It’s Not About “Palestine” – U.S. Protest Leader Calls “To Destroy Israel” As Pathway “To Destroying Capitalism”
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It’s Not About “Palestine” – U.S. Protest Leader Calls “To Destroy Israel” As Pathway “To Destroying Capitalism”

It’s Not About “Palestine” – U.S. Protest Leader Calls “To Destroy Israel” As Pathway “To Destroying Capitalism”

People’s Forum Director Manolo De Los Santos: “When we finally deal that final blow to destroy Israel. When the state of Israel is finally destroyed and erased from history, that will be the single most important blow we can give to destroying capitalism.”

People’s Forum Director Manolo De Los Santos paused to take in the approval of his audience. During a video of his speech that burned through the Internet, the crowd hooted and cheered as together they envisioned a world without the Jewish state:

When we finally deal that final blow to destroy Israel—when the state of Israel is finally destroyed and erased from history—that will be the single most important blow we can give to destroying capitalism.

Judging by the applause, De Los Santos delivered what his listeners wanted to hear.

And by now, expected to hear. For months, his little-known anti-capitalist group had been spewing anti-Israel rhetoric like this, making a new name for itself by staging disruptive pro-Palestine demonstrations. 

Headquartered in New York City, The People’s Forum describes itself as a “movement incubator for working class and marginalized communities to build unity across historic lines of division at home and abroad”—its goal is supposedly to destroy capitalism. But ever since the October 7th Hamas massacre, the group has shifted its focus to destroying Israel. 

The People’s Forum works hand-in-hand with the pro-Palestinian movement calling for “more marches, walk-outs, sit-ins, and other forms of direct action directed at the political offices, businesses, and workplaces that fund, invest, and collaborate with Israeli genocide and occupation.” It is the notorious co-organizer of the “shut it down for Palestine” protests—barely controlled riots that wreak havoc with regular people’s ability to get through their day: 


There’s hope that law enforcement might finally be getting fed up. The group’s most recent pro-Palestine event ended early after the NYPD arrested De Los Santos and others involved in it:


Founded in 2017 to serve the “working class,” the People’s Forum is funded by big-business dollars from tech millionaire Neville Roy Singham—aka their “Marxist comrade“—and his wife Jodie Evans, both China sympathizers, The Free Press reported in November. Evans is the co-founder of Code Pink, known to Legal Insurrection readers as the mouthpiece for the Chinese regime propaganda we wrote about here. The group reportedly holds more than $13.6 million in total assets.

After funding for the anti-capitalists was traced to a Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund, South Bronx Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) called on the global investment firm to cut its ties with the group, the New York Post reported. But Goldman Sachs told the paper it has no ties to the People’s Forum, nor does it share its values.

Torres compared the People’s Forum to Hamas, which espouses the same kind of genocidal ideology. De Los Santos’s reference to ‘the final blow,’ he said, conjured up Nazi rhetoric about a ‘final solution.’” 

Others pointed out that tolerating De Los Santos’s anti-Israel genocidal rhetoric normalizes it:

And according to @StopAntisemites, a complaint naming De Los Santos was filed with the IRS over its 501(c)(3) not-for-profit status in light of its support for Hamas:

Complaints with the IRS make for bad press, but they are usually dead ends.

De Los Santos of course has refused to apologize for his genocidal threats. In a statement, he said that labeling the group as “antisemitic” is a “propaganda trick by the apologists for genocide”:



They really aren’t antisemites, he insists. In fact, some of their best friends are Jews:

Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism. Everyone who has ever been at The People’s Forum knows that we welcome people of all faiths and backgrounds who are committed to the struggle for justice.or 100 days, we have proudly marched and organized with hundreds of thousands of people in New York and across the country, many of them Jewish people who stand in the proud tradition of anti-fascism and anti-Zionism, who have rightly declared that the State of Israel, by falsely associating its crimes with the Jewish faith, make Jewish people less safe, not more safe.

Meanwhile, De Los Santos and his comrades have been released from police custody:


And “him and his comrades” no doubt will soon be back on the streets, because what better way to show your solidarity with the working class than to shut it all down for Palestine?


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“shut it all down for Palestine”

That is a good idea, clean out Palestine so that Jews can have peace.

So just like their late great allies the Nazis.
Fascists want what they always want. Dead Jews and everyone else enslave or dead with them.

Conservative Beaner | January 21, 2024 at 8:49 pm

The Peoples Forum. Just another group of communist.

Manolo De Los Santos needs to strap on his AK-47 and go to Gaza to fight for Hamas.

Marxist through and through

If Los Santos gets all the destruction he wants, he most likely won’t live long enough to see what he has wrought.

I am guessing that he never had a real job or made a tangible contribution to society.

JackinSilverSpring | January 21, 2024 at 11:46 pm

These people are insane. Capitalism and freedom go together. Capitalist economies have done more to raise people out of poverty than any other system. Socialism is by definition incompatible with freedom. How can one be free in a socialist economy when the government forces people to do its bidding irrespective of what the people want? Take any socialist economy and you will find unfree people.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to JackinSilverSpring. | January 22, 2024 at 9:34 am

    Apparently, Capitalism has raised the wealth of anti-Capitalist front groups to spew their hatred and no sense.

