Joy Reid Caught Blasting Biden on Hot Mic: ‘Starting Another F*&%ing War’
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Joy Reid Caught Blasting Biden on Hot Mic: ‘Starting Another F*&%ing War’

Joy Reid Caught Blasting Biden on Hot Mic: ‘Starting Another F*&%ing War’

Probably the most honest thing she’s ever said to her audience.


You know what didn’t happen under President Donald Trump? A new war.

Looks like everyone really is ticked off that President Joe Biden is dragging us into another war. Doubtful he’ll go to Congress like he should because the Constitution doesn’t matter.


MSNBC’s Joy Reid didn’t know her microphone was still on when she criticized Biden and used a not-so-kind emphasis word.

Reid introduced a clip, “Over the weekend, President Biden said he’s ready to take action if Congress is serious about solving the border issue.”

The clip of Biden giving a speech in South Carolina played, but then we heard Reid say, “Starting another f*ckin’ war.”

Reid aimed her comment at the escalation in the Middle East. Our commercial and warships face attacks in the Red Sea. Our bases face attacks from drones.

Then, an Iranian-backed drone attack killed three soldiers in Jordan.

It’s also the one time Reid showed honesty with her audience.

But we cannot have that on MSNBC! Cannot criticize Biden!

Reid apologized:

REID: “Before we go, I just want to apologize very quickly. I was chatting during a clip that was playing, and you know, we try to keep this show very PG-13, so I just want to apologize to anyone who was listening to my ‘behind the scenes’ chatter. I deeply, deeply apologize for that.”


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The truth is finally spoken.

Ole Afro-Mama Joy is just setting the black citizens to boot Corn-Pop’s nemesis to the curb for Michael to slide in if the Reaper doesn’t collect him first.
Still waiting on Jimmy-Boy Clyburn to pipe up a dischordant tone.

…and we see once again their extreme foulness of attitude. I’m sick of this content of character that is displayed regardless of skin tone. Revenge is the cold dish so desired by uncivilized savages.

She said something truthful on-air? Isn’t that an immediately fireable offense on MSNBC?

Charming .

thalesofmiletus | January 30, 2024 at 12:52 pm

Thinking her mother smashed her face in the batter when she was little to make Neanderthal cookies.

    Mr. Sanford, I believe you’ve got your cookie recipes confused.

    Well except for that fact that neanderthals four of European origin and the only people that still carry their DNA are generally of northern European origin

    JohnSmith100 in reply to thalesofmiletus. | January 30, 2024 at 9:07 pm

    There are some indications that Neanderthals were quite intelligent, that maybe they were the source of intelligence genes which led in part to smarter humans. A large part of humanity contain those genes.

I’m sure the progs will go right after her when they are done with Tucker for not liking Trump. The hypocrisy is nuttery.

She is the black equivalent of a white David Duke. She is so biased and anti-white that it makes me sick to even see her face. BTW, she is blasting Biden not for retaliation but for doing anything that could lead to a wider war.

    Yet if she was told to, she would get into the ballot box and give Joe Biden* a rim-job while casting her vote straight down the D ticket.

    Useful idiot.

Actually, wouldn’t leveling Iran now prevent another war? Either now, by cutting off all the proxies at the knees; or after Iran gets nuclear weapons (with Israel)?

    thalesofmiletus in reply to jb4. | January 30, 2024 at 2:59 pm

    “Level” Iran? Sure, we’ll just fire a dozen thermonuclear ICBMs at their cities.

    We’ll be hailed as liberators.

    alaskabob in reply to jb4. | January 30, 2024 at 3:09 pm

    That would turn the USA into a terrorist jamboree.. how many Iranian sleeper cells are there?

    Ironclaw in reply to jb4. | January 30, 2024 at 3:25 pm

    And how would you do that? When they have you know a thousand cities in a thousand

      Ironclaw in reply to Ironclaw. | January 30, 2024 at 3:26 pm

      Different mountain valleys all separated with with separate unique infrastructure? In their Mountain fastness, Iran is actually quite secure from attack

      Stuytown in reply to Ironclaw. | January 31, 2024 at 8:09 am

      The people of Iran are largely anti-mullah. The US needs only to destabilize the place, with a strategic bombing. The people of Iran just might finish the job for us.

    CommoChief in reply to jb4. | January 30, 2024 at 6:58 pm

    There would also be a spike in oil and LNG prices as well as increased carriage rates across the board. All leading to more economic problems ….so in an election year I doubt we see much more than cruise missiles wasted on tents in the sand.

Look at this semi-literate, phony and bigoted poser, the vile Reid.

Her died hair, the intellectual stupidity and dishonesty, the undeserved and lucrative media soapboax — it’s nauseating to witness.

Imagine knowing that every single day of your life, you are Joy Reid.

It’d have to be a miserably tormented existence.

She needs to stop appropriating Donald Trump’s hair

wasn’t she the only actress in planet of the apes that didn’t require make-up ? no, come to think of it, there was one other who is now a squad member misappropriating funds