Alejandro Mayorkas: Climate Change Contributes to Migrant Surge
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Alejandro Mayorkas: Climate Change Contributes to Migrant Surge

Alejandro Mayorkas: Climate Change Contributes to Migrant Surge

These people have to insert climate change. We all know they mean man-made climate change because the climate has never changed on it’s own! (#sarcasm)

“Dumbs” is my favorite new word because I have to keep my posts clean and family-friendly…unlike my Twitter account (at least until Lent!).

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has the dumbs.

Sir, why did the border patrol encounter over 302,000 migrants in December, setting a new monthly record?

Mayorkas (emphasis mine):

MAYORKAS: “So, we are seeing the greatest number of displaced people not only at our southern border, not only in the Western Hemisphere, but across the globe. You know, I am involved in bilateral and multilateral meetings with my counterparts from foreign countries, in Europe, in Asia, in the Indo-Pacific, all over the world. And migration, the challenge of displaced people, is a subject that comes up in every single conversation. We have the effects of climate change, poverty, increasing level of authoritarianism, the very many challenges that are at the root cause of the displacement of people around the world.”

The dude listed climate change before anything else. Climate change shouldn’t even be on the list, my man.



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We have the effects of climate change

Evidence, please?

Since the climate has been changing for the entire history of the earth, why have these migrant surges started just within the last few years?

    C. Lashown in reply to Ironclaw. | January 3, 2024 at 4:50 pm

    It’s a scam! Flimflammery of the America public to push their biased opinion to gain power and an economic advantage. The perfect example of a Govt. flimflam is the black farmer act:
    “Some 40,000 black farmers are expected to qualify for payments of about $50,000. They have six months to file a claim, but the money won’t be divvied up until all claims have been heard. Boyd says that could take another year. Over the summer nearly 90,000 notices went out to farmers who may qualify for the settlement. Ninety Thousand black farmer in America? A giant pile of manure flowing out from the democrat/liberal/progressive liars.

      Lggardner784 in reply to C. Lashown. | January 3, 2024 at 7:28 pm

      Brings to mind Covid Relief Funds transfers that were later determined to be… well … “erroneously issued” to the tune of BILLIONS. At least this is more targeted to Black Farmers. Does that include Marijuana growers?

    TargaGTS in reply to Ironclaw. | January 3, 2024 at 4:59 pm

    Yep. It’s amazing how many people don’t realize that less than 10K-years ago (a figurative blink of an eye, geologically speaking), what we now call Michigan was under a sheet of ice that was nearly a mile a thick. Lake Erie isn’t even 5K-years old. North America has changed in profound ways. The notion that ‘climate’ is changing today in ways that have never been seen before is so pitifully stupid, it hurts.

    RWRFAN in reply to Ironclaw. | January 3, 2024 at 6:56 pm

    GOP won’t see a penny from me until this piece of shit is impeached! WTF is Congress waiting for?

The entire Biden administration is playing a version of Mad Libs designed for short-busers. You get to fill in the banks of the narrative, but only from a list of administration-approved words. However, you can use them in any order, and in return, you’re authorized to swear to their truth in formal testimony, no matter how hilarious the result.

We are being governed by morons

    TrickyRicky in reply to MarkS. | January 3, 2024 at 4:32 pm

    If only that were the extent of the problem. There are probably many more that are hardcore totalitarians and know EXACTLY what they are doing….and loving it.

    ChrisPeters in reply to MarkS. | January 3, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    It is malevolence at work, not merely incompetence. This is a deliberate effort to destroy the country.

    Regardless, even if all these illegals actually were motivated by so-called “climate change”, the United States is under no obligation to accept any of them. In fact, if the government were doing its primary job of protecting the citizens, the illegals would be turned away at the border, and any who violate our borders would be shot as the invaders they are.

    Ironclaw in reply to MarkS. | January 3, 2024 at 7:21 pm

    Yes, idiocracy wasn’t just a movie, it was a prophecy

Is there anything the greenhouse effect glowball warmening climate change can’t do? I’m waiting for it to be blamed for the Japanese earthquakes and the Icelandic volcano.

Climate change contributes to a greener planet (and by that I mean more vegetation), and more lives saved from cold than are killed due to heat. And that’s it. That’s the sum total of the effect of climate change on the earth.

Why is anyone worried about climate change. Over the last 40 years, no one can point to a single bad climate affect from increased CO2 or increased temps. Not a single thing. Why is anyone worried about climate change? It’s not causing any problems.

If somebody lied to my face like this jackass does the TV cameras, I would punch him right in the throat. He is such a smug looking little c*nt, he is just begging to have his face bashed to a pulp.

No genius. A breakdown of U.S. laws is what keeps third world locusts filling up our country. Coupled with freebies that self serving politicians give said locusts so they can keep their $$$$$, power and votes because there aren’t enough pinheads that will vote for you worms.

Climate change is just another SCAM and set up to bring in even more $$$$$ to greed filled politicians.

Keep it up! We have The American Spirit behind us, and sometime In the not too distant future, that spirit will rise up and let you know good and hard how 55% of the country feels about scum like you.

E Howard Hunt | January 3, 2024 at 5:08 pm


I wish this was Romania, he needs their past rulers treatment.

Will his impeachment be due to climate change?

This is why no weak legislative compromise is possible with the Biden regime on immigration. Whatever is in a bill, no matter how good it sounds, requires a faithful executive to enforce the law. Biden and Mayorkas ain’t that.

The Gentle Grizzly | January 3, 2024 at 6:38 pm

What are his qualifications, aside from the Spanish name?

GOP won’t see a penny from me until this piece of shit is impeached! WTF is Congress waiting for?

Is anybody besides me tired of the people who took charge in their Marxist long march complaining that the system they actively destroyed is broken? I sure as hell am.

To be clear, they’re demanding we join in the destruction they’ve been wreaking for decades. They hate us and somehow think they have the moral authority to demand we commit suicide.

If I rolled my eyes any harder, I would need medical attention.

BierceAmbrose | January 3, 2024 at 8:44 pm

?Migration motivated by climate disorders?


I have been reliably informed that it’s all about racism. Er, I mean equity. Er, I mean Euro-centric imperialism. Er, I mean that evil Western Civilization, grounded in Judeo-Christian ethics.

There. I knew we’d get to The Evil Joooos, eventually.

What a dick

This TURD has to go, NOW.

Fat_Freddys_Cat | January 4, 2024 at 7:58 am

I’ll bet Mayorkas’ favorite song is “It Wasn’t Me” by Shaggy.

I am not an advocate of the man-made climate change agenda, however; I am smart enough to realize the climate is changing. There is no question about that. It did start much of the migration from the Central American countries because they could no longer grow the crops that they depended on for living. I used to have a saying, and still do. When the water rises and your feet start to get wet, it’s time to move. If there is a severe drought that affects your livelihood, where there hasn’t been before, it’s time to move or change your way of supporting yourself. You either adapt or change. So despite you calling Mayorkas dumb, your take on this topic is also stupid. BTW, there is a difference between dumb and stupid. Look it up. I don’t support the Climate change movement that blames humans for causing the change, although I’m sure we contribute. However, the climate will change whether we are here or not. I don’t blame climate change for illegal immigration either. I think some of the illegal immigrants are victims of it, but most aren’t. That is on Biden, Mayorkas, and the liberals. I figure they’re letting them in here so they can tax the hell out of them, so they have money to pay for Social Security for the next generation, which I suspect is you. That’s a little sarcasm, though probably some truth to it.