Harvard President Claudine Gay Starts New Year With Six New Plagiarism Allegations
A different Gay publication appears in the allegations: “The Effect of Minority Districts and Minority Representation on Political Participation in California.”

Happy New Year, Harvard President Claudine Gay!
The anonymous whistleblower filed a new complaint with Harvard, calling into question six more possible incidents of plagiarism in Gay’s works.
The whistleblower, who first went to The New York Post in October, also lashed out at Harvard for using lawyers to intimidate the newspaper and the whistleblower.
The whistleblower said those actions are exactly why they are anonymous and won’t come forward (emphasis by the whistleblower):
Even worse, the New York Post reports that Gay and Harvard “threatened to use legal means to out who had supplied the comparisons,” a shocking admission that Gay and Harvard sought to retaliate against me personally. At one point Gay and Harvard asked the Post, “Why would someone making such a complaint be unwilling to attach their name to it?” I was unwilling because I feared that Gay and Harvard would violate their policies, behave more like a cartel with a hedge fund attached than a university, and try to seek “immense” damages from me and who knows what else. Since I’ve answered their lawyer’s stupid question, allow me to ask a reasonable question of my own. Why would an institution assessing allegations made in good faith, and ultimately substantiated, threaten to use its enormous resources to expose the identity of a whistleblower? Did Gay wish to personally thank me for helping her to improve her work even if I drove her harder than she wanted to be driven? Gay and Harvard sought to silence and retaliate against a journalist and a whistleblower.
Retaliating against those who make complaints violates Harvard’s policy: “Harvard community members may not retaliate in any way against complainants, witnesses, the RIO, or committee members.”
“They [Gay and members of the Harvard Corporation] should all be investigated for retaliation against a misconduct complainant (Inquiry 3),” wrote the whistleblower. “As should any other Harvard personnel who were privy to this extraordinary abuse of Harvard’s power and institutional resources to pursue a personal vendetta and to cover up a decades-long pattern of research misconduct. If Gay authorized these threats without consulting with the board, the board should tell us.”
The Washington Free Beacon‘s Aaron Sibarium reported the new complaint on Monday night.
A different Gay publication popped up in the new allegations: “The Effect of Minority Districts and Minority Representation on Political Participation in California.”
Sibarium said the allegations include “some of the most extreme and clear-cut cases of plagiarism yet.”
Most of the alleged plagiarism comes from the book Race, Redistricting, and Representation: The Unintended Consequences of Black Majority Districts, written by David Canon and published in 1999.
At one point, Gay borrows four sentences from Canon’s 1999 book, “Race, Redistricting, and Representation,” without quotation marks and with only minor semantic tweaks. She does not cite Canon anywhere in or near the passage, though he does appear in the bibliography. pic.twitter.com/CBfXNN5d8T
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) January 2, 2024
Beyond that, Gay’s first two footnotes are copied verbatim from Canon’s endnotes. pic.twitter.com/SH3gFsA1aB
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) January 2, 2024
Canon insisted Gay did nothing wrong. He told Sibarium, “I am not at all concerned about the passages. This isn’t even close to an example of academic plagiarism.”
The complaint includes more supposed plagiarism in Gay’s 1997 dissertation, “Taking Charge: Black Electoral Success and the Redefinition of American Politics.”
These plagiarism allegations come from Frank Gilliam’s article “Exploring Minority Empowerment: Symbolic Politics, Governing Coalitions and Traces of Political Style in Los Angeles” and Gary King’s book A Solution to the Ecological Inference Problem: Reconstructing Individual Behavior from Aggregate Data.
King served as Gay’s dissertation adviser.
The allegations filed Monday also include more material from Gay’s dissertation, which has already received three corrections. In one of the new examples, Gay lifts a full sentence from her thesis adviser, Gary King, to describe a mathematical model. pic.twitter.com/8lw4FkCee2
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) January 2, 2024
The rest of the new examples center on a 1996 paper by Frank Gilliam, “Exploring Minority Empowerment: Symbolic Politics, Governing Coalitions and Traces of Political Style in Los Angeles,” that Gay repeatedly quotes without attribution, changing just a few words here or there. pic.twitter.com/Ag12jHtf84
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) January 2, 2024
Those passages describe big-picture findings and do not include technical verbiage. Gilliam, now the chancellor of the University of North Carolina-Greensboro, did not respond to a request for comment. pic.twitter.com/r0Mh22XYjC
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) January 2, 2024
The new complaint comes as an increasing number of Harvard students are speaking out against Gay, arguing that she has been held to a lower standard than the average undergraduate for examples like this one: pic.twitter.com/mOg6zG4rJ2
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) January 2, 2024
King and Gilliam did not respond to Sibarium for a comment.

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“The Effect of Minority Districts and Minority Representation on Political Participation in California.”
She’s a “doctor” of Affirmative Action. And still she had to cheat? What a pathetic joke.
Come on man, she has a doctorate in “Racial grievances”, highly sought after by Marxist colleges. Real world industry? Not so much…
“But, look at how diverse our incompetent administration is!”
There are a staggering number of other AA hires who are just as bad. Huge inefficiencies related to promoting incompetent people over race.
No doubt. It would be an interesting topic for study… to what extent does AA drag down the efficiency of the American economy? At a macro level, I wonder if it could be realistically quantified in terms of reduced GDP.
Then there are the negative impacts at a human level; patients who die due to inept care, accidents caused by idiots hired into sensitive engineering positions, etc.
Our system should be a ruthless meritocracy, anything less costs money and lives.
15% of Blacks have an IQ 100 and up. That means that 10% might be college material. compare that to my personal experience that 80-90% of AA hires are duds.
She’s vile.
“Canon insisted Gay did nothing wrong. He told Sibarium, “I am not at all concerned about the passages. This isn’t even close to an example of academic plagiarism.”
