Masked Members of Students for Justice in Palestine Issue Demands at Rutgers University
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Masked Members of Students for Justice in Palestine Issue Demands at Rutgers University

Masked Members of Students for Justice in Palestine Issue Demands at Rutgers University

“listed new demands for a Rutgers University campus during a press conference Wednesday, which included an order for the school to cut ties with Israel”

This image should make you want to throw up your hands and declare that higher education in America is not worth saving.

The Daily Caller reports:

Masked Students for Justice In Palestine Members Demand Rutgers Cut Ties With Israel In Press Conference

Masked Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) members listed new demands for a Rutgers University campus during a press conference Wednesday, which included an order for the school to cut ties with Israel.

Video footage posted on Twitter by a citizen journalist showed three students covering their faces with what appeared to be keffiyehs, or traditional Arab headscarfs. The students led the press conference at the Rutgers University New Brunswick campus.

The student stood in front of a sign that said, “Rutgers profits off of Palestinian suffering” while calling out the school for previously banning the group and listing new demands they claimed need to be met.

“We recognize the attempted suspension of our organization is nothing short of a political posturing by Rutgers University in response to Zionist pressure. From the beginning, Rutgers knew they could not legally uphold our suspension,” one of the students stated. “In order to silence our just activism the Rutgers administration has treated their Palestinian students with malice and disregard — either reproducing vicious anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia or allowing it to foster when students report it.”

Rutgers University previously suspended the New Brunswick SJP group back in December due to complaints the chapter was allegedly disrupting campus life as well as making students feel unsafe, according to A letter from the school to SJP was leaked to the outlet, and it detailed the allegations from Associate Dean of Students Michelle Jefferson and announced the investigation into SJP.

Watch below:

Featured image via Twitter video.


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Without more info, how is rutgers “profiting” from ties with israel? What is the dollar amount? The BDS movement means what?

If rutgers owns stock in american or european company that does business in israel, must rutgers divest itself of such american or european company stock?

China is the 2nd biggest economy in the world now, and china does business with the world. Would rutgers be required to disinvest itself of stock in chinese companies that do business with israel?

I’m guessing that rutgers, like most universities invests in index funds that hold stock in the top 500 – 1000 companies, and isn’t going to filter out mcdonalds or starbucks because they have handful of outlets in tel aviv.

Should rutgers also apply same investing criteria to muslim countries with their human rights standards that could be considered offensive?

Phillygirl1807 | January 19, 2024 at 1:03 pm

If I had a kid at Rutgers, I would take them out, The intimidation and harm threatened by the SJP makes for a dangerous campus and disruptions to all aspects of college life. With spineless administrators, Rutgers has fallen off a cliff.

For those interested in this story, please see my full thread. I broke this story.

“Demands.” I once worked for a college president who was presented with “demands” and he said, “We don’t respond to demands. The College has a governance process. You can take it there. ” (Or words to that effect.)
They didn’t, because that required work — drafting resolutions or proposed policies, negotiating with stakeholders, preparing a well-supported rationale, and speaking rationally at a meeting where a lot of folks don’t agree with you and where rules of procedure and evidence apply.
More colleges need a president like that.

Brownshirts. Throw the bums out.

Why doesn’t the Dean of Students show up with campus security and ask for proof they are students. Require the masks off so he can compare with a photo id. If you don’t comply security removes you from campus. If you do comply now he has your name and can find some other reason to toss you to the curb.

So now the administration can now do away with SJP for terroristic threatening. SJP leadership or designee’s made “demands” in a manner that historically has been used by terrorists which means they are threats of violence. Threats of violence are reason for immediate expulsion for both individuals and groups.

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to Gremlin1974. | January 20, 2024 at 2:05 pm

    “ This image should make you want to throw up your hands and declare that higher education in America is not worth saving.”

    Well, it did make me want to throw up.

The KKK would hide their identity too.