J6 people harmed I am surprised no one has had a talk with him yet.
[[[ How will this fare when the Feds go after everyone on the lawn or just in D.C. that day? ]]]
The Feds are obvious eager to sentence thousands of people to mere probation like Epps. /s
Exactly. One of the J6 prisoners even committed suicide. They need justice.
The sympathetic judge in this case is none other than Judge Boasberg who signed-off on a few bogus FISA warrant during the Russian “collusion” fraud.
In the classic Gomer Pyle accent …. . “surprise surprise!”
Don’t be too hard on him. I bet the FBI and DOJ quietly mentioned a few things they know about the judge to keep him in line
Which surprised precisely NOBODY.
They only ‘prosecuted’ him after they simply couldn’t cover it up anymore, and literally everybody knew he was going to get a sweetheart sentence.
NOT ONE SINGLE OTHER J6 DEFENDENT was given this light of a sentence. Not a single one.
They’re just pissing in our faces at this point.
When they start jailing parents, doctors, nurses, and counselors for 22 years because they transed kids, I’m not going to feel any sympathy for them.
Prison terms? For crimes against humanity?
Inciting the Reichstag fire is okay, but being videotaped inciting the Reichstag fire by the people who are supposed to take the blame for it? That’ll get you in trouble.
His community service will be handing out coffee and donuts at the local FBI office as a thank you from one co-worker to another.
This is not going to sit well with some people
I agree with you. But, nothing will happen so it’s a moot point, really.
Probably right
We are so screwed and they are rubbing our noses in it like we dumped in the living room…
Nothing official.
But DOJ just handed Epps a life sentence.
He’s going to be looking over his shoulder until he dies.
I’d be willing to bet there’s a Black Arrow in this snake’s future.
As expected. The guy suspected of being an undercover Fed gets a lighter sentence than many who were accused of doing less than him. What else are we to expect than that this is a sweetheart deal to make it look like he’s being held accountable for his actions? He’s living in a trailer in the woods? Boo hoo. Some people were stuck in solitary for months over misdemeanors that should’ve resulted in, at worst, a fine.
I assume Mr. Epps is just laying low until this blows over, and then he’ll get a cushy retirement home.
Their treatment of him, from the very beginning, has been evidence he was there on behalf of the FBI.
The old saying, “The first thing we need to do is get rid of all the lawyers” should be, “The first thing we need to do is get rid of all the judges”. The judges that have taken so many benches are killing our justice system with their liberal crap. Lawyers can only argue their case not decide it. These corrupt judges are destroying our judicial system with their unconstitutional rulings.
It is sad, but, give some people a black gown,a faux-royal title, a toy hammer, and a hockey puck to hit with it, and you end up with these types of results.
It’s not an “old saying”, it’s a line by a fictional villain, who says the first thing the bad guys need to do is kill all the lawyers so there would be nobody to stop them when they carry out the rest of their evil plan.
In other words, it’s pointing out how necessary lawyers are. A friend of mine had a badge made reading, “If you think lawyer jokes are funny, next time you get arrested why don’t you hire a comedian?”
Sadly, we live in a day and age where lawyer prosecutors/judges/politicians are more like comedians, who play in a rigged system where they always win.
The joke is wearing thin.
Yes, they’re all “officers of the court”, and when it matters, they will conspire against you, the defendant.
[[[ next time you get arrested why don’t you hire a comedian? ]]]
The courts won’t allow it. Simple as. They’re part of a medieval guild.
If nothing else, this appears to confirm that the left is scared spitless that Trump is going to win in November.
Where did Ray Epps come from?
A ranch outside Apache Junction AZ.
Well when a Mommy Epps and a Daddy Epps love each other very much…
I believe that Dante said he was from the second round of the 9th Circle.
Subotai Bahadur
Once more: the Judge who gave Epps probation, kissing him on the cheek as he did so is our old buddy Obama nominated James E Boasberg, the fraud who gave Kevin Clinesmith probation and zero fines for writing the fraudulent affidavit for the FISA search against Carter Page.
Obama knew what he was doing when he nominated Boasberg.
Nice to have a pet judge sitting in the exact circuit where all the government people appear.
OK, when a field grade officer in the Reichssicherheitshauptamt wants very much to become a general officer, something like this will boost his/her/it’s chances greatly.
Subotai Bahadur
This flipping guy…Hopefully everyone has learned not to follow the pied piper just b/c you really like the tune.
Nope, Democrat votes still being cast.
Feds are crooked.
If Epps was NOT a Fed, he’d have gotten 20+ years and would have been Exhibit A in the left’s “insurrection” propaganda.
J6 was transparently an FBI/Dhimmi-crat orchestrated set-up and sabotage dirty tricks operation.
We already know that crone Clinton’s campaign paid Dhimmi-crat agitators to attend rallies for candidate Trump, with explicit instructions to engage in and stir up violence and disruption, in order to paint he and his campaign in a negative light.
The Dhimmi-crats have a long and well-documented history of engaging in this type of chicanery.
His sentence makes it transparently obvious he was a Fed or a Democrat party operative.