What did Harvard pay him to state such blatant lunacy?
“What did Harvard pay him to state such blatant lunacy?”
Perhaps nothing… who is to say that Canon himself did not lift passages from other publications?
Copy & Paste is so easy even a Harvard president can do it!
I am stunned that the Harvard Corp hasn’t at least removed Gay temporarily and replaced her with a committee pending full investigation of these charges. To leave her in power while these charges mount speaks volumes about the leadership of Harvard Corp.
Stalling in not good. Inactivity is not good. It would appear there is enough basis to terminate for cause. I can’t fathom a valid reason to continue like this on limbo.
Harvard is such a fraud.
If Harvard had anything uniquely positive to offer the world, then Boston and Massachusetts would have noticeably, demonstrably better quality of life than the rest of America.
And municipalities from all over the country would be sending delegations to emulate their magic
Turns out Harvard’s way is
unapologetic plagiarism (Gay),
unapologetic racism (Wu, Boston mayor and Harvard grad),
and unapologetic deception for career/financial gain (Senator Warren)
These are just obvious examples that we know about.
Where are the accreditation bodies?
What’s that old saying? Where there’s smoke there’s fire — oh, probably Qatar pays for them too
The plagiarism isn’t too bad, it’s just a little bit. She didn’t mean to copy too much … Like infidelity – if it’s not too much, it’s okay right?
BTW, this is the real issue. Plagiarism as a sign of moral weakness is just a signpost.
And this NY Post article is where this sign points …. Ironically, it’s her original work that might be the real problem.
Original as in making stuff up.
At least she didn’t plagiarize her fraud, right? (if indeed these allegations pan out. which they probably will)
What is a Harvard degree worth over a lifetime of earning? Surely millions.
Bring on the lawsuits by anyone and everyone ever kicked out of Harvard for plagiarism.
What was a Harvard degree worth over a lifetime? Surely millions. But with the mounting scandal over Gay’s apparent plagiarism on most, if not all, her papers that value is rapidly diminishing. Harvard degrees aren’t going to be looked at as favorably as they might once have been. All courtesy of the Harvard Corp.
So bring on the lawsuits by anyone and everyone kicked out of Harvard for plagiarism and all those graduates that feel that Harvard Corp. has reduced the perceived value of their degrees in the workplace and thus damaged their careers.
I’m enjoying seeing Harvard get torched because they won’t terminate a Jew-hating, plagiarizing mediocrity. A decision which is based entirely on skin color.
These allegations do not appear to be going away. If anything more and more is coming to light, thus making it harder to justify her staying on in her current role.
The secret here is not to let up on her. Force Harvard to act!
The Harvard board consists of race cucks in complete thralldom to their Nubian queen.
“Race cucks”
What a pathetic loser you are.
Doesn’t matter
She is legal liability.
Putting aside Gay’s scholarship (or lack thereof) for a moment, we should see this as a microcosm of the enormous scam that universities have become.
I attended my daughter’s grad school graduation ceremony (her degree was in health care) and I couldn’t help but notice that many of the Ph.D. dissertations dealt with nonsense such as race, gender, sexuality issues as they relate to the student – essentially they got Ph.D.s based upon arguments pointing out how difficult it was for them to get a Ph.D.
I wouldn’t hire a single one of them, not that they’re qualified for anything in the first place.
She is a shining example of what you get with affirmative action and the false promotion of race. Imagine all of the positions across America that have people like her in charge! God help us when they reach the WH! Oh wait, they did.
It shouldn’t be difficult to conduct a blinded audit of the academic contributions and real-life achievements of Harvard’s
(i) full professors
(ii) associate professors,
(iii) assistant professors
— by race, sex, county/country of origin, even religion.
And maybe use Hillsdale or a Saudi university for comparison.
Or use Harvard’s own data from say 25 years ago for comparison.
While we’re at it, perhaps somebody could compare the real-world contributions of Harvard students in 2024 vs say 2004 vs 1984.
Or the real-world accomplishments of those who get admitted to Harvard vs those who apply but do not get admitted.
Doesn’t the taxpayer have a right to know how tax-exempt harvard utilizes its tax benefits
Do the Boston Bruins use the same DEI standards that harvard does when selecting its hockey team? starters? captains? If not, why not?
Does anybody from harvard corporation or harvard faculty consult with Boston Red Sox or new england patriots when they decide on draft picks? Or who makes their teams? Or gets sent down to minor league?
If not why not
If so then what benefits have accrued
Does the U.S. Olympic team have DEI requirements? Guidelines?
Imagine if the Beatles had been required to diversify? For the common good? In the name of equity across British society? So that they would not have been just four white boys from Liverpool.
(Who never attended any college of music btw nor of anything else)
When will American families just walk away from all of this insanity?
And………………she’s gone.
Harvard Crimson, according to reports, is set to resign. I’m betting “terms of the settlement are undisclosed.”
She’ll get to be a talking head on CNN/MSNBC.
This is actually a plus for Woke Haavaad.
Claudine was only a “2” (woman, black) for HR and the woke crowd. Her last name doesn’t really count for being a gay person (making her a “3”).
Haavaad is now, after her resignation, free to find a 3 to be even more woke. In fact, the world is their oyster with possible 4s or even 5s. Black, female, lesbian, physically disabled, mentally disabled and partial native American and Jewish ancestry. That would be a wet dream for Human Resources at Haavaad. Who cares if she can do anything (the hated white males can do that in the background).
I suggest RuPaul for the next Harvard president. He/She checks about as many affirmative action boxes as possible.
Claudine Gay is a good example of the principle that you can hire an AA person to be a figurehead, but if you want someone to excel at a job you need to hire the most qualified person, regardless of their race or sex.