Oregon High School Girls Tennis Coaches Resign Because of ‘Boys Playing Girls Tennis’
“They’re boys saying they’re girls. They’re playing a fall sport, come back and playing a girl’s sport and go back to playing a boy’s sport. All they have to do is change the paperwork in the district office.”

David and Judy Brown resigned as head coaches of the girl’s varsity and junior varsity tennis teams at Canby High School in Canby, OR, because of males playing the sport.
“Last night, my wife and I resigned our head coaching positions for varsity and J.V. girls tennis at our high school,” Brown stated Thursday. “I finally reached a point where I had to resign last night because of boys playing girls tennis.”
The coach, who had racked up 667 wins with 423 losses in more than 1,090 tennis and basketball games, argued the mix in competition is “wrong on every level.”
“We’re just not going to support boys playing girls sports,” Brown affirmed. “These are not girls. They’re boys saying they’re girls. They’re playing a fall sport, come back and playing a girl’s sport and go back to playing a boy’s sport. All they have to do is change the paperwork in the district office.”
“We have boys in the locker room watching girls … get ready for practice or a match or a game. How wrong is that for a girl to have to endure something like that?” continued Brown. “What we would have called five or six years ago somebody going to jail is now acceptable in high schools and middle schools. This is absolutely wrong when a girl has to fear this, but she can’t say anything.”
Brown supports his wife Judy, who he considers a “‘pioneer’ for Title IX.”
Brown also urges other adult males to protect these girls.
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Feminists being replaced by gay males. This is what “feminists” want??
Who says they’re gay?
It’s true that many trannies are male homosexuals. But, there are also many male heterosexual mediocrities who are engaging in this obnoxious “trans” behavior purely out of pathological and malignant narcissism, misogyny and a desire to achieve professional plaudits and/or success in women’s sports that would never otherwise be theirs. See the frauds currently masquerading as “Lia” Thomas and “Rachel” Levine, among many others.
Or maybe they’re pulling a scam so that they can get a peek into the girls locker room
Word.. plus they are stronger players. In high school, this is probably a big difference.
If you really think they “only want to peek” at the girls in their locker room you are part of the problem. There have been a number of incidents widely publicised where there was a lot more than “peeking”.
It’s the pinnacle of feminism to allow male LARPers to invade their spaces because shut up, bigot!
They’re not gay. They’re not even transsexuals. They’re normal heterosexual cisgender boys who see a chance to play with the girls in the off season and win, and also to change with the girls and look at them, all with society’s stamp of approval. How could they turn it down?
As he says, “They’re playing a fall sport, come back and playing a girl’s sport and go back to playing a boy’s sport.”
Reminds me of when I was a freshman in high school, of gym class when the freshman playing the seniors in dodge ball. We’ve all been there, and we all know how that went.
played, not playing. Gah.
Now get male college players identifying as high school girl tennis players to play those boys and kick their asses.
IMO these boys should be banned from playing any sports. How can anyone vote for a political party that thinks this is not only OK, but good?
I remember when Canby was just a sleepy little town out in the middle of farmland. It’s still pretty much that today, with about double the population of escapees from the Portland Metro bringing their insanity south with them.
Then there’s this: We thought she was a great teacher
Insanity. It is incredible that I cannot give a kid a bandaid or ibuprofen, but these schools are transitioning kids socially.
Thanks for sharing that article.
“Then there’s this: We thought she was a great teacher”
She is a monster. She has NO right to do this behind the parents backs. She should be arrested for perverting young children.
I remember back in the day when I was at high school we had a inter school competition against the local private school (a very wealthy private school).
Anyway we were supposed to play them at hockey and our team of 12 year olds got absolutely killed by their First XI which included a couple national reps.
When we played them at the end of winter in the return fixture we packed our team with the First XV rugby team (which contained a number of players who went on to play international rugby) and absolutely buried them!
From that point on they never sent their first team ever again to play us and instead sent age appropriate teams.
Clearly what these boys need is to be smashed by other “girls” pretending to be “girls” to remind them that they are boys ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
Good for the Browns…more of this please!
It’s all about gender-allowing the female gender to vote. The strong and able may protect the weak, but it is insanity to give them equal rights in all matters.
God bless the coaches.
I have seen the memes but have actually lived it “Don’t homeschool your kids, they will be socially weird”. My kids are pretty cool while the schools have to deal with the Furries & their litter boxes Lol.
Amen that we did!
I blame the boy’s parents for allowing them to cheat. My son was a high school athlete who through hard work ended up his senior year competing in the CA state championship. He would have never thought to compete against girls and my husband and I would never have allowed it.