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JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon Cautions Biden, Dems About Demonizing Trump, MAGA Voters

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon Cautions Biden, Dems About Demonizing Trump, MAGA Voters

Concedes Trump got some things right: “I mean, really, can we just stop that stuff and actually grow up and treat other people with respect and listen to them a little bit?”

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is not a conservative, but he is warning Biden and Democrats that if they continue demonizing Trump and MAGA voters, it could backfire on them.

During an appearance on CNBC this week, he said that people support Trump because they have real concerns about the economy and what is happening at the southern border.

FOX News reports:

Jamie Dimon says Trump ‘wasn’t wrong’ about critical issues, warns Biden campaign on MAGA label

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon praised former President Donald Trump’s handling of the economy, immigration, China and other issues in an interview this week.

Dimon made the comments defending “MAGA” voters during an interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box” on Wednesday.

“When people say ‘MAGA,’ they’re actually looking at people voting for Trump, and they think they’re voting — they’re basically scapegoating them, that you are like him. But I don’t think they’re voting for Trump because of his family values,” Dimon said of the former president.

Dimon hesitated from fully endorsing Trump’s rhetoric on sensitive topics, but said it was clear many voters found value in his first term as president.

“I don’t like how he said things about Mexico […] but he wasn’t wrong about some of these critical issues, and that’s why they’re voting for him,” Dimon told CNBC. “I think people should be a little more respectful of our fellow citizens.”

“I mean, really, can we just stop that stuff and actually grow up and treat other people with respect and listen to them a little bit?” he continued. “I think this negative talk about MAGA is going to hurt Biden’s election campaign.”

Watch the clip below:

This is another great moment:

You can watch the whole segment below:

Will Dimon still be invited to speak on news shows after saying this?

This is all very telling. Dimon is essentially acknowledging the fact that Trump could be reelected and, like any smart business leader, doesn’t want to isolate himself from a possible future administration. As the Bob Dylan song goes, you don’t need a weatherman to know how the wind blows.

Featured image via YouTube.


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People need to stop signalling their dislike for some things he says as some kind of get out of jail card for liking what he did as President (but you know, I still don’t like his mean words 🙄).

You know we had an empty suit for 8 years who could, supposedly, mutter some pretty words but was otherwise a train wreck off promoter….and how’d that all turn out for everyone?

I’d rather someone who speaks what they mean, how ever crudely that may be, any day over someone who can whisper sweet words to your ear while otherwise f88king you up the ass bent over an apple cart.

    It’s one thing to be a straight talker. It’s another to say unnecessarily nasty things to and about people. Three instances that stand out for me were:

    Insulting Ted Cruz’s wife
    Calling McCain a loser for “getting caught”
    Calling the Miss Universe winner “Miss Piggy” for gaining weight

    All were mean and indefensible. I’m sure there were many other similar examples. So if Dimon, or anyone, feels the need to qualify a statement which acknowledges Trump’s achievements, I’m ok with that.

      ChrisPeters in reply to bev. | January 18, 2024 at 8:54 pm

      The schoolyard insults have done little to help Trump. They might possibly help to fire up his base, but his supporters are going to vote for him anyway. On the other hand, voters who are exposed only to such insults and “mean” communications end up thinking the worst of him, confirming what the crooked Left-wing media say about him.

        Have a friend that hates Trump for the mean tweets. I pay little attention to tweets and more to my wallet.
        I like that Trump fights back, little georgie bush gave us oblunder in large part because he never fought back against the lies and slurs oblunder spoke against him.
        Enough of the spineless losers, I want more MTG and Trump beating the fascist far leftwing nutjobs over the head until the cry in their pillow in their transgender wards.

        chrisboltssr in reply to ChrisPeters. | January 18, 2024 at 9:45 pm

        Dude, Trump is winning. Stop being foolish.

