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Israel: One Dead, Dozens Injured in Car Ramming, Stabbing Terrorist Attack, Two Palestinians in Custody

Israel: One Dead, Dozens Injured in Car Ramming, Stabbing Terrorist Attack, Two Palestinians in Custody

The two terrorists killed a 70-year-old woman.

***Breaking Story! I will update as more information comes in!

Israeli police have arrested two men from Hebron, a Palestinian city in the West Bank, in connection with a terror attack in Ra’anana, located 12 miles north of Tel Aviv.

Muhammad Zaidat, 44, and Ahmed Zaidat, 24, are related to each other.

The car-ramming and stabbing terrorist attack killed one person and left dozens dead.

Authorities have not named the 70-year-old woman the terrorists killed.

The terrorist attack occurred at three locations:

A terrorist stabbed a woman while another terrorist stole a car and proceeded to carry out ramming attacks in several locations, Israel Police confirmed. The terrorist swapped vehicles three times after crashing, the police stated. The terrorists were Muhammad Zaidat, 44, and Ahmed Zaidat, 24, both from Hebron and were later arrested.

Two people were slightly injured after being run over on Haroshet Street, where a 66-year-old man was also seriously stabbed.

An additional fifteen people were injured to varying degrees, including a 34-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy in serious condition with head injuries, as a result of the ramming on Ahuza Street, the main street of the city. Seven of those injured were reportedly children.

Authorities confirmed both men were in Israel illegally, “working in the city’s industrial zone recently.”


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johnny dollar | January 15, 2024 at 9:18 am

I don’t ever want to hear again about the so-called “two state solution”.
You can’t live in peace with another nation composed largely of psychopathic islamic murderers.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to johnny dollar. | January 15, 2024 at 12:55 pm

    Two-state solution. Ceasefire. None of it should be on the table at this point. You can’t live in peace with another nation composed of psychopathic islamic murderers gunning for your extinction. That’s for sure.

Unlawful combatants aren’t “taken into custody”. This is war, not a law enforcement issue.

And these two monsters will be celebrated as heroes by the terrorist sympathizers infesting various school campuses here in the US. Two grown men injure a bunch of people, then what do they manage to do? Murder a defenseless elderly lady.

Yeah, they’re real heroes. Sick bastards.

Have the two terrorists been offered honorary Harvard PhDs yet? They have apparently satisfied the core criteria. What’s the holdup?

    guyjones in reply to Q. | January 15, 2024 at 9:53 am

    These Muslim supremacist/terrrorist/Islamofascist thugs will be offered honorary membership in the Dhimmi-crat National Committee, too.

    smooth in reply to Q. | January 15, 2024 at 9:55 am

    They will become professor with $900k salary. Claudine gay is smiling.

Whomever they were working for needs to be arrested and charged as accessory to murder.

On a side note, please take a moment to proofread before posting.

“The car-ramming and stabbing terrorist attack killed one person and left dozens dead.”


Lucifer Morningstar | January 15, 2024 at 12:30 pm

Two Palestinians Gazan terrorists in Custody


And why. Why exactly are they in custody. They are enemy combatants that have targeted innocent Israeli civilians and should be dealt with in a manner that would preclude them from ever committing such crimes again. (Hint: Blindfold, Wall, Gun).

    After they wring them for information, those terrorists should be shot. How about a new Russian roulette like game, where every chamber has a bullet, but the point of impact changes. Maybe start with their gonads, and lecture them about how there are no virgins for them?

    Death will cure one person, what will cure the group? I question rather they can be cured.

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to JohnSmith100. | January 15, 2024 at 1:15 pm

      How to cure the group? Well first, stop glorifying their actions. Just eliminate the terrorists without comment. Without publicity. Without announcement. Make them disappear without a trace leaving Hamas and the rest of the Arab terrorists wondering what the heck happened to their martyrs to the cause. Because that’s what Hamas and their supporters and other Arab terrorist want. Publicity. So you don’t give them any. They’ve got two terrorists in custody? Fine. Eliminate them, cremate their bodies, throw the ashes in an anonymous, unmarked area and be done with it. Don’t give them the dignity of names. Don’t give them anything. Just disappear them without comment. Absent any publicity Hamas and their supporters will have nothing for their propaganda machine and even less to use to stir up their suicidal followers. Shutdown the terrorist propaganda machine and you’ve accomplished a lot in the war against Hamas and other Arab terrorists.

      (Of course, I fully expect the above comment to put me into automatic moderation. But I’m going to make it anyway. and see what happens.)

      Crawford in reply to JohnSmith100. | January 15, 2024 at 3:48 pm

      They should be forced to play Russian Roulette with a Glock.

Israel’s home demolitions after terrorist attacks, explained (Feb 2023)

Less than a hour after a terror attack in eastern Jerusalem on Friday killed three people, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a succinct message: Destroy the Palestinian attacker’s home.

“Prime Minister Netanyahu has decided to take immediate action to seal and demolish the home of the terrorist,” said the statement from Netanyahu’s office.

Home demolition orders have almost become a matter of course following Palestinian attacks. They don’t usually make headlines, nor do they tend to spark public outcry. For decades, Israel has used the tactic as a routine instrument of punishment, claiming that the effect of tearing down the homes of terrorists deters future attacks.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to PostLiberal. | January 15, 2024 at 10:13 pm

    Good news, but maybe they should also tear his extended family’s homes down., and expel all of them. It is likely that they are just as bad.

BierceAmbrose | January 16, 2024 at 9:19 pm

Was that a military assault vehicle, with a high-capacity clipazine and a thing that goes up?