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Illegal Immigrants Landing in San Diego’s Upscale La Jolla Area Makes Waves on Social Media

Illegal Immigrants Landing in San Diego’s Upscale La Jolla Area Makes Waves on Social Media

La Jolla is known to be a bastion of blue in the San Diego area. I hope they give their new neighbors the “Sanctuary State” welcome that their votes have paved the way create.

There has been a great deal of social media coverage about Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s countering of Biden’s toxic immigration insanity.

And as the Lone Star State seals off its border, illegal immigrants are now breaking into this country through Arizona and California.

One group was bold enough to land in San Diego’s upscale neighborhood of La Jolla.

Their landing was captured on video.

More than 20 migrants were filmed storming the beach on Wednesday morning and disappearing into the southern California enclave, where homes go for a median price of $2.2million.

The exclusive footage was shot by NewsNation’s National Correspondent Jorge Ventura. It shows the migrants arriving on the shore on some sort of boat, before they take off running into the neighborhood in San Diego, the largest city on the Mexican border.

The area residents made a grab for the gas cans to avoid spillage. There are reports there were vans waiting for the immigrants, who dashed into the nearby neighborhood.

A police vehicle on the scene sounds its siren, prompting the immigrants to scatter towards nearby homes.

It remains unclear if the group has been apprehended.

The boat, reportedly laden with gas cans, collided with the rocks, spilling them into the ocean and on the beach, according to reports by Times of San Diego.

The impact prompted residents to brave the chilly surf, recovering the cans to prevent fuel leaks, the outlet reported.

TMZ produced a video summary of the event and obtained some witness reactions.

As you can see, several occupants from the boat come running up the beach onto the road above — with a bunch of bystanders watching them in plain view, mind you — and they start making their way into the nearby seaside neighborhood … there were even kids in the mix.

As onlookers took it all in with shock … it seems there were even some first responders who saw it happen too. You can hear sirens from some sort of vehicle, presumably a lifeguard.

As the cameraman notes … they don’t seem too eager to stop ’em, although it’s unclear if they did. It’s also unknown if these folks were eventually approached/apprehended. Of course, it’s worth pointing out that La Jolla is in San Diego County … a place of sanctuary here in the States, and where migrants can technically come and seek refuge/asylum.

The San Diego area has already taken in over 42,000 “asylum seekers” since last September.

From September through November, U.S. border authorities have dropped off more than 42,000 people on San Diego County streets with no direction or assistance, county officials said.

This is an unusual situation for a region like San Diego, where charities are used to hundreds, but not tens of thousands, of migrant arrivals. Often these asylum seekers are left at bus and trolley stops, instead of being transported to where they can get assistance.

The situation quickly overwhelmed Mills’ church and many other nonprofits, prompting the San Diego County Board of Supervisors in October to spend $3 million for migrant support services. The funds came from what’s left of the $650 million the federal government sent San Diego County for the COVID-19 pandemic.

The county awarded the entire $3 million to a South Bay nonprofit. Its officials said that money will run out by the end of December.

La Jolla is known to be a bastion of blue in the San Diego area. I hope they give their new neighbors the “Sanctuary State” welcome that their votes have paved the way to create. The new residents are really going to enjoy California’s enhanced Medicaid program as well.

At this rate, I will truly be a foreign correspondent for Legal Insurrection in no time!


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E Howard Hunt | January 29, 2024 at 9:24 am

What time were cocktails served?

My father was in the Marines. Back in the 50’s they were doing a defensive FTX on a beach near San Diego. About 4 in the morning they hear boats landing on the beach. Thinking it was the aggressors, they let loose with everything they had. Turned out to be a boatload of illegals. They rounded them up and gave them a trip back.

As always, the news leaves out any mention or analysis of, or answers to, the most pertinent questions:

— why are Chinese men coming across our border?
— how’d they get there?
— who paid to get them there?
— are they ‘Chinese’ as in from the PRC? From where did they come?
— where are the Chinese women and children refugees?

Lucifer Morningstar | January 29, 2024 at 10:11 am

And as the Lone Star State seals off its border, illegal immigrants are now breaking into this country through Arizona and California.

No sympathy. No sympathy whatsoever. About time Arizona and especially California got to deal directly with the flood of illegal aliens entering the country. Eagerly awaiting the response from Gov. Newsom and Gov. Hobbs response to the flood of illegals entering their states. Will they welcome the illegals with open arms or will they be NIMBYs and condemn the Biden regime for failing to enforce existing federal immigration laws.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to Lucifer Morningstar. | January 29, 2024 at 2:40 pm

    Oh come on. The down sides of these virtue signals are all carefully designed to land on Les Deplorables, only. It’s a two-fer.

    When the huddling masses start showing up on the overlords’ doorsteps, the scheme has failed. See also the 35 head one-time “invasion” of Martha’s Vineyard… where the feds dispatched national guard to move the interlopers out, contra Texas where the feds are dispatching anyone they can get away with to hold the door open.

    You wanna fix the immigration system? People deserve to pursue a better life? Fine. How about “rig” it so 5,000 a day can come in legally, safely, healthily?

Lucifer Morningstar | January 29, 2024 at 10:14 am

The funds came from what’s left of the $650 million the federal government sent San Diego County for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Isn’t that illegal? I was not aware that any remaining covid funds were allowed to be diverted to other uses now that the pandemic is over.

So absent the senate “border” bill, the Biden administration is powerless to stop this? Horse followed by shit.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Concise. | January 30, 2024 at 12:54 pm

    All the Biden regime has to do is enforce the existing federal immigration laws that are on the books. He does not need further “authority” or “funding” to do so. The Biden regime is simply attempting to shift the blame for the border debacle away from themselves and onto the Republicans in the House.

They abandoned a perfectly good panga motorboat, and a very large outboard motor.
Could I just come and collect the panga and the motor?

    It was a reasonable investment on their part. What’s the cost of the boat and motor compared to 20 lifetimes of FREE! FREE! FREE! stuff from the US Government?

That clip reminds me of footage I saw of Hamas terrorists landing on an Israeli beach at the start of the October 7th attacks. They were outfitted in black, hauling ass, beached their boat, dismounted and advanced forward.

Fortunately, the IDF killed that group.

These scumbags here meet curious onlookers and passive non-resistance when landing on the shores of America. Disgusting.

The folks in La Jolla almost certainly put politicians into office who laid out the welcome mat. They and everyone else who wanted this situation of open borders can bend over and take what is coming to them. Alternatively they could stop voting for weak kneed open borders activists and STFU about their ‘superior’ morality.

With Ronald Reagan, we had “morning in America”. With Biden and the Marxist Democrats, it’s now “twilight in America”.

Joe Biden channeling Winston Churchill…ah, not so much:

“We shall welcome them on the beaches, we shall welcome them on the landing grounds, we shall welcome them in the fields and in the streets, we shall welcome them in the hills; we shall always surrender.”

How the world has changed.

Gov newscum giving free hotel rooms, work permits, health insurance, driver license. CA cities turning into 3rd world ghettos overnight!

Invasion of military aged men.. no families.. if people become too civilized to do what is necessary to survive in an uncivilized world, they are not going to survive.

That’s exact landing spot is the small, semi-secluded beach area halfway between the famous Windansea surf spot and Big Rock. Right at Neptune Place and Kolmar Street, in case anyone’s interested in looking at the area on GoogleMaps. One of the places in La Jolla where locals go to avoid the tourist crowds.

Multi-million-dollar condos and 8-figure beachfront homes.