        Azathoth in reply to ChrisPeters. | January 19, 2024 at 8:32 am

        “The schoolyard insults have done little to help Trump”


        Tell us, how many billion do you have again? And how many nations have you been elected to lead in the face of attacks from the media, the opponents and your very own party?

        What’s that?



        Then how about you stop acting like you know better.

        Clearly whatever the man’s doing works.

        In both his election victories he won voters of all walks of life–so much so that they had to manufacture votes in an obvious coup.

        They’ve already started doing so for 2024 –because NOTHING seems to work.

        Except whatever it is that Trump’s doing.

      MattMusson in reply to bev. | January 19, 2024 at 7:06 am

      Okay. Trump is an asshole. So? That doesn’t hurt my personal situation. Everyday. Joe Biden and the Democrat agenda do. They hurt this country. Everyday

      Lawlessness has taken away our personal safety. Reckless spending, the flood of insane administrative regulation and the Open Border takes away my children’s future.

      And, since I buy sporting goods at Academy and Bibles at Barnes and Nobels and support conservative candidates, the FBI and DOJ identify me as an extremist and a domestic terrorist.

      You are worried about hurting someone’s feelings. I am worried about saving the country.

        You’re missing the point. I’ll vote for Trump, or whoever the Republican candidate is —even a trained monkey— to get the idiot who’s destroying our country out of the White House. For all the good it will do. Trump lost Virginia twice. And here’s the point: Youngkin was elected a year after Trump lost Virginia. People voted for Youngkin who wouldn’t vote for Trump. Youngkin never mentioned Trump’s name after he had the nomination.

        I don’t care about hurt feelings. I personally don’t really care if Trump is an asshole. I do, however, care if by being an asshole he’s losing votes. Trump’s base isn’t enough to elect him. He needs independents, many of whom don’t follow politics and are more likely to cast a vote based on other factors like personality.

        I sincerely doubt Trump won over a whole lot of voters by calling McCain a loser, but I suspect he lost quite a few. Yes, I know he won in 2016, but I honestly believe he loses many more votes than he gains from his nastiness. Our country cannot afford four more years of Biden and I sincerely hope Trump doesn’t blow it!

    JohnSmith100 in reply to mailman. | January 18, 2024 at 7:41 pm

    “”I don’t like how Trump said things, but he wasn’t wrong about those critical issues.”

    What was so funny was how truth in Trump’s tweets wound up Dems. It was incredible. Some people deserve crud responses. What became clear is that many people value style over substance.

E Howard Hunt | January 18, 2024 at 6:06 pm

A Greek oracle channeling Rodney King.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to E Howard Hunt. | January 18, 2024 at 11:29 pm

    That’s funny. And spot on.

    henrybowman in reply to E Howard Hunt. | January 19, 2024 at 1:48 am

    “JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is not a conservative, but he is warning Biden and Democrats that if they continue demonizing Trump and MAGA voters, it could backfire on them.”

    What a wily prognosticator. Did he need a Magic 8-Ball to predict that, or just the Iowa Caucus results?

You don’t need a weatherman to say which way the wind blows.
Look out,’s something you did. The pump don’t work because a vandal stole the handle.

The problems for the Dems, that’s all they have to run with as a campaign

    chrisboltssr in reply to Fishman. | January 18, 2024 at 6:15 pm

    That’s the same problem the NeverTrumpers face as well. If they could get over their hatred of Trump we would never have needed a primary on 2024.

      No, the problem is that Trump will win, yes, all of the primaries and he will be the Republican nominee. There is no hatred here against Trump. Trump deserves to win because his base made sure of it. The problem is that once Trump wins the primaries, he will definitely lose the general election to Biden or whoever replaces Biden. We all know this is true. If you are honest. Independents and white suburban Republicans, male and female, will never vote for Trump. So Trump will lose the election, just like he lost the last election, not just the popular vote, but also the electoral vote, He did it the last election. But just like the last election, he will never accept any responsibly for losing the election, He will say, once again, that the election was stolen. And we are right back again where we are today. Pathetic. Nobody in America wants this election to be between Trump and Biden. But here we are. Trump will lose, just like he lost before, Biden will win, and this will be the end of America as we know it..