    I guess the old saw “a rising tide raises all boats,” applies to even those who seek to stop a rising tide.

thalesofmiletus | January 22, 2024 at 1:00 am

I must admit that I did not have Islamo-Communism on my 2024 bingo card.

The Arabic word for slave is ‘abed’. It means ‘black’. They are still slaves to Arabs, it seems.

    JackinSilverSpring in reply to puhiawa. | January 22, 2024 at 7:10 am

    That’s interesting. The Hebrew word is “eved” which is essentially the same word, but it does not mean black.

But, does he even know what capitalism is? He probably doesn’t. Capitalism is a system of economic equations that define how an unregulated market works when it has many players (buyers and sellers). Perhaps he means free enterprise. If so, he would be against freedom (In other words, a useful idiot) and in support of the elite.

    diver64 in reply to InEssence. | January 22, 2024 at 3:51 am

    He knows full well what capitalism is. He is going where the money is and right now is making bank with this. When Israel finally deals with Hamas and the whole thing is off the front page, the money will dry up and he will find a new schitck.

I just “love” it when these hate filled people say the “love us” but just hate zionists. Sure they “love” good little Jews that they can control , who have no power or agency in life. Yeah we don’t need their kind of “love” – no thank you. It’s like the abusive partner who keeps professing their love to you while smacking you around.

    Edward in reply to schmuul. | January 22, 2024 at 1:11 pm

    That I only hate the Zionism but love the Jews routine is cover for communist Jews to feel better about supporting people and an ideology who/which would ship them to the gulag in a heartbeat if the opportunity presented itself.

Two things I simply just don’t understand. First is how did we ever get to the point where our leadership would ever allow such garbage to be allowed in our city streets. The second thing I don’t and really can’t understand is how the cops, and not them but the rest of us have sat back and allowed that leadership to continue.

One would think that the average citizen would get sick of this pretty fast, and would be right there with the average cop, who I would think is also pretty sick of not just this, but criminals walking as well, not just from bad leadership but bad judges, bad elected officials, and so on…

I’m simply amazed that between us we have not risen up together and just put a stop to it, just a full stop to it, working together, removed a few of them, put some of the corrupt officials in jail cells with criminal charges, corrupt higher up cops that were in charge in jail with criminal charges, and so on…

Esp. in a place like N.Y., and that right there would have sent a message to the other States, ‘Hey, we did it here, no reason you guys can’t do it there’…

No reason this couldn’t have been done, but it would have had to have been done a while back. I shed tears for us now…

    SField in reply to greyfur. | January 22, 2024 at 8:34 am

    There are places like that. My conservative town deep in red state territory doesn’t have these problems because law enforcement and the citizenry will not allow it.

We can find lunatics under almost every rock. Especially in New York City. Why give them any publicity?

    docduracoat in reply to Sultan. | January 22, 2024 at 10:22 am

    It is only in democrat run, soft on crime cities that these lunatics can block traffic.
    Preventing working people from earning their pay and emergency workers getting to victims.

    In red states, protest is allowed but disrupting traffic is a crime.
    And the public would get out of their cars and drag these people out of the road.
    And probably administer an educational beat down

Capitalist-Dad | January 22, 2024 at 9:58 am

Never heard of this leftist dummy and don’t care what he “thinks.” He’s advocating replacing a totally voluntary system with one that is totally coercive. That’s all we need to know to dismiss him, ridicule him, or both.

I think it is a form of justice for Mr. Manolo De Los Santos to harass, annoy and generally shut down the loyal woke voters in NY.

Face: punchable, check.

1. Destroy Israel
3. Capitalism destroyed

Reminds me of the business plan of the underpants gnomes.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to DaveGinOly. | January 22, 2024 at 12:02 pm

    Deep in the dark heart of modern antisemitism is the belief that bankster Jews control everything; the financial world, the governments (particularly the US) all the larger corporations. Jews have started all the wars, own higher education and control all the media. They have complicated explanation as to why modern Jews are not genetically Jews of the Bible and hence are no longer the Chosen People of God.

    Under this delusion of the All-Powerful Jew, destroying Israel and killing the Jews would cause an incalculable change in the world, and since they are all about destruction this appeals to their inner angry adolescent.

    I didn’t say it made sense.

      You are so right: Hate doesn’t have to make sense, and generally never does. After all these haters, despise Jews for being “all powerful” while simultaneously promoting the idea that Jews are weak, whiny and complain too much. You can’t make it make sense.

Fat_Freddys_Cat | January 22, 2024 at 12:05 pm

It’s interesting to me how more and more the Left is not attempting to conceal their intentions any more. They must believe that their moment has come.

This guy and his club are Complete Castro Communists, according to his own website:

The latest edition of BLM?

Look at the placards at any protest for the past 25 years–all organized by orgs like ANSWER coalition, revolutionary socialists all

Per Students for a Democratic Society (SDS): “The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”

BierceAmbrose | January 24, 2024 at 6:02 pm

So, this guys thinks Hamas should maybe be targeting Israeli financial sector skyscrapers with their rockets? (Airplanes are so 20 years ago.)