        JohnSmith100 in reply to JR. | January 18, 2024 at 7:51 pm

        I heard the same kind of shit over Hillary. I weighed the merits and as it turned out Trump was far better that any Dem, and better than RINOs.. Half the Republican party and all of the Dems are sorry excuses, and that is why America is in trouble.

        willow in reply to JR. | January 18, 2024 at 8:21 pm

        Trump supporters in the millions are not going to vote for someone they do not want as president to appease Independents and white suburban women. The reality is that Republicans need to do as Democrats do and get behind the nominee. Neither N.H. nor R.D. have a strong enough base; only Trump does. If our country goes to pot with invasion at the border and all else, blame white suburban women and Independents.

        Azathoth in reply to JR. | January 19, 2024 at 8:41 am

        “The problem is that once Trump wins the primaries, he will definitely lose the general election to Biden or whoever replaces Biden.”

        Except he never has.

        Trump won in 2020.

        WE just didn’t do anything to stop the coup.

        We could have. But we allowed ourselves to be swayed by the voices of ‘reason’ who were not using reason at all.

        People acted like successfully stealing the office –while openly bragging about doing so– meant it was legitimate because the Constitution had no remedy for this specific thing.

        Even though we HAVE remedies for what happens when someone commits vote fraud.

        I do not think the steal will work again.

        But I also know that there will be no smooth transition of power.

        War is coming.

I come from the upper Midwest, there were a lot of Italians in the ”family” in the Neighborhood.
I felt safe, but they told as it was and didn’t mince words

I don’t need bs sweet talking and back stabbing, we’ve had decades of that as they destroyed our country and our freedoms.

Replacing us with illegal alien thugs, people bringing in diseases, stealing our money, housing, overwhelming social services and safety nets… all paid for by the American taxpayers.

Anyway, please tell
Me that calling us deplorable, Nazis, right wing murderers is any better than hearing “pussy”?

Subotai Bahadur | January 18, 2024 at 6:18 pm

Dimon told CNBC. “I think people should be a little more respectful of our fellow citizens.”

The problem there is that the Left does not regard us as “fellow citizens” but as helots who should just shut up and do as we are told. When that same contempt is returned to the Left, things will get interesting.

Subotai Bahadur

I seem to remember Chase cancelling banking services for outfits that were insufficiently woke. I wondered if my own account was safe at the time.

It’s only used to play to the party members and scare off independents.
And they won’t stop.

Dimon is giving good advice. The leftists and the ‘Never Trump’ activists constantly yelling that Trump is a big old meanie head will only get them so far with voters.

Trump’s core voters don’t care about the ‘meanie head’ allegations; they revel in it. Other voters are turned off by his abrasive communication style; I suspect this bloc is largely suburban/upper middle to upper class, credentialed white females… probably more than a few soy boy ‘moderates’ as well.

IMO the d/prog Biden campaign will be on:
1. Trump is a big old meanie head (they got too much invested in this to stop)
2. Trump is a ‘loose cannon’; this dovetails with the ‘meanie head’ argument
3. Trump will hurt the economic interests of core d/prog Tribal Groups; Fed Bureaucrats, teachers, grifting NGO
4. Trump gonna round up folks with Hispanic surnames and deport them whether they are here legally or not

They will run a ‘Santa Claus’ campaign parallel to this bringing Student Debt relief back up, promise $ to help sanctuary cities now getting flooded with illegal aliens, put their toe in the water for Universal Basic Income, probably gonna offer some pie in the sky housing promise as well.

This is in addition to the usual the attack of GoP wants to/is; End Medicare/Social.Security, throw grandma off a cliff, Full of all the ‘ists and isms and phobes’ and